CS Homework Assignment 1 Solution

$30.00 $24.00

In this homework, you will implement a ticket booking system for a movie theater, which stages multiple movies. Each movie has a unique movie id. Although all movies are shown in the same movie theater, because of COVID-19 policies, some movies have different seating plans. According to policy at the time of the movie, some…

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In this homework, you will implement a ticket booking system for a movie theater, which stages multiple movies. Each movie has a unique movie id. Although all movies are shown in the same movie theater, because of COVID-19 policies, some movies have different seating plans. According to policy at the time of the movie, some rows and columns should be empty in the plan. The theater has 26 columns which are indexed by English uppercase alphabet and rows which are numbered 1 to 30 (e.g. C29). Audience radius, which is the number of empty seats between two horizontal or vertical neighbor audiences, should be indicated for each movie. Also for all seating plans, seat A1 is occupiable. “Occupiable” seat means making a reservation is possible for that seat if no one made a reservation yet and no restriction in plan for that seat. A seat is available if it is occupiable and not reserved.

An example of seating plan with audience radius 2 is presented below:

















The booking system that you will implement should have the following functionalities. The details are given below.

1. Add a movie

2. Cancel a movie

3. Show the list of movies
4. Show detailed information about a particular movie

5. Make a reservation

6. Cancel a reservation

7. Show a reservation

Add a movie: ​The booking system will allow the user to add a new movie indicating movie id which is an integer and audience radius. Since the movie numbers should be unique within the system, you should check whether a movie with the same number exists. If it does, you should not allow the operation and display a proper warning message. Also, audience radius is an integer and should be in range [0,7]. If radius is invalid, again you should not allow the operation and display another proper warning message . If both conditions are valid, you should add the movie and display a message. At the time of adding a movie, you should
allocate its occupiable seats all of which should be available for reservation. Also you shouldn’t allocate memory for restricted seats which are empty because of COVID-19 policies. (Please see the code given below and its output for the format of the output.)

Cancel a movie: ​The booking system will allow the user to cancel an existing movie indicating its movie id. If there exists no movie with the specified id, you should display a warning message. If the movie exists, you should delete it from the booking system and cancel all of the reservations that were made for this movie. You do not need to display cancelation of reservations. You should also display a message that the movie has been canceled. (Please see the code given below and its output for the format of the output.)

Show the list of movies: ​The booking system will allow the user to see all of the movies within the booking system. For each movie, you should output the corresponding date and time to the movie id together with the number of its available seats. To find corresponding date and time use the ​ctime(&rawtime

• function in the ​<ctime> library . In this case you use movie id as a rawtime. It is not an obligation but if you eliminate the newline from the function it would be good exercise for arrays in C++. (Please see the code given below and its output for the format of the output.)

Show detailed information about a particular movie:​​The booking system will allow the user to enter a​​movie id and see the availability of its seats. If there exists no movie with the specified movie id, you should display a warning message. If the movie exists, you should display the seats in the following format where “o” represents an available seat and “x” represents an occupied seat. You should only show occupiable seats. Note that in the example below, the audience radius is 4.



Make a reservation: ​The booking system will allow the user to make a reservation in a movie given for one audience. For that, the user will specify the movie id which is represented by long integer, and seat number which is represented by row (int) and column (char). This function makes a reservation only if the movie with a specified movie id exists and the selected seat is occupiable and available. If there exists no movie with the specified movie id, you should display a warning message. Likewise, if the selected seat is not occupiable nor available, you should display a warning message accordingly. For example, the user can make a reservation for A6 in this plan but cannot do it for A7. (Please see the code given below and its output for the format of the output.)

If both the movie exists and all of the selected seats are available, you should make this reservation by creating a unique reservation code, and by reserving the selected seat under this code. The reservation code should be unique not only for the specified movie but also for the entire booking system. Thus, by using only this reservation code, you should identify the movie as well as the seat reserved under this code. Also you should display a message that reservation is done. (Please see the code given below and its output for the format of the output.)

In this function, you may assume that the input arrays for the seat numbers contain only the valid values which are A-Z in the column and 1-30 in the row. However you should check whether the seat is occupiable or not before checking availability. It is a good idea using modular arithmetic to check occuiablity.

Cancel reservations:​​The booking system will allow the user to cancel the specified list of the​​reservation codes. If some of the codes do not exist, you should display a warning message. If all reservations exist, you should cancel all reservations and display the time of the movie and the seat number for which the reservation is canceled. You are expected to preserve order of reservation codes in input when displaying the canceled reservations. Also you can assume that reservation codes are unique in the list. (Please see the code given below and its output for the format of the output.)

Show a reservation: ​The reservation system will allow the user to display a reservation by specifying its reservation ​code. If there exists no reservation under this code, you should display a warning message. If the
reservation exists, you should display the time of the movie and the selected seat number for this reservation. (Please see the code given below and its output for the format of the output.)

