CS– Lab Assignment 1 Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Getting motivated WELCOME to your first CS140 lab. During the semester, you will be taken through a sequence of increasingly more difficult programming assignments. They will be challenging but matched to your programming skills which will become better and better as we go along. In case you find yourself spending too much time on an…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution



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Getting motivated

WELCOME to your first CS140 lab. During the semester, you will be taken through a sequence of increasingly more difficult programming assignments. They will be challenging but matched to your programming skills which will become better and better as we go along. In case you find yourself spending too much time on an assignment, be sure to seek help from the TAs or the instructor (in that order). You can also post questions to the class using Canvas Discussions (don’t post detailed code). The important thing is for you not to back yourself into a corner where you get so frustrated that you give up.

Lab submission and due date

Your friendly TAs will tell you how to submit your work on Canvas the first day in lab. Take good notes! You don’t submit Prog1a. The due date for Prog1b and Prog1c is 11.59PM Tuesday January 22, 2019. The due date for Prog1d is 11.59PM Tuesday January 29, 2019.

Getting Started

In CS102 you used an IDE that ran under Windows. That was done so you could learn programming skills more quickly. In CS140 (and all subsequent computer science courses), you will write, compile and execute programs on computers that run Linux. This requires Unix proficiency. You went thru a Unix bootstrap in CS130, but in case you never quite got the hang of it or have forgotten what you learned, your first task is to work thru a Unix tutorial such as tutorialspoint.com/unix. Unix will seem very complicated at first but you don’t need to know all that many commands to get started. Then, as time goes by and you become more confident, you can branch out and familiarize yourself with other commands and tools.

There are many ways to edit files under Unix. Old timers prefer “vi” which is a screen-oriented editor. You should consider using a newer improved version called “vim” which is available for Macs and Windows computers. The above Unix tutorial has a short section on “vi” which outlines the basic commands for inserting and deleting text, moving up/down and across lines, etc (which is really all you need). Evautally, you will want to read the PDF manual available from vim.org/docs.php to learn how to do things more efficiently.

You also need to figure out how to connect to the Hydra machines from your own computer. That way you can work from anywhere. You will also benefit from being able to copy files to and from your own computer and Hydra machines. There are many ways to do this. Ask the TAs and/or your classmates for suggestions. If you choose to do the labs on your own computer, be forewarned that your code will be graded on a Hydra machine which, of course, requires that it compiles and runs on that computer. If it doesn’t, you will be assigned a score of 0 for the assignment.

When you go to your first lab, login to your Unix account and do the following:

  • Create a directory in your home directory called cs140 (use lower case). Make sure read and write access is disallowed for anyone but yourself.

UNIX> mkdir ~/cs140
UNIX> chmod 700 ~/cs140
  • Create a subdirectory called cs140/labs and within it, a subdirectory called lab1. Go to this last directory. Write a C++ program called “Prog1a” which prints “hello world” to stdout. Use “vi” to create the cpp file and “g++” to compile the executable.

UNIX> mkdir -p ~/cs140/labs/lab1
UNIX> cd ~/cs140/labs/lab1
UNIX> vi Prog1a.cpp
... enter the code ...
(To learn how to insert text, save a file, and exit vi, read the tutorials above)
UNIX> g++ -o Prog1a Prog1a.cpp
UNIX> ./Prog1a

As you can see, the only tricky bit is using “vi”. If you want to understand what the mentioned commands do, use the “man” page system.

UNIX> man man
UNIX> man mkdir

The first command displays a manual for how to use the manual. The second command tells you everything you need to know about creating a directory. You scroll thru multiple man pages using the “space” bar.

  • To make life easier for you, Hydra solution executables will be made available for all lab assignments. Sometimes you will also be given data files and half-baked source code files that you will modify. For lab1, you obtain these files as follows:

UNIX> ~cs140/labs/lab1/copy 

This creates the directory ~/cs140/labs/lab1 and all the parent directories in the chain.

WARNING: The copy script doesn’t check to see if a file with the same name already exists in the target directory. Solution executables always be all lower case and prefixed by the letter “s”, e.g., “sprog1a”. If you make a habit of using uppercase names for your files, e.g., “Prog1a.cpp” and “Prog1a”, you will not run into problems. However, if you have a file with the same name as one being copied to you, it will be replaced without warning. For that reason, you should always make a backup of your work when you run the copy script after you have started making changes to your code. Same goes when you copy files between your own computer and the Hydra machines. Better safe than sorry!

Assignment Details

  • Prog1b — 20 pts

Write a program called “Prog1b” that reads a sequence of random integers from stdin. When the input has been exhausted, the program prints the number of integers read, their sum as well as the minimum and maximum values to stdout. Place all the code in the main function (like you did in most of your CS102 labs). Test that the program works using simple input examples.

UNIX> ./Prog1b
ctrl-d (To close stdin)
N   = 3
sum = 29
min = 3
max = 16

When all looks good, use the program “sprog1_ints” (provided to you by the copy script mentioned above) to generate random sequences of integers. The program produces as many numbers as specified by the command line argument. To understand more about the syntax below, read the “Unix – Pipes & Filters” section of the unix tutorial above.

