CS Lab 3 Solution

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The connection of the road network is speci ed as a matrix M ( lename is \road.txt”). There are 10 sites indexed as (0; 1; : : : ; 9). Entry M(i; j) denotes the length of the road between site i and j in kms (the roads are uni-directional). The roads are uni-directional (i.e.,…

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  1. The connection of the road network is speci ed as a matrix M ( lename is \road.txt”). There are 10 sites indexed as (0; 1; : : : ; 9). Entry M(i; j) denotes the length of the road between site i

and j in kms (the roads are uni-directional). The roads are uni-directional (i.e., there could be a road from A to B, but not from B to A). If the entry is 0, it means no connection. Vehicles depart from a source and then take a path ( lename \vehicle.txt”). The time of departure (in minutes) is given in lename \time.txt”, nth vehicle departs at time instance n. The speed (in kmph) of the vehicle in a road is given by the formula e0:5x=(1 + e0:5x) + 15=(1 + e0:5x), where x is the number of vehicles ahead in a given road. If there are n vehicles in the road, then for the rst vehicle x = 0, second vehicle x = 1, and for the last vehicle x = n 1. The time taken

to travel the road is dist/speed. Implement a function that takes time as input and reports

the position of various vehicles at that given time. [20]

2. There is an under-powered car stuck in the bottom of a 1-dim valley. It needs to nd its way to the top. The car has three actions namely A = f 1; 0; +1g which means accelerate backward, no acceleration and accelerate forward, respectively. A chosen action is applied for a xed duration of time, after which a new action is chosen. The ranges for position and velocity are

  • 1:2; 0:5] and [ 0:07; 0:07], respectively. The car is needs to reach the top on the right, i.e., position of 0:5. The dynamics is according to the equations:

vn+1 = vn + 0:001an 0:0025 cos(3pn)

pn+1 = pn + vn

(a) Implement a function which takes in the current position and action and outputs the

position and velocity at the next step.


  1. Implement a random agent which at each time instant chooses one of the three actions uniformly at random. Plot f(pn; vn); n 1g produced by the random agent. Take the

initial position to be 0:5, and initial velocity to be 0. [15]

(c) Implement another agent which accelerates in the direction of the current velocity. Plot f(pn; vn); n 1g produced by this agent. Take the initial position to be 0:5, and initial

velocity to be 0. [10]

3. Read the text le \speeches.txt”


Compute the next word probabilities.



Based on the next word probabilities, write down a code that will produce random text

of length 5000.



Compute the next word probability from the previous task and show that it converges to

the next word probabilities calculated from the original text.


End of paper

CS Lab 3 Solution
$30.00 $24.00