CS Homework # 8 Solution

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• The Binary Search Tree Data Structure Please read section 9.5 in the textbook for a description of the binary search tree data structure. Alternatively, there are tons of webpages/lecture notes on BST, the wiki page maybe a good start point (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_search_tree). In the textbook (as well as some online sources), a separate BTNode class…

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• The Binary Search Tree Data Structure

Please read section 9.5 in the textbook for a description of the binary search tree data structure. Alternatively, there are tons of webpages/lecture notes on BST, the wiki page maybe a good start point (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_search_tree). In the textbook (as well as some online sources), a separate BTNode class is used; we will not do that. Use a nested node classes as before.

Linked lists and arrays support insertion, removal or nding an entry in time proportional to the number of entries in the container. Trees, on the other hand, o er a signi cant e ciency advantage in that they generally support these operations in time proportional to the log of the number of entries (assuming the tree is kept balanced).

In order to achieve the potential time e ciency of binary search trees, one needs to keep the tree roughly balanced. In CompSci 535, you will learn some of the techniques used to do this (as it happens, the tree-based containers in Java’s libraries use \red-black” trees). But in this course, we will ignore the problems of unbalanced trees. Do not make any attempt to re-balance your tree. The e ciency tests we run will make sure to construct a balanced tree.

• Concerning the Realty.Listing ADT

A realty listing has a price and an address. The price can’t be negative or be \too high” (two billion dollars). The address can be any (non-null string). Two realty listings are the same only if they have the same price and exactly the same \address.” We override the hash code computation as well; hash codes will be discussed later in the course. A realty listing can be converted into a line of text and back again. Realty listings are implemented with a public static class Listing nested inside of Realty (described below).

• Concerning the Realty ADT

Realty listings are often sorted by price because many people are interested in buying a house in a given range (in a particular area of town). You don’t want to go too high because you can’t a ord it, but neither do you want to buy something with too low a price because that indicates something is wrong.

The Realty ADT is a sorted collection of Realty.Listing objects. It supports the following public operations:

size() Return number of listings in the collection.

getMin() Return the cheapest listing in the collection, or null if none.

Fall 2021 page 1 of 3
CS 351: Data Structures & Algorithms Homework #8

getNext(int) Return the listing with closest price greater than the argument, or null if no such listing in the collection.

add(Listing) Add a listing, returning whether it was possible (it is not allowed to have two listings with the same price).

addAll(Listing[],int lo,int hi) Recursively add all listings from the array within the index range [lo,hi).

toArray(Listing[]) Copy the listings (in order of the prices) into an array.

We omit \remove” functionality from the ADT for simplicity. The collection is not allowed to have two listings with the same price. (In practice, one would use the address as a secondary key, but that simply complicates the programming without you learning more about binary search trees.)

The addAll method takes extra parameters so that it can be its own recursive helper function. The reason why one wishes to use recursion is that if addAll were simply to add all the listings in the order they are listed and if the listings are already sorted (which frequently happens if one uses the interactive driver described next), one would have a highly unbalanced tree. Thus addAll is supposed to add elements starting from the middle and then to add two remaining halves recursively.

The e ciency tests check to see that you built the tree correctly. If you wrote the code e ciently, this test takes at most a second or two. But if you did the ine cient, but easy, technique, the test will take a minute or two.

• Concerning the Realty Main Program

We provide a text-based interactive program for interacting with Realty objects. You may wish to use this program to run your own tests. It also shows the bare-bones functionality a program using Realty would have.

• What you need to do

You need to implement the private recursive helper function that checks that the tree is well formed. You need to implement all the public methods for the Realty class using e cient binary search tree algorithms. You should implement a private helper method copyInto that helps toArray. You may de ne other private (recursive) helper methods, as desired. Our solution has two additional helper methods.

• Files

Your git repository for this homework includes a skeleton of the Realty class, a Main class, and some test cases:

UnlockTest.java Unlock all the locked tests without running them.

TestRealty.java An JUnit test case for the ADT.

TestInternals.java A test of the helper methods and the invariant.


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CS 351: Data Structures & Algorithms Homework #8

TestE ciency.java A JUnit test case that should take at most a few seconds. If it takes much longer, you are doing something wrong.

The JAR le includes random testing, as with many of our assignments.































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CS Homework # 8 Solution
$30.00 $24.00