UNIX> ./sprog1_ints 123 | ./Prog1b
N   = 123
sum = 59515
min = 2
max = 994

Different arguments to “sprog1_ints” produces different number sequences (the random number generator is seeded differently). Rerunning the program with the same argument produces the same number sequence. This allows you to run “sprog1_ints” and manually compute the answer before piping the output to “Prog1b”. It also allows you to run your program followed by the solution exectuable (“prog1b”) and compare the results.

  • Prog1c — 20 pts

Write a program called “Prog1c” which does the same as “Prog1b”. This time around, create a class called “stats” which has two public member functions, namely, “push(int)” and “print()”. The main function instantiates a stats object, then enters into a loop reading integers from stdin which are passed to the stats object using the push function. When stdin has been exhausted, the print function summarizes the number statistics.

The code for “Prog1c” will seem unnecessarily complicated compared with “Prog1b”. Don’t worry about that. Eventually you will be writing programs for which the class structure not only makes sense but is both a necessary and helpful way to organize things. At this point, we are simply warming up and getting you used to the concept.

  • Prog1d — 60 pts

Write a program called “Prog1d” which can encode and decode ASCII text files, i.e., any file you can view and make sense of such as source code or an html file. Since the goal is not to prevent bad guys from reading your files, we take a simple approach based on systematic character shifting.

Computers represent alphanumeric characters using what is called an ASCII code which is nothing more than a a unique 8-bit number. For example, newline ‘\n’ is 10 (0x0A), space ‘ ‘ is 32 (0x20), digit ‘0’ is 48 (0x30), letter ‘A’ is 65 (0x41) while letter ‘a’ is 97 (0x61) and so forth. (the Unix command “man 7 ascii” will show you all the encodings). Since alphanumeric characters are integer numbers, we can manipulate them. For example, ‘a’+1 produces ‘b’ and ‘a’+2 produces ‘c’. We will use this idea to change all letters the same way. To keep things interesting, we will make sure lower case letters remain lower case and upper case letters remain upper case. We will not change white space, digits, and other characters. In order to this, you need to determine whether a character represents a letter and if so, whether it is lower or upper case. Use the library functions “isalpha”, “islower”, and “isupper” to get that job done. More about these below. The tricky bit is to ensure the encoding stays within the realm of lower and upper case letters. For example, ‘z’+1 should be mapped to ‘a’, ‘y’+4 should be mapped to ‘c’, and so forth. When you decode, you likewise need to ensure that say ‘a’-1 maps to ‘z’ and ‘c’-4 maps to ‘y’. This is not hard but you do need to be careful when you implement these cyclic mappings.

How will the program know whether to encode or decode and how will it know which number to add or subtract to each letter? You tell it using command line arguments. The first is either “-encode” or “-decode”. The second is an integer in the range 0-9.

UNIX> ./Prog1d -encode 4
You can't read this!   
Csy ger'x vieh xlmw!

UNIX> ./Prog1d -encode 4 | ./Prog1d -decode 4
You can't read this!
You can't read this!

Your program must check that the correct number and type of command line arguments is given. If not, an error message should be printed to stderr and program execution stopped. The encoding and decoding should be carried out on a textline-by-textline basis using functions “encode(string&,int)” and “decode(string&,int)”. The two arguments are a reference to a textline and the magic shift you will apply to the lower and upper case letters in it. The function “getline(istream&, string&)” can be used to read textlines one at a time.

Once you get the hang of Unix, this is by far the most difficult part of the lab. Use reference guides such as cplusplus.com to help you with C++ library function syntax and use. As an example, cplusplus.com/reference/cctype tells you how to use the “isalpha”, “islower”, and “isupper” functions mentioned above. There is also a C++ tutorial in the documentation section.

Take a structured approach to your program development. Initially, forget about the encoding and decoding. Write a program that checks if the right number of command line arguments is given to it. When that works, check that the arguments are of the correct type (here argv[1] must be either “-encode” or “-decode” while argv[2] must be an integer in the 0-9 range). Then add the code that reads one textline at a time from stdin. Finally, add the function for encoding followed by the function for decoding. This way, you will have something to submit if you can’t figure out how to make the program do what it is supposed to or if you run out of time. Take this approach for ALL lab assignments. The TAs will NOT have time to do extensive debugging of your program when grading it. Assume code that doesn’t compile and/or run properly will be given a score of 0. Effort is nice but ultimately code has to work in the real world.

Grade Rubric

NOTE 1: You must have a correctly functioning executable for each program you are assigned to write. Verify your output against these working programs. The TAs will do the same when grading your submissions. As stated by the lab grading guidelines, approximately half of the points awarded for each assignment are determined by program functionality.

NOTE 2: Use the naming conventions described in the lab assignment.

NOTE 3: Appropriate comments are worth 5 out of the 100 points overall and up to 5% of each section. If you are unsure what constitutes appropriate comments, see Dr. Parker’s note titled “Commenting Your Code” here: Commenting Your Code.

Prog1a (0)

*0: Prog1a should not be submitted.

Prog1b (20 points)

*10: Loop for reading in stdin
*10: Sum/min/max calculation

Prog1c (20 points)

*10: Class definition
*10: Class functions

Prog1d (60 points)

*20: Command line argument parsing
*10: Verification that given command line parameters are valid
*15: Encode function
*15: Decode function

CS-- Lab Assignment 1 Solution
$30.00 $24.00