CptS-Assignment 2 (Haskell) Solution

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Problems merge2, merge2Tail, and mergeN – 20% (a) merge2 – 5% The function merge2 takes two lists, l1 and l2, and returns a merged list where the elements from l1 and l2 appear interchangeably. The resulting list should include the leftovers from the longer list and it may include duplicates. The type of merge2 should…

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  1. merge2, merge2Tail, and mergeN – 20%

(a) merge2 – 5%

The function merge2 takes two lists, l1 and l2, and returns a merged list where the elements from l1 and l2 appear interchangeably. The resulting list should include the leftovers from the longer list and it may include duplicates.

The type of merge2 should be merge2 :: [a] -> [a] -> [a].


  • merge2 [3,2,1,6,5,4] [1,2,3] [3,1,2,2,1,3,6,5,4]

  • merge2 “Ct 5” “pS35”

“CptS 355”

  • merge2 [(1,2),(3,4)] [(5,6),(7,8),(9,10)] [(1,2),(5,6),(3,4),(7,8),(9,10)]

  • merge2 [1,2,3] []


  1. merge2Tail – 10%

Re-write the merge2 function from part (a) as a tail-recursive function. Name your function merge2Tail.

The type of merge2Tail should be merge2Tail :: [a] -> [a] -> [a].

You can use reverse or revAppend in your solution. We defined revAppend in class.

  1. mergeN – 5%

Using merge2 function defined above and the foldl function, define mergeN which takes a list of lists and returns a new list containing all the elements in sublists. The sublists should be merged left to right, i.e., first two lists should be merged first and the merged list should further be merged with the third list, etc. Provide an answer using foldl; without using explicit recursion.

The type of mergeN should be: mergeN:: [[a]] -> [a]


  • mergeN [“ABCDEF”,”abcd”,”123456789″,”+=?$”] “A+1=a?2$B3b4C5c6D7d8E9F”

  • mergeN [[3,4],[-3,-2,-1],[1,2,5,8,9],[10,20,30]] [3,10,1,20,-3,30,2,4,5,-2,8,-1,9]

  • mergeN [[],[],[1,2,3]]


2. removeDuplicates, count, and histogram – 25%

  1. removeDuplicates – 10%

Define a function removeDuplicates which takes a list as input and it eliminates the duplicate values from the list. The unique elements in the output list may appear in arbitrary order. Your function shouldn’t need a recursion but should use a higher order function (map, foldr/foldl, or filter). Your helper functions should not be recursive as well, but they can use higher order functions. You may use the elem function in your implementation.

The type of the removeDuplicates function should be:

removeDuplicates:: Eq a => [a] -> [a]


  • removeDuplicates [5,4,3,2,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7] [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]

  • removeDuplicates “CptS322 – CptS322 – CptS 321” “-CptS 321”

  • removeDuplicates [[1,2],[1],[],[3],[1],[]] [[1,2],[3],[1],[]]

  1. count – 5%

Define a function count which takes a value and a list as input and it count the number of occurrences of the value in the input list. Your function should not need a recursion but should use a higher order function (map, foldr/foldl, or filter). Your helper functions should not be recursive as well, but they can use higher order functions. You may use the length function in your implementation.

The type of the count function should be: count :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Int


  • count [] [[],[1],[1,2],[]]


  • count (-5) [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]


  • count ‘i’ “incomprehensibilities”


  1. histogram – 10%

The function histogram creates a histogram for a given list. The histogram will be a list of tuples (pairs) where the first element in each tuple is an item from the input list and the second element is the number of occurrences of that item in the list. Your function shouldn’t need a recursion but should use a higher order function (map, foldr/foldl, or filter). Your helper functions should not be recursive as well, but they can use higher order functions. You may use the count and removeDuplicates functions you defined in parts (a) and (b).

