CS- Lab Assignment 2 Solution

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Getting motivated Want to play a game? In this lab you will have two programs repeat the process of shuffling and dealing an endless deck of cards and until a specified condition is met. The real point of the exercise, though, is to have you work with arrays and linked lists. Lab submission and due…

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Getting motivated

Want to play a game? In this lab you will have two programs repeat the process of shuffling and dealing an endless deck of cards and until a specified condition is met. The real point of the exercise, though, is to have you work with arrays and linked lists.

Lab submission and due date

Your TAs will tell you how to submit your work in lab. The due date for Prog2a is 11.59PM on Saturday February 2, 2019. while Prog2b is due 11.59PM on Saturday February 9, 2019. Thus, you have four days to finish Prog2a and seven days to finish Prog2b. If working on a Saturday is a problem for you, finish the assignments on the Friday.

Dealing cards

You are given a code sketch for Part A of the assignment. This code sketch includes a near-empty main program that you fill in as well as two global arrays of strings representing the rank and suit of a card, and a function for generating random cards. Carry this code over from Part A to Part B. In fact, carry ALL the code from Part A over to Part B and modify what’s needed to meet the change in specs. (The alternative is start over, but that would be a waste of time.)

Getting started and what you need to do

To help you get started, run the Hydra script /home/cs140/labs/lab2/copy to obtain the following files: Prog2a.cpp (sketch code for Part A), sprog2a, sprog2b (Hydra solution executables), and a makefile. Your job is to write the missing source code which must behave as described next.

The two executables take two optional arguments: -seed=N where N is a non-negative integer for seeding the random number generator; and -verbose causes the random_card() function to print each card to stdout before returning it to the calling function. Note: That there is no error checking on the command line arguments; if you feed the programs garbage, they may crash or get stuck in a infinite loop — you get out of the latter by typing ctrl-C.

  • For 50 points, make Prog2a.cpp compile and do the following. Generate random cards until all the different face cards have each been seen at least twice for a given suit (i.e., “Jack”, “Queen”, and “King”). then print a table showing how many cards of each suit and rank you were dealt along the way. Flag the suit that caused termination by adding “**” at the end its output line.

The first step is to work out how to parse the string representing a card into suit and rank and translate those into the indices for the corresponding global string arrays. That is, reverse engineer what the random_card() function does. Caveat: Do not simply use integer division to reverse the modulo arithmetic, instead use string comparisons. Test the code by temporarily printing the suit and rank indices to stdout. Break out of the loop after some small number of iterations.

The next step is to add a table that keeps track of which cards you are dealt (counts of suit and rank pairs). Implement this table using a static two-dimensional array whose content you initialize to zero before entering the while loop. The table should have 4 rows and 13 columns corresponding to the fixed number of suits and the number of ranks, respectively. Test the code by printing the table to stdout as shown below after you break out of the loop. Again, do so after some small number of iterations.

The last step is to replace the finite-number-of-iterations termination criterion with the one requested which is based on all different cards having been seen at least twice for a given suit. That is, step thru the table for each suit and set a Boolean variable to true if the condition is met. Use this variable to break out of the loop.

Test your Prog2a exectuable using different seed values. Use the verbose command-line option to print the cards to stdout so you can double-check your table output. When the code works as intended, clean it up and add a few comments.

  • For 100 points, write the non-existent Prog2b.cpp code and have it keep track of the order in which a card rank is observed for each suit. You do this by inserting the cards at the front of linked lists, using one list for each suit. If a card had been encountered previously and thus found elsewhere in the list, that earlier instance of the card is removed. When the stopping criterion from Prog2a is encountered, break the infinite-loop and print the contents of each linked list to stdout as shown below.

Add an array of linked lists: the length of the array is fixed at 4 like before, while the length of each linked list varies from suit to suit. Each new card is added to the appropriate list thru use of an insert() function. Declare a list class based on a single linked list. The list class needs to define a private node datatype, and it must include a constructor for properly initializing an empty list, a destructor for deallocating all the nodes in a list as well as the list itself, and the mentioned insert function which works as described next; no other list class functions are needed and should not be implemented. Overload operator<<() used by ostream and have it print the contents of the list. Since access is needed to private data members, make the overloaded output operator a friend of the list class. See the code handouts for how to set this up.

