CS-Homework 2 Client and Server on AWS EC2-Solution

$30.00 $24.00

In this homework, you need to demonstrate your ability to write a Python program for client and server on AWS EC2. You need to create two instances on AWS EC2, one as client and another one as server. You could use the code from Python tutorial (Python 3 – Networking) as an example. For the…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution



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In this homework, you need to demonstrate your ability to write a Python program for client and server on AWS EC2.

You need to create two instances on AWS EC2, one as client and another one as server.

You could use the code from Python tutorial (Python 3 – Networking) as an example.

For the server, it receives a file in its entirety (not line by line) from the client and returns the number of characters and words and lines in the file. It is similar to Unix/Linux commend: wc. You may assume a certain max file size.

The client runs on another instance on the cloud created using the same security group. Here is some helpful commands that might be useful

  • ps aef (lists all the processes currently running)

  • kill -9 <pid> (kills a process that you wish to kill)

  • netstat listen (tells which ports have listeners associated with them)

  • sudo su – (sets the user as the super user so you dont have to type sudo before the command)

You need to find the ip address of the server and hardcode it in your client. The ip address can found in the pubic ip of the instance.

Make sure ICMP IPV4 and All TCP is added to the security group used by your instance.

Submitting Your Program

Before 11:59:59 p.m., Friday, 26 April 2019 (4th Friday), you must upload a zip archive to the course Blackboard assignment for Homework 2. This zip archive must contain all source code files (server.py and client.py) for your program, as well as a demo screenshot from server and client.


CS-Homework 2 Client and Server on AWS EC2-Solution
$30.00 $24.00