CS Homework 6 Solution

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Problem 1. Natural Language Processing [30 points] In this question, you will get familiar with some basic ideas in natural language processing. Download the news.zip file provided with the homework assignment. Unzip it on your computer, you should see 511 text files. This is the news data set from http://mlg.ucd.ie/datasets/bbc.html. We call the whole collection…

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Problem 1. Natural Language Processing [30 points]

In this question, you will get familiar with some basic ideas in natural language processing. Download the news.zip file provided with the homework assignment. Unzip it on your computer, you should see 511 text files. This is the news data set from http://mlg.ucd.ie/datasets/bbc.html. We call the whole collection the corpus. In this question, you need to break the corpus into “computer words”. It is OK if these computer words do not fully agree with our natural language definition of words: For example, you may have a token like However, with that comma attached, or something like 1-2. You may assume the and The are different computer words.

Hint: For Python users, you may use collections.Counter in python to solve this problem. matplotlib is an useful Python plotting library. For Java users, Pattern and split are useful for processing text.

  1. (5 points) How many computer word tokens (occurrences) are there in the corpus? How many computer word types (distinct words) are there in the corpus?

  1. (5 points) Sort the word types by their counts in the corpus, from large to small. List the top 20 word types and their counts.

  1. (6 points) Let the word type with the largest count be rank 1, the word type with the second largest count be rank 2, and so on. If multiple word types have the same count, you may break the rank tie arbitrarily. This produces (r1; c1); : : : ; (rn; cn) where ri is the rank of the ith word type, and ci is the corresponding count of that word type in the corpus; n is the number of word types.

(2 points) Plot r on the x-axis and c on the y-axis, namely each (ri; ci) is a point in that 2D space (you can choose to connect the points or not).

(2 points) Plot log(r) on the x-axis and log(c) on the y-axis. Use e or 10 as base. (2 points) Briefly explain what the shape of the two curves mean.

  1. (5 points) Now we want to use tf idf to capture the key words in one text. Recall the lectures (page 15 in slides and section 6 in notes). What is the tf idf of the word “contract” in the text “098.txt”? Find top 10 words with the highest tf idf in the text “098.txt”. (Hint: Please use 10 as base when computing idf)

  1. (6 points) The document “098.txt” is represented by feature vector v1, the document “297.txt” is represented by feature vector v2. What is the cosine similarity of v1 and v2 if we use bag-of-words representation? What is the cosine similarity if we use tf idf? Are the values of cosine similarity from the two methods same? Why or why not?

  1. (3 points) Discuss two potential major issues with your computer words, if one wants to use them for natural language processing.

CS 540

Problem 2. Principal Component Analysis [30 points]

Bob plans to buy a car. He decides to use principal component analysis to help him make the decision. Download the cardata.csv provided with the homework assignment. The data are car information from the websites. Each of the 356 lines (not including the first line) in the file represents a car. In each line, the first column is the car’s model. The second column is the car’s category (Minivan, Wagon, Sedan, Sports, SUV). The 3rd to 13th columns are values such as retail price, dealer price, engine,…, etc.

Hint: Feel free to use open source tools to help you solve this problem. For Python users, numpy is an useful tool for matrix computation and reading data from csv. numpy.linalg.eigh is for computing the eigenvalues and eigenvectors. numpy.cov is for estimating a covariance matrix. You may also use scikit-learn to perform the PCA. For Matlab users, a PCA demo is available on the course website. Jama is a Java implementation for computing eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

  1. (4 points) Bob wants to use a vector xi(i = 1; :::; 356) to represent each car. For each car, he uses the 2nd column as the label, and use 3rd to 13th columns are the feature value. What is the dimension of the vector? What is the mean value of the Retail($) and horsepower before centering and normalizing?

  1. (5 points) Bob uses the following ways to center and normalize data. First he calculates the sample mean and

standard deviation s^ (You may use numpy.std to compute the standard deviation):


= n1 P xi i=1

  • n


u P(xi )2


s^ =


n 1

where n = 356. Then he centers and normalizes the data using

xi :=



After centering and normalizing the data, Bob begins to compute the covariance matrix and performs an eigen value decomposition. He sorts the eigenvalues from large to small. What are the corresponding first and third eigenvectors?

  1. (6 points) In the first eigenvector, which coordinates are positive? Which feature do they refer to? What does it mean that the coordinates are positive?

  1. (8 points) Create a scatter plot with each of data points of Minivan, Sedan, SUV projected on to the first two principal components. The horizontal axis should be the first principal component v1, and the vertical axis is the second principal component v2. Each individual should be projected onto the subspace spanned by v1 and v2. Please use a different color for different categories and include a legend which represents the labels. An example can be found here.

  1. (7 points) Based on the plot in the last question, which cars are clustered most strongly? What can Bob conclude based on the plot?

CS Homework 6 Solution
$30.00 $24.00