Algorithms Assignment #10 Solved

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Assignment Description This assignment provides the opportunity to implement a binary search tree and to implement a level-order traversal of the tree. The tree will be filled with parrots and when a level order traversal is performed the parrots will sing a song. If you solve this assignment, they will sing their song to you.…

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Assignment Description

This assignment provides the opportunity to implement a binary search tree and to implement a level-order traversal of the tree. The tree will be filled with parrots and when a level order traversal is performed the parrots will sing a song. If you solve this assignment, they will sing their song to you.

The first step is to fill a binary search tree with parrots. Each parrot has an ID number and one word that is part of a song. The parrots are placed in the binary tree using their IDs as keys. After the tree is filled, traverse the tree in level-order, and have each parrot sing its word as you visit it.

The complete program contains the following classes:

  • Parrot
  • Binary Tree
  • TreeNode (inner class of the Binary Tree)


  1. Create a Java class called LastNameFirstNameAssignment10
  2. Follow “CS1450 Programming Assignments Policy”
  1. Include in your design notebook the following tasks:
    1. Draw a binary search tree from the input given in Figure 1 below.
    2. Do a level-order traversal of the binary search tree diagram in Figure 2 below.
    3. Translate the key sequence from that traversal into words using the decoder in Figure 3.
  1. Write a test program (i.e. main) to do the following:
    1. Create an instance of your binary tree ADT class: BinaryTree
    2. Create parrots and add them to the binary tree
      1. For each parrot in the file:
        • Read the parrot’s ID, name, and song word
        • Create a parrot object
        • Add the parrot object to the binary tree following the binary tree property using the id as the key.
    3. Traverse the binary tree in level order. As you reach each parrot, print its word in the song.
    4. Visit the leaf nodes, print each parrots name.

Design Notebook Binary Tree Traversal

Before we start coding the parrots, here are some binary search tree exercises.

Include these in your design notebook.

  1. Draw a Binary Tree

In your design notebook draw a binary search tree created from these keys:

first last
















Figure 1. Keys to construct a binary tree from

Starting on the left at 50, insert each number into the tree following the binary tree property. The tree should start with 50 at the root, and the nodes immediately below 50 will be 26 on the left and 72 on the right.

  1. Level Order Traversal of a Binary Tree

Perform a level-order traversal of this tree.

Figure 2. Binary tree for level-order traversal

  1. Translate Level Order Traversal into Words

To make it more interesting, a traversal can be decoded into words. The decoder is in Figure 3. Each key in the tree maps to a different letter in the decoder. For example, when you see key 53 in the tree, it will match to an ‘N’ in the decoder.





























Figure 3: Decoder for level-order keys

In your design notebook:

  • Traverse the tree in level-order, writing down the numbers as you go.
  • Decode the message associated with the level order traversal.

Now, on to coding the parrots in a binary tree!


Parrot Class

  • Description
    • Represents one parrot.
  • Private Data Fields
    • id – integer for the parrot’s ID number
    • name – string for the parrot’s name
    • songWord – string for the parrot’s word in the song
  • Public Methods
    • Constructor
      • Initializes all private data fields with incoming values read from file.
    • Getters
      • For name field
    • Setters
      • None
    • sing()
      • Returns string containing songWord
    • compareTo(Parrot otherParrot)
      • Returns result that indicates whether this parrot’s ID is less than, equal to, or greater than the ID of the parrot it is being compared to.
      • Used when adding parrots to the tree.

Binary Tree Class

  • Description
    • A binary search tree constructed from nodes.
    • Each node contains a parrot. The parrot’s ID is used as the node’s key.
  • Private Data Fields
    • root – reference to the root node of the binary tree.
  • Public Methods
    • Constructor
      • Initializes root reference to null
    • insert(Parrot parrotToAdd)
      • Adds a parrot to tree maintaining the binary tree property.
      • See the FAQ for more details.
    • levelOrder()
      • Traverses the tree in level-order, printing each parrot’s word as it is visited.
      • As you move through the levels in the tree you will need to use a queue to keep track of the nodes in the next level down.
      • See the FAQ for more details.
    • visitLeaves
      • Visits leaf nodes in left to right order (left-most leaf first, then the one to its right, and so-on to the right-most leaf.)
      • This will call the private recursive method visitLeaves()
  • Private Methods
    • private void visitLeaves( Node aNode )
      • Prints the names of the parrots in the sub-tree that starts at node.
      • Must be recursive (this is the recursive helper method).
      • Visits leaf nodes in left to right order
      • At each leaf, print the name of the parrot at that leaf.
      • See the FAQ for more details.
  • Private Inner Class
    • TreeNode
      • Description
        • Represents one node in the binary tree.
        • A node stores a parrot in the data field and two references to the nodes beneath it in the tree.
      • Private Data Fields
        • parrot – the data stored in a tree node will be a parrot object
        • left – reference to the tree node below and to the left of this tree node
        • right – reference to the tree node below and to the right of this tree node
      • Public Methods
        • Constructor
          • Initializes parrot to incoming parrot
          • Initializes left and right references to null

Test File Information

The file parrots.txt contains one line for each parrot. Again, this is a test file, do NOT ASSUME that the order or number of parrots will be the same in the file used for grading.

The format of each line in the file is as follows:

id name song word

93 Blue summer

Moving the file data into the tree:

  • In the file, the parrots are in the order that they must be inserted into the tree.
  • The first parrot in the file is the root parrot at the top of the tree.
  • The subsequent parrots must be read from the file and added to the tree one-by-one in the order they appear in the file.
  • The file parrotsTest.txt is provided ONLY to test your code. It contains:

15 Mojo Oh

38 Pollymorphic for

8 Charlie beautiful

12 Love skies

2 Tweety spacious

Using these values:

    • The level order traversal produces: Oh beautiful for spacious skies
    • The names of the parrots at the leaves from left to right: Tweety, Love, Pollymorphic
    • Use this file to test your code on a smaller data set.


Must Do

  • Create your own BinaryTree ADT
    • Create a private inner TreeNode class that contains a parrot as the data field
    • You do not need to create a generic binary tree or node.

Binary Tree Property

  • In this assignment, the key to compare nodes will be the parrot’s id.
  • For example, if a node contains id = 24, all the nodes in its left sub-tree must have keys ids less than 24, and all nodes in its right sub-tree must have ids greater than 24
  • You may assume that ids are unique: there are no duplicate ids.

FAQ Document

  • I provided a Binary Tree FAQ document. This document contains several hints so if you are trying to figure things out on your own be aware that looking at the hints might give things away. 😊



  • File to test your code with less nodes – this does not need to be turned in – it is for testing on a smaller data set.
  • Use these values to draw a tree and then walk through your code when debugging.
  • The parrot’s “test” song is: Oh beautiful for spacious skies
  • Output for test file:

Parrot’s Song


Oh beautiful for spacious skies

Leaf Node Parrots






  • If your code worked properly on the test file, then running your code on this file will reveal the parrot’s song. 😊
  • When you hand in you code, this is the only file your code needs to run.
Algorithms Assignment #10 Solved
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