CS Data Structures & Algorithms Homework #2 Solved

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In Homework #1, you implemented a few ADTs (in particular HexTile). For this assignment, you will build a Sequence ADT of hex tiles. • Concerning the HexTileSeq ADT The HexTileSeq ADT is a variant of the Sequence ADT from the textbook (Section 3.3 on pages 145{158 (142{155, 3rd ed.)). Please read this section thoroughly! We…

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In Homework #1, you implemented a few ADTs (in particular HexTile). For this assignment, you will build a Sequence ADT of hex tiles.

• Concerning the HexTileSeq ADT

The HexTileSeq ADT is a variant of the Sequence ADT from the textbook (Section 3.3 on pages 145{158 (142{155, 3rd ed.)). Please read this section thoroughly! We use the same data structure in the same way. We give you a partial implementation to start with.

You are encouraged to write your own toString method which you will nd useful when debug-ging the ADT, but you are not required to de ne such a method, nor are there any requirements for what the result should look like.

Unlike the textbook, we recommend that you do not use System.arrayCopy. While it does indeed run faster than doing a loop, it’s not very clear what it is doing. Use a \for” loop for clarity. We also recommend putting the logic for determining whether there is su cient capacity into ensureCapacity itself, rather than into all of its callers.

• Concerning Invariants and Assertions

The data structure makes use of two integer elds and an array eld. There are certain con gu-rations that make no sense. Thus we will de ne and check object invariants, which are properties that should always hold true. If any of the invariant properties are violated, it means something is wrong with your implementation.

You will implement several class invariants within the wellFormed method in HexTileSeq class.

Read the comments there for detailed instructions.

Recall that the beginning of every public method should have code as follows:

assert wellFormed() : “Invariant failed at start”;

and at the end of any public method that changes any eld, there must be the following line, right before the end:

assert wellFormed() : “Invariant failed at end”;

We have placed these lines in the code in the skeleton le for your convenience. Do not remove them!

• Concerning Clone

In Java, a clone() method is used for duplicating objects. The original object and the cloned object should have same values but di erent identities (i.e., they are !=). Therefore, modifying one of them will not a ect the other (sometimes called the separation property). This is automatically guaranteed for primitive types. However, for reference types (including array), it usually takes more e orts (sometimes even impossible) to achieve this requirement. To which level does the separation property hold distinguish the concept of deep clone and shallow clone. For more information on deep clone, read book p. 313, exercise 5. Alternatively, Wikipedia has a few paragraphs on this

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CS 351: Data Structures & Algorithms Homework #2

topic: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_copying. We leave a line of code for you to implement

for this Homework.

• Concerning the Demo Program

We provide most of a program that reads in a le of hex tile descriptions and shows the result-ing game board graphically. Two sections of the code are omitted; these require you to use the HexTileSeq ADT that you are implementing.

To run it, put test/sample.hex as a \Program Argument” or type in text on the console in the same format as in test/sample.hex.

• Random Testing

We provide random testing for this homework. Once you are passing all the normal tests, use random testing to nd any bugs that might still linger in your code. For example, some students will add many cases to their code to satisfy tests without actually solving the true problem. Random will usually nd an example where such code doesn’t meet the speci cation. It runs your code with a random series of commands looking for behavior that deviates from the required behavior. If it nds a problem, it will print a JUnit test case tailored to that particular problem. You should take the output and copy it into a le and run it as a JUnit test to see the problem. The test are usually long and involved.

To run the random test, open homework2.jar in \Referenced Libraries,” nd RandomTest in the default package and run it from there.

• Files

In the git repository for this assignment, we provide the following les (and others unnamed):

src/TestHexTileSeq.java JUnit test cases. Do not modify this le.

src/TestInvariant.java Access to the invariant tester: we have a few tests to check that your wellFormed() does the correct thing.

src/TestEfficiency.java JUnit test cases that check whether you are using e cient tech-niques. Do not enable the invariant checker while running these tests. The tests should take at most a second or two. Anything longer may indicate that you are using ine cient techniques.

src/edu/uwm/cs351/HexTileSeq.java A skeleton implementation of the Sequence ADT.

src/Demo.java The GUI program, it will not work properly until all the other classes are completed.

test/sample.hex An example le of hex tiles to use for Demo.java.

• What you need to do

You need to complete the HexTileSeq and Demo classes. These classes must be pushed to your homework2.git repository (in AFS) before the deadline.

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CS Data Structures & Algorithms Homework #2 Solved
$30.00 $24.00