COSC:Checking Referential Integrity and Normalization in a Relational Database-Solution

$35.00 $29.00

Introduction You will develop a program that generates SQL statements (SELECT + temp tables) to check referential integrity and normalization (simplified). The input is a database consisting of a set of SQL tables (relations) with one primary key (PK) for each table, as well as foreign keys. Each table may have candidate keys, not specified.…

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  • Introduction

You will develop a program that generates SQL statements (SELECT + temp tables) to check referential integrity and normalization (simplified).

The input is a database consisting of a set of SQL tables (relations) with one primary key (PK) for each table, as well as foreign keys. Each table may have candidate keys, not specified. To simplify processing, we assume all keys are simple keys (one column). The schema of the tables will be given as a text file, with one table per line. The actual tables with data will be already stored in the database. While your program must generate a short output text file, most processing will be done with SQL queries.

The output is a single text file showing if each table has referential integrity and if it is normalized or not (on ther normal form indicated below). More details below.

  • Program requirements

Your program will generate SQL code based on input tables whose basic schema and referential integrity constraints (foreign keys) are defined in a simple text file.

  1. Referential integrity:

For each table the program must state if referential integrity is correct: Y/N. Since the key is simple and we assume PKs are clean you can directly check 3NF/BCNF, jumping 1NF and 2NF. However, you are encouraged to review 1NF, 2NF definitions in the textbook. A table without a FK is trivially correct.

  1. Normalization:

For each table the program must state if it is normalized Y/N.

In this HW edition: Since the key is simple and we assume PKs are clean you can check only 3NF/BCNF with simple keys. Be careful to consider candidate keys, which would result in acceptable FDs.

  1. Languages and OS.

The OS for our DBMS and for testing is Linux (any distro is fine). However, it is feasible to develop programs in Windows and MacOs and later test them in Linux. The programming language is: Python (Java or Javascript require instructor permission). The DBMS is: PostgreSQL.

  1. You cannot export or read tables row by row, doing processing outside the DBMS. The bulk of pro-cessing must be done with SQL queries and temporary tables.

  1. At the end, you must display a summary. Your program must state Y/N if the database fulfills refer-ential integrity. If all tables are in 3NF (and therefore BCNF) your program must state Y.


2.1 Programming details

  1. The input is a text file with the table schemas, primary and foreign key and referential integrity. The user must provide the input text file with database name, table names, column names and keys. If a table has no PK specified or FK has an invalid column name, your program should display an error message and skip such table. That is, your program should continue processing.

  1. important aspects: (1) the database may contain more tables than those given in the input file (they are ignored); (2) the text file may contain less columns that the actual columns in the table; (3) a FK specification is optional: there may be tables without FKs, but they may be referenced by other tables.

(4) This text file is a substitute of a connection to the DBMS to extract column names and data types, which woukld make code development more complicated. In short, this input text file is a simple mechanism to show database information. You can expect the input file to be clean, but there may be minor unintentional errors. That is, you are not expected to run extensive syntax checks on this file.

  1. The output is a text file displaying Y/N for each table, for referential integrity and normalization, respectively. The specific file format and test cases will be specified by the TAs (do not include any extra output or messages, do not create one file per table).

  1. Your program should generate a plain SQL script file for all the queries used in your program (cor-rectly formatted as shown in the textbook and seen in class, following SQL format/indentation stan-dards).

  1. The input text file specifies the tables to be analyzed, and their schema. You can assume each table has one primary key and up to 3 foreign keys. Notice the table may have candidate keys, not indicated in tghe text file. In general, the first column will the PK, but FKs can appear anywhere (2nd, 3rd column, and so on).

  1. Your program should not crash and stop if there is some error or referential integrity violation. The program should drop any derived table in advance to avoid exceptions. Test your program well with invalid input.

  1. SQL code generation: There is only one key without specifying other (secondary) candidate keys. You can use any combination of SELECT statements, temporary tables and views. You can name your tables/columns any way you want, and assume unique column names in the database. You are not allowed to modify the input tables in any way.

  1. Python:

you can use any Py library or Python statements to parse the input text file. You can store table and column names on any data structure including lists, arrays, hash tables or trees. You do not have to worry about Python speed or memory usage since the ”heavy lifting” is done by the DBMS.

  1. SQL:

Write to a text file ”checkdb.sql” all the SQL statements generated during the checking of normaliza-tion. This SQL should be well formatted to be understood by a person, not as a long line.

SQL is not case sensitive. Therefore, convert all your input SQL, tables names, and so on to either lower or uppercase. It is preferred SQL keywords are in uppercase and table/column names in lower case.


  • Program call and output specification

Here is a specification of input/output. There is only one input parameter: the input file with table schemas.

syntax for Python call:

python3 database=dbxyz.txt”.

If the connection to the DBMS fails, the program must display an error message. If the connection to the DBMS is successful, you should generate the “checkdb.sql”script file regardless the selected option, and dump clean SQL statements generated by your program.

Input database/tables checking:

Your program will be tested with several database schema text files that are ”clean”. But you must make elementary error checking for non-existent tables and invalid column names. That is, you should not waste time catching every potential error in the text file like a missing parenthesis, pkk instead of pk, repeated column name, inconsistent column names, and so on.

The input tables have integer numbers or strings (no dates, no floating point).

The SQL of your generated script file should be properly formatted and indented (one SELECT term per line, JOIN/WHERE/GROUP in different line).


A text file, with one checked table per line. The program must work in two phases: (1) referential integrity; (2) normalization. Output should be sorted by table name.

  • Examples of input and output

Recall that all tables are given in the input database file. You are not expected to figure out table and column names from the database connection, but you can do it. Notice that you cannot state if a table is OK, by just reading the text file (other than tables without FKs)

Input specification example:








Potential output file (output depends on table contents):



referential integrity















DB referential integrity: N

DB normalized: N


  • Grading

The TAs will provide the input file and the expected output for a sample test database. There will be several tables in such database. These test cases will give the students the opportunity of evaluate their own projects, and make corrections before the official submission. The TAs will use a different database for grading, with different table and column names. The TA will use scripts for automatic grading and will use a different database as input, with different table and column names. You can expect tables to have no more than 200 rows, to make SQL development faster and easier to check.

Score: A program not uploaded to the UH linux server will get 0 (zero, the TAs have no obligation to run testing outside this server). A program with syntax or data type errors will get 10. A working program, producing correct for some cases, will get a score 30 or better. A program passing checks with most tables can get 60 or better.

Code originality: The Python code and SQL statements will be checked for plagiarism with source code analysis tools (we cannot disclose them): any significant similarity with some other student code will be reported to the instructor. Notice reformatting code, changing variable names, changing order of functions, changing for loops for while loops, repackaging into different files, adding spurious variables; all of them can be easily detected since the ”logic” solving the problem is the same. Warning: copying/pasting code from the Internet (stack overflow, github, tutorials) may trigger a red flag: the instructor will decide if there is cheating or not.


COSC:Checking Referential Integrity and Normalization in a Relational Database-Solution
$35.00 $29.00