Computing-Machinery I Assignment 4-Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Objective The objective of this assignment is to practice using 2D arrays and structures in ARMv8 assembly. New Skills needed for this assignment • Ability to work with 2D arrays in ARMv8 assembly • Ability to use structures in ARMv8 assembly Note You may re-use some of your code from Assignment 2. Overview Your program…

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The objective of this assignment is to practice using 2D arrays and structures in ARMv8 assembly.

New Skills needed for this assignment

• Ability to work with 2D arrays in ARMv8 assembly

• Ability to use structures in ARMv8 assembly


You may re-use some of your code from Assignment 2.


Your program will simply generate a table of random positive integers. Each integer must not exceed 16. The dimensions of this M×N table are to be specified by the user through command line arguments. M and N should be between 4 and 16.


This is an emulation of a search engine.

1 – Your program will randomly create a table of integers and display it on the screen. The rows of this

table represent text documents, and the columns represent words that may exist in these text documents.

Each cell with coordinates [i,j] in the table represents the number of occurrences of word j in document i.

The frequency of a word j in a document i is j’s number of occurrences * 100 in doc i / size of document i

The size of document i (row i) is the sum of occurrences of all its words (sum of all columns in row i).

2 – Your program stores the table on the stack. It needs also to compute and store for each document i the index and the frequency of its most frequent word as a structure on the stack.

3 – For each document, the index of its most frequent word, the number of occurrences and its frequency must be displayed.


• Note: The lead TA may provide further submission instructions.

• Name your programs assign4.asm

• Create a script file assign4.script. The script file must contain a GDB session.

• Submit a README file providing extra instructions or information for your TA (optional)

• Submit your work to the appropriate dropbox on D2L.

Late Submission Policy

Late submissions will be penalized as follows:

-12.5% for each late day or portion of a day for the first two days

-25% for each additional day or portion of a day after the first two days

Hence, no submissions will be accepted after 5 days (including weekend days) of the announced deadline.


Computing Machinery I

Assignment 4 Rubric







Code compiles



Code runs



Random 2D array



Index of the most frequent

word (15points) and its


frequency (15points) for each






User interface (input validation,

implementing all features)




Use of structures



Use of an array of structures



Script file



Code readability (formatting

and documentation)




Total Points



Computing-Machinery I Assignment 4-Solution
$30.00 $24.00