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You can do this homework in groups of 5 or less. Submit your homework to our TAs. (They may send you further, specific instructions. They may also ask for a hardcopy version of your submission.) _____________________________________________________ PROLOGUE: December is always a messy (busy busy) month and I’m well aware of this fact. You’ll therefore notice…

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You can do this homework in groups of 5 or less. Submit your homework to our TAs. (They may send you further, specific instructions. They may also ask for a hardcopy version of your submission.)


PROLOGUE: December is always a messy (busy busy) month and I’m well aware of this fact. You’ll therefore notice that this is going to be a pretty straightforward homework.

Your assignment is to interact with an AI program called LUIS and comment on its performance. I hope you’ll enjoy the experience.

In order to begin your homework, go to the following link

• https://aidemos.microsoft.com/luis

and then press “See it in action”.

You’ll be taken to the following page:

• https://aidemos.microsoft.com/luis/demo

Now, make 5 different statements (about lighting) and note how LUIS interprets and adjusts the house accordingly.

Do not just write anything; write clever things. The best approach would be to experiment with the program and try to come up

with statements which, in your view, address the strengths or weaknesses of LUIS. In other words, no rush!

More importantly, do not use the preset suggestions that you’ll find on the page; always create your own (original) statements. (However, it is perfectly alright to be inspired by the examples.)

For each statement of yours make a screenshot of the page and write a short verdict on that screenshot1, summarizing your views. If LUIS did well vis-a-vis your statement, just say so and whether you were really impressed. If LUIS didn’t do well in your view or did something silly, try to find a reason or suggest a way to make the program better.

Each screenshot is worth 2 points: 1 point for your statement and the resulting screen and 1 point for your comments. Needless to say, screenshots should be in high-resolution and color.

EPILOGUE: Read the footnote.















1 SUGGESTED METHOD: First save the screen. Make sure that both your statement and the house are clearly visible. Then use a corner of the screenshot (e.g., the bottom left) to overwrite your comments.


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