CS-Homework #1: Value Iteration, Discretization-Solution

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Deliverable: PDF write-up by Wednesday September 18th, 23:59pm. Your PDF should be generated by simply replacing the placeholder images of this LaTeX document with the appropriate solution images that will be generated automatically when solving each question. Your PDF is to be submitted into www.gradescope.com. Look at the README.md le for running each question and…

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Deliverable: PDF write-up by Wednesday September 18th, 23:59pm. Your PDF should be generated by simply replacing the placeholder images of this LaTeX document with the appropriate solution images that will be generated automatically when solving each question. Your PDF is to be submitted into www.gradescope.com. Look at the README.md le for running each question and modifying the arguments. This PDF already contains a few solution images. These images will allow you to check your own solution to ensure correctness. If any parameters are not speci ed explicitly, for reporting purposes make sure to use the default settings in the environments.

1. Value Iteration

  1. [15pt] Value iteration. First, you will implement the value iteration algorithm for the tabular case. You will need to ll the code in part1/tabular value iteration.py below the lines if self.policy type == ‘deterministic’. Run part 1’s run script and report the heatmap of the converged values.

(a) Heatmap of the nal values on the

(b) Heatmap of the nal values on the

GridWorld(0) environment.

GridWorld(1) environment.

CS287 Advanced Robotics, Homework #1,


  1. [15pth] Maxent value iteration. In cases where the environment might change, a de-terministic policy would mostly likely fail. In this scenarios a stochastic policy results more robust. This stochastic policy can be obtained by solving the maximum entropy value it-eration. You will need to ll the code in part1/tabular value iteration.py below the lines if self.policy type == ‘max ent’. Run part 1’s run script with the maximum en-tropy policy and report the heatmap of the converged values for the temperature values 1; 1e-2; 1e-5. In order to stabilize the training: 1) Make sure to add self.eps to the policy’s probabilities, and 2) compute the exponentiated values after rst subtracting the maximum value across all actions for each state (a standard way to stabilize softmax calculations):


max Q(s; a)) + )

k(ajs) = Z (exp(Q(s; a)



Vk(s) = log


(Q(s; a) a




max Q(s; a))

+ max Q(s; a)


The value prevents the probabilities to be 0, or close to it, stabilizing the log( k(ajs)) term of the entropy. Subtracting maxa Q(s; a) forces all the values in the exponential to be negative preventing large values on the exponential term which would raise numerical problems. Make sure to compute the normalization constant after doing this processing so the probabilities add up to 1.

  1. Heatmap of the nal values on the GridWorld(0) environ-ment using a maximum entropy policy with temperature equal to 1.

  1. Heatmap of the nal values on the GridWorld(0) environ-ment using a maximum entropy policy with temperature equal to 1e-2.

  1. Heatmap of the nal values on the GridWorld(0) environ-ment using a maximum entropy policy with temperature equal to 1e-5.

  1. Heatmap of the nal values on the GridWorld(1) environ-ment using a maximum entropy policy with temperature equal to 1.

  1. Heatmap of the nal values on the GridWorld(1) environ-ment using a maximum entropy policy with temperature equal to 1e-2.

  1. Heatmap of the nal values on the GridWorld(1) environ-ment using a maximum entropy policy with temperature equal to 1e-5.

CS287 Advanced Robotics, Homework #1,


2. Discretization

  1. [10pt] Nearest-neighbor interpolation. The value iteration algorithm that you imple-mented in the last part is just valid when the state space and the action space is discrete. What do we do when we are posed with a problem that has the state space and/or the action space continuous. One solution is to discretize such spaces so the previous algorithm is still valid. In this question, you are asked to implement the more naive discretization scheme: nearest-neighbor interpolation. You will need to ll the code in part2/discretize.py be-low the lines if self.mode == ‘nn’. Run part 2’s run script and report the heatmap for MountainCar discretizing each dimension of the state space into 21, 51, and 151 bins.