The list::insert() function is where the fun work takes place. The function takes a single integer argument, namely, the rank index of a card where index refers to the position of the rank in the global rank string array. A new node is created and added to the front of the list that stores the rank index value. A search is then carried out to see if the rank index value is found downstream from the new node; if so, the older node is removed from the list.

Hint: You are using a single linked list which means you cannot go back once you have a match on the rank index. One option is to look ahead instead of advancing and then taking a look a the rank index. Another option is to maintain two pointers, namely, one pointing to previous node and one pointing to current node.

Hint: Write generic code that works under all circumstances rather than have several codes for special cases. For example, write the insert() function so that it can handle a rank match regardless of where the matching node resides in the list. Draw a sketch of the different scenarios that need to be handled and infer from it how to do it generically.

Prog2a example output

UNIX> ./Prog2a
  Spades :   0   0   0   0   0   2   1   0   1   2   2   3   2 **
  Hearts :   2   1   1   0   0   1   0   1   1   0   3   0   0
Diamonds :   0   0   1   0   0   0   2   0   2   1   1   0   1
   Clubs :   1   0   0   0   0   0   1   0   0   1   1   1   1
UNIX> ./Prog2a -seed=140
  Spades :   2   1   4   3   1   2   1   2   2   3   3   1   2
  Hearts :   3   1   2   0   2   0   1   1   3   3   2   3   4 **
Diamonds :   1   4   2   3   3   1   4   1   1   7   3   1   0
   Clubs :   0   2   0   1   4   2   3   1   3   0   2   1   3

Try first the verbose option, and then using different seeds. Make sure you understand the output.

Prog2b example output

UNIX> ./Prog2b
  Spades : Jack King 7 Queen 10 6 9 **
  Hearts : 2 Ace 8 Jack 3 6 9
Diamonds : 7 10 9 Jack King 3
   Clubs : King 10 7 Jack Ace Queen
UNIX> ./Prog2b -seed=140
  Spades : 3 Ace 9 10 5 Queen Jack 6 8 7 King 4 2
  Hearts : Jack 10 King 9 Queen 3 Ace 5 2 7 8 **
Diamonds : 4 9 10 7 3 5 Queen 2 8 Jack Ace 6
   Clubs : 8 2 King 5 7 9 Jack 6 Queen 4

Using the verbose option, you once again see the sequence of cards dealt. Write this sequence down on paper and track how cards move to the front of the suit lists (or rather, disappear from the back). To reduce the amount of output, use grep to select a particular suit. For example,

UNIX> ./Prog2b -verbose | grep Spades
Queen of Spades
6 of Spades
King of Spades
10 of Spades
9 of Spades
6 of Spades
10 of Spades
Jack of Spades
Queen of Spades
Queen of Spades
7 of Spades
King of Spades
Jack of Spades
  Spades : Jack King 7 Queen 10 6 9 **

Again, try using different seeds. Make sure you understand the output.

Grade Rubric

NOTE 1: You must have a correctly functioning executable for each program you are assigned to write. Verify your output against these working programs. The TAs will do the same when grading your submissions. According to lab grading guidelines, approximately half of the points awarded for each assignment are determined by program functionality. Make sure your code does what it is supposed to!

NOTE 2: Use any naming conventions described in the lab assignment.

NOTE 3: Add comments that what purpose major variables serve (not loop counters etc) and what the computation is about at a fairly high level (not loop counter gets incremented etc). Less is often more. Write only as many comments as you think somebody would need to understand the flow of the code. You will not get points for comments, but you may loose points if you don’t have any.

NOTE 4: These notes will not be listed on future lab assignments but they will remain in effect.

Prog2a (50 points)

*10: Using a 2D array for keeping track of cards counts.
*10: Parsing the card string into suit and rank indices.
*20: Stopping when a stop card is dealt.
*10: Printing formatted table contents to stdout.

Prog2b (100 points)

*40: Linked-list class and use.
*40: Function list::insert() implementation.
*10: Overloaded operator<<() implementation.
*10: Printing cards in order.
CS- Lab Assignment 2 Solution
$30.00 $24.00