The order of the tuples in the histogram can be arbitrary. The type of the function should be:

histogram :: Eq a => [a] -> [(a, Int)]


  • histogram [[],[1],[1,2],[1],[],[]] [([1,2],1),([1],2),([],3)]

  • histogram “macadamia” [(‘c’,1),(‘d’,1),(‘m’,2),(‘i’,1),(‘a’,4)]

  • histogram (show 122333444455555) [(‘1’,1),(‘2’,2),(‘3’,3),(‘4’,4),(‘5’,5)]

  1. concatAll, concat2Either, and concat2Str – 19%

  1. concatAll – 4%

Function concatAll is given a nested list of strings and it returns the concatenation of all strings in all sublists of the input list. Your function should not need a recursion but should use functions “map” and “foldr”. You may define additional helper functions which are not recursive.

The type of the concatAll function should be:

concatAll :: [[String]] -> String


  • concatAll [[“enrolled”,” “,”in”,” “],[“CptS”,”-“,”355″],[” “,”and”,” “],[“CptS”,”-“,”322”]]

“enrolled in CptS-355 and CptS-322”

  • concatAll [[],[]]


  1. concat2Either – 9%

Define the following Haskell datatype:

data AnEither = AString String | AnInt Int deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

Define a Haskell function concat2Either that takes a nested list of AnEither values and it returns an AString, which is the concatenation of all values in all sublists of the input list. The parameter of the AnInt values should be converted to string and included in the concatenated string. You may use the show function to convert an integer value to a string.

Your concat2Either function shouldn’t need a recursion but should use functions “map” and “foldr”. You may define additional helper functions which are not recursive. The type of the concat2Either function should be:

concat2Either:: [[AnEither]] -> AnEither

(Note: To implement concat2Either, change your concatAll function and your helper function in order to handle AnEither values instead of strings.)


  • concat2Either [[AString “enrolled”, AString ” “, AString “in”, AString ” “],[AString “CptS”, AString “-“, AnInt 355], [AString ” “, AString “and”, AString ” “], [AString “CptS”, AString “-“, AnInt 322]]

AString “enrolled in CptS-355 and CptS-322”

  • concat2Either [[AString “”, AnInt 0],[]]

  • concat2Either [] AString “”

  1. concat2Str – 6%

Re-define your concat2Either function so that it returns a concatenated string value instead of an AString value. Similar to concat2Either, the parameter of the AnInt values should be converted to string and included in the concatenated string.

Your concat2Str function shouldn’t need a recursion but should use functions “map” and “foldr”. You may define additional helper functions which are not recursive. The type of the concat2Str function should be:

concat2Str:: [[AnEither]] -> String

(Note: To implement concat2Str, change your concat2Either function and your helper function in order to return a string value instead of an AnEither value.)

  • concat2Str [[AString “enrolled”, AString ” “, AString “in”, AString ” “],[AString “CptS”, AString “-“, AnInt 355], [AString ” “, AString “and”, AString ” “], [AString “CptS”, AString “-“, AnInt 322]]

“enrolled in CptS-355 and CptS-322”

  • concat2Str [[AString “”, AnInt 0],[]]


  • concat2Str []


  1. evaluateTree, printInfix, createRTree – 32%

Consider the following Haskell type Op that defines the major arithmetic operations on integers.

data Op = Add | Sub | Mul | Pow

deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

The following function “evaluate” takes an Op value as argument and evaluates the operation on the integer arguments x and y.

evaluate:: Op -> Int -> Int -> Int

evaluate Add x y = x+y

evaluate Sub x y = x-y

evaluate Mul x y = x*y

evaluate Pow x y = x^y

Now, we define an expression tree as a Haskell polymorphic binary tree type with data at the leaves and

Op operators at the interior nodes:

data ExprTree a = ELEAF a | ENODE Op (ExprTree a) (ExprTree a)

deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

  1. evaluateTree – 10%

Write a function evaluateTree that takes a tree of type (ExprTree Int) as input and evaluates the tree from bottom-up.

The type of the evaluateTree function should be evaluateTree :: ExprTree Int -> Int

For example:


evaluateTree on the left tree returns 6.