  1. Heatmap of the values after 150 iterations of the value iteration algorithm on the DoubleIntegrator envi-ronment. The state space is discretized in 21 points and the action space into 5 points using the nearest-neighbor interpola-tion.

  1. Heatmap of the values after 150 iterations of the value iteration algorithm on the MountainCar environment. The state space is discretized in 21 points using the nearest-neighbor interpolation.

  1. Heatmap of the values after 150 iterations of the value iteration algorithm on the DoubleIntegrator envi-ronment. The state space is discretized in 51 points and the action space into 5 points using the nearest-neighbor interpola-tion.

  1. Heatmap of the values after 150 iterations of the value iteration algorithm on the MountainCar environment. The state space is discretized in 51 points using the nearest-neighbor interpolation.

  1. Heatmap of the values after 150 iterations of the value iteration algorithm on the DoubleIntegrator envi-ronment. The state space is discretized in 151 points and the action space into 5 points using the nearest-neighbor in-terpolation.

  1. Heatmap of the values after 150 iterations of the value iteration algorithm on the MountainCar environment. The state space is discretized in 151 points using the nearest-neighbor interpolation.

CS287 Advanced Robotics, Homework #1,


  1. [10pt] n-linear interpolation. Discretization using nearest-neighbors is able to recover the optimal solution if your discretization is ne enough. However, the number of points increase exponentially with the dimensionality of your problem. The naive scheme of nearest-neighbors is not computationally tractable for higher dimensional problems. In this ques-tion, you will implement a better discretization scheme: n-linear interpolation, the anal-ogous of linear interpolation in n dimensions. To do so, you will need to ll the code in part2/discretize.py below the lines if self.mode == ‘linear’. Run part 2’s run script and report the heatmap for MountainCar for di erent discretization resolution: 21, 51, and 151 points per dimension.

  1. Heatmap of the values after 150 iterations of the value iteration algorithm on the DoubleIntegrator envi-ronment. The state space is discretized in 21 points and the action space into 5 points using the n-linear interpolation.

  1. Heatmap of the values after 150 iterations of the value iteration algorithm on the MountainCar environment. The state space is discretized in 21 points using the n-linear in-terpolation.

  1. Heatmap of the values after 150 iterations of the value iteration algorithm on the DoubleIntegrator envi-ronment. The state space is discretized in 51 points and the action space into 5 points using the n-linear interpolation.

  1. Heatmap of the values after 150 iterations of the value iteration algorithm on the MountainCar environment. The state space is discretized in 51 points using the n-linear in-terpolation.

  1. Heatmap of the values after 150 iterations of the value iteration algorithm on the DoubleIntegrator envi-ronment. The state space is discretized in 151 points and the action space into 5 points using the n-linear interpola-tion.

  1. Heatmap of the values after 150 iterations of the value iteration algorithm on the MountainCar environment. The state space is discretized in 151 points using the n-linear in-terpolation.

CS287 Advanced Robotics, Homework #1,


  1. [10pt] Nearest-neighbor vs. n-linear interpolation. Here we will properly compare the performance of both discretization schemes. Speci cally, we will compare the average return across iterations for both methods using the same number of points, 21 in this question. You will report the learning curve for the environments MountainCar, CartPole, and SwingUp. As in the example, create di erent plots for each environment and split the learning curves by discretization scheme. See the README.md le for how to do that.

  1. Learning curve of nearest-neighbor and n-linear interpolation in the DoubleIntegrator environment. The state space is discretized in 151 points and the action space using 5 points.

  1. Learning curve of nearest-neighbor and n-linear interpolation in the MountainCar envi-ronment. The state space is discretized in 151 points.

  1. Learning curve of nearest-neighbor and n-linear interpolation in the CartPole environ-ment. The state space is discretized in 21 points.

  1. Learning curve of nearest-neighbor and n-linear interpolation in the SwingUp environ-ment. The state space is discretized in 21 points.

