CS– Lab Assignment 5 Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Getting motivated In this lab, you will write a C++ program for solving a sudoku game. The goal of the exercise is for you gain experience with recursion and backtracking. Lab submission and due date All work should be contained the file called “Sudoku.