Sub Sub

Add 6 10 8

4 5

  • evaluateTree (ENODE Mul (ENODE Sub (ENODE Add (ELEAF 4) (ELEAF 5)) (ELEAF 6)) (ENODE Sub (ELEAF 10) (ELEAF 8)))


  • evaluateTree (ENODE Add (ELEAF 10)

(ENODE Sub (ELEAF 50) (ENODE Mul (ELEAF 3) (ELEAF 10))))


  • evaluateTree (ELEAF 4)


  1. printInfix – 10%

Write a function printInfix that takes a tree of type (ExprTree a) as input and prints the operands in the interior nodes and the values in the leaf nodes in “in-fix” order to a string. The expressions lower in the tree are enclosed in parenthesis.

The type of the printInfix function should be:

printInfix:: Show a => ExprTree a -> String

For example:


printInfix on the left tree returns :



“(((4 `Add` 5) `Sub` 6) `Mul` (10 `Sub` 8))”

Add 6 10 8

    1. 5

  • printInfix (ENODE Mul (ENODE Sub (ENODE Add (ELEAF 4) (ELEAF 5)) (ELEAF 6))

(ENODE Sub (ELEAF 10) (ELEAF 8)))

“(((4 `Add` 5) `Sub` 6) `Mul` (10 `Sub` 8))”

  • printInfix (ENODE Add (ELEAF 10)

(ENODE Sub (ELEAF 50) (ENODE Mul (ELEAF 3) (ELEAF 10))))

“(10 `Add` (50 `Sub` (3 `Mul` 10)))”

  • printInfix (ELEAF 4)


  1. createRTree – 12%

Consider the following Haskell tree type.

data ResultTree a = RLEAF a | RNODE a (ResultTree a) (ResultTree a)

deriving (Show, Read, Eq)

Write a function createRTree that takes a tree of type (ExprTree Int) as input and creates a tree of type (ResultTree Int). createRTree recursively evaluates each subtree in the input tree and store the evaluated values in the corresponding nodes in the output ResultTree.

The type of the createRTree function should be:

createRTree :: ExprTree Int -> ResultTree Int

createRTree on the left tree returns :

For example:



















  • createRTree (ENODE Mul (ENODE Sub (ENODE Add (ELEAF 4) (ELEAF 5)) (ELEAF 6))

(ENODE Sub (ELEAF 10) (ELEAF 8)))


  • createRTree (ENODE Add (ELEAF 10) (ENODE Sub (ELEAF 50) (ENODE Mul (ELEAF 3) (ELEAF 10))))

RNODE 30 (RLEAF 10) (RNODE 20 (RLEAF 50) (RNODE 30 (RLEAF 3) (RLEAF 10)))

  • createRTree (ELEAF 4)


  1. Tree examples – 4%

Create two trees of type ExprTree. The height of both trees should be at least 4 (including the root). Test your functions evaluateTree, printInfix, and createRTree with those trees. The trees you define should be different than those that are given.

Testing your functions

We will be using the HUnit unit testing package in CptS355. See

http://hackage.haskell.org/package/HUnit for additional documentation.

The file HW2SampleTests.hs provides at least one sample test case comparing the actual output with the expected (correct) output for each problem. This file imports the HW2 module (HW2.hs file) which will include your implementations of the given problems.

You are expected to add at least 2 more test cases for problems 3 (a,b,c) and 4 (abc). You don’t need to provide tests for problems 1 and 2. In your tests make sure that your test inputs cover boundary cases. Choose test input different than those provided in the assignment prompt. For problem 4 tests, you can use the trees your created in problem 5.

In HUnit, you can define a new test case using the TestCase function and the list TestList includes the list of all test that will be run in the test suite. So, make sure to add your new test cases to the TestList list. All tests in TestList will be run through the “runTestTT tests” command.

If you don’t add new test cases you will be deduced at least 5% in this homework.

Important note about negative integer arguments:

In Haskell, the -x, where x is a number, is a special form and it is a prefix (and unary) operator negating an integer value. When you pass a negative number as argument function, you may need to enclose the negative number in parenthesis to make sure that unary (-) is applied to the integer value before it is passed to the function.

For example: foo -5 5 [-10,-5,0,5,10] will give a type error, but foo (-5) 5 [-10,-5,0,5,10] will work

CptS-Assignment 2 (Haskell) Solution
$35.00 $29.00