CS287 Advanced Robotics, Homework #1,


  1. [15pt] Look-ahead policies. Value iteration computes the optimal returns for every po-sition in the state space, however it is often the case that we will just need a good policy in a smaller region of the state space. In such case, running value iteration until convergence might seem a waste of resources. Instead, what we can do is to is to run value iteration with a coarser discretization or not until convergence, and then compensate for that by using look-ahead. In look-ahead we optimize over the rst k actions, where we optimize for the sum of near-term reward plus the value achieved in the state achieved after k steps. In this case, the value achieved will be approximated by the discretization. After having found the sequence of k actions, the rst one is executed, and then the process is repeated. In this question, we ask you to implement a look-ahead policy. To do so, you will need to ll the code in part2/look ahead policy.py. Report the learning curves for the values of look ahead horizon equals to 1, 2, and 3 for the MountainCar, CartPole, and SwingUp environment. The results should be split by environment.

  1. Learning curve for di erent look-ahead horizons in the DoubleIntegrator environ-ment.

  1. Learning curve for di erent look-ahead horizons in the MountainCar environment.

  1. Learning curve for di erent look-ahead horizons in the CartPole environment.

  1. Learning curve for di erent look-ahead horizons in the SwingUp environment.

CS287 Advanced Robotics, Homework #1,


3. Value Iteration & Function Approximation

  1. [15pt] Value iteration for continuous state spaces. In higher dimensional domains discretization its unfeasible, since you end up with an exponential number of points. For instance, consider an environment with 10 state dimensions and 5 action dimensions; if we were to discretize each dimension in just 10 points our transition matrix wold ocupy over 1 million GB!! A solution to this problem is to use function approximators: a function parametrize with some set of parameters that maps from states to values. In this excersise we will use a neural network as function approximator (but you can treat it as a black box function). Here, we ask you to implement the value iteration algorithm for function approximators. You will need to ll the code in part3/continuous value iteration.py and part3/look ahead policy.py. You will implement a policy that will choose actions by maximizing the value function over a random sample of possible actions. You will need to do it for continuous and discrete actions. Run part 3’s run script and report the heatmap for MountainCar.

(a) Double Integrator (b) Double Integrator

CS287 Advanced Robotics, Homework #1,


  1. [10pt] Look-ahead with cross-entropy for continuous and discrete action spaces. A better version of the policy implemented before is using look-ahead with cross-entropy method, specially in larger action spaces. You will need to ll the code in part3/look ahead policy.py. Report the learning curves for look ahead horizon equals to 1, 2, and 10 for all the envi-ronments using the cross-entropy method and horizon equals 1 with random shooting. The

results should be split by environment.

  1. Learning curve for di erent horizons of look ahead on the DoubleIntegrator environment using cross-entropy method for action selection with value function approximation.

  1. Learning curve for di erent horizons of look ahead on the MountainCar environment using cross-entropy method for action selection with value function approximation.

  1. Learning curve for di erent horizons of look ahead on the CartPole environment. using cross-entropy method for action selection with value function approximation.

  1. Learning curve for di erent horizons of look ahead on the SwingUp environment. us-ing cross-entropy method for action selection with value function approximation.

CS287 Advanced Robotics, Homework #1,


4. [20pt] Extra Credit: Vectorized Discretization

As you might have experienced in the CartPole or SwingUp environments, discretization can be pretty slow and just discretizing 21 points might not be enough to achieve learning even with n-linear interpolation (as in the case of SwingUp). The current implementation uses for loops to compute the transition and reward matrix and the discretization the discretization. As extra credit you are asked to implement a vectorized version of part 2.a and achieve maximum perfor-mance on CartPole and SwingUp using n-linear interpolation and dicretizing each dimension of the state space in 51 points.

(a) Learning curve for the CartPole environ- (b) Learning curve on the SwingUp environ-

ment. ment.

CS-Homework #1: Value Iteration, Discretization-Solution
$30.00 $24.00