Below is the required public part of the ​MovieBookingSystem​class that you must write in this assignment. The name of the class ​must​be​ MovieBookingSystem​and must include these public member functions. The interface for the class must be written in a file called ​MovieBookingSystem.h​and its implementation must be written in a file called ​MovieBookingSystem.cpp​.You can define additional public and private member functions and data members in this class. You can also define additional classes in your solution. You must add the interfaces for these classes to the ​MovieBookingSystem.h​file, and must provide their implementations in the MovieBookingSystem.cpp​file.

class​ ​MovieBookingSystem​{
​const​ ​static​ ​int​ numOfRow = ​30​;
const​​ static​​ int​​ numOfColumn = 26​;​


​void​ ​addMovie​( ​const​ ​long​ movieID, ​const​ ​int​ audienceRadius ); ​void​ ​cancelMovie​( ​const​ ​long​ movieID); ​void​ ​showAllMovies​();
​void​ ​showMovie​( ​const​ ​long​ movieID);
​int​ ​makeReservation​( ​const​ ​long​ movieID, ​const​ ​int​ row, ​const​ ​char​ col); ​void​ ​cancelReservations​( ​const​ ​int​ numRes,​const​ ​int​* resCode); ​void​ ​showReservation​( ​const​ ​int​ resCode);

​// …
​//you may define additional member functions and data members, if necessary.



Here is a test program that uses this class. The corresponding output is also given below.

#​include​ ​<iostream>
using​ ​namespace​ ​std​;
#​include​ ​”MovieBookingSystem.h”

int​ ​main​(){
MovieBookingSystem M;

​int​* codes = ​new​ ​int​[​2​];

​cout​ << ​endl​;
cout​​ << endl​;​
​cout​ << ​endl​;
​cout​ << ​endl​;
codes[​1​] = M.makeReservation(​1614801273​,​1​,​’A’​);
codes[​0​] = M.makeReservation(​1614801273​,​9​,​’A’​);


M.showReservation( codes[​0​] );

M.cancelReservations(​2​, codes);

codes[​0​] = M.makeReservation(​1614801273​,​1​,​’A’​); M.makeReservation(​1614801273​,​1​,​’A’​); M.makeReservation(​1614801273​,​5​,​’E’​); M.makeReservation(​1614801273​,​5​,​’M’​);

codes[​1​] = ​-1​;
M.cancelReservations(​2​, codes);
M.showReservation( codes[0​]​ );


M.showReservation( codes[​0​] );

return​​ 0​;​



1. You ​ARE NOT ALLOWED​to modify the given parts of the header file. You MUST use dynamically allocated arrays in your implementation. You will get no points if you use fixed–sized arrays, linked–lists
or any other data structures such as ​vector/array​from the standard library. However, if necessary, you may define additional data members and member functions.

2. Moreover, you ​ARE NOT ALLOWED​to use any global variables or any global functions..

3. Your code must not have any memory leaks. You will lose points if you have memory leaks in your program even though the outputs of the operations are correct.

4. Otherwise stated in the description, you may assume that the inputs for the functions (e.g., the seat numbers) are always valid so that you do not need to make any input checks.

5. Make sure that each file that you submit (each and every file in the archive) contains your name and student number at the top as comments.


This assignment is due by 23:55 on March 22, 2021.​This homework will be graded by your TA Mahmud Sami Aydın (sami.aydin at bilkent edu tr). Please direct all your homework related questions to him.

1. In this assignment, you must have separate interface and implementation files (i.e., separate .h and
.cpp files) for your class. The file names should be “​MovieBookingSystem.h​” and “​MovieBookingSystem.cpp​”. You should also submit other .h and .cpp files if you implement additional classes. We will test your implementation by writing our own main function. ​Thus, you should not submit any function that contains the main function.

Although you are not going to submit it, we recommend you to write your own driver file to test each of your functions. However, you SHOULD NOT submit this test code (we will use our own test code).

2. The code (main function) given above is just an example. We will test your implementation also using different main functions, which may contain different function calls. Thus, do not test your implementation only by using this example code. Write your own main functions to make extra tests (however, do not submit these test codes).

3. You should put your “​MovieBookingSystem.h​” and “​MovieBookingSystem.cpp​” (and additional
.h and .cpp files if you implement additional classes) into a folder and zip the folder (in this zip file, there should not be any file containing the main function). The name of this zip file should conform to the following name convention: secX_Firstname_Lastname_StudentID.zip where X is your section number, for example Sec01_MahmudSami_Aydin_21501578.zip .

The submissions that do not obey these rules will not be graded.

4. Then, before 23:55 on March 22, you need to upload this zipped file containing only your header and source codes (but not any file containing the main function) to Moodle.

No hardcopy submission is needed. The standard rules about late homework submissions apply. Please see the course syllabus for further discussion of the late homework policy as well as academic integrity.

5. You are free to write your programs in any environment (you may use Linux, Mac OS X or Windows). On the other hand, we will test your programs on “​dijkstra.ug.bcc.bilkent.edu.tr​” and we will expect your programs to compile and run on the ​dijkstra machine. If we could not get your program properly work on the ​dijkstra machine, you would lose a considerable amount of points. Therefore, we recommend you to make sure that your program compiles and properly works on “​dijkstra.ug.bcc.bilkent.edu.tr​” before submitting your assignment.

CS Homework Assignment 1 Solution
$30.00 $24.00