CS Lab 07: Sprites Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Provided files: Main.c myLib.c myLib.h ACbg.bmp ACbg.c ACbg.h spritesheet.bmp Files to Edit/Add: main.c myLib.c spritesheet.c spritesheet.h Your Makefile Instructions: In this lab, you will be completing several different TODOs, which will, piece by piece, complete an animated animal crossing character that the player can control. Your code may not compile until you complete an entire…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution



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Provided files:

  • Main.c

  • myLib.c

  • myLib.h

  • ACbg.bmp

  • ACbg.c

  • ACbg.h

  • spritesheet.bmp

Files to Edit/Add:

  • main.c

  • myLib.c

  • spritesheet.c

  • spritesheet.h

  • Your Makefile


In this lab, you will be completing several different TODOs, which will, piece by piece, complete an animated animal crossing character that the player can control. Your code may not compile until you complete an entire TODO block, at which point the game should compile with a new component of the final outcome (unless otherwise specified).

TODO 1 — Loading and Enabling Sprites spritesheet export settings:

  • Tiles

  • 4bpp

  • Do NOT check map

Let’s get sprites working.

  • TODO 1.0: main.c, top of file.

  • TODO 1.1: main.c, initialize() function.

  • TODO 1.2: myLib.c, hideSprites() function.

  • TODO 1.3: main.c, initialize() function.

Compile and run. You should not see anything new. If you see anything in the top-left (CORNERFACE), fix this before going further.

TODO 2 — Animating Sprites

Let’s show the villager and get his animations working.

  • TODO 2.0: main.c, bottom of initialize() function.

  • TODO 2.1-2.9: main.c, in the main while loop.

Compile and run. You should be able to walk the player around infinitely, see your background repeat and all the while the villager stays in the middle of the screen. If this all works, submit your lab.

Submission Instructions

Zip up your entire project folder, including all source files, the Makefile, and everything produced during compilation (including the .gba file).

Submit this zip on canvas. Name your submission

Lab08_FirstnameLastname, for example: “Lab08_OttoOctavius.zip”.

CS Lab 07: Sprites Solution
$30.00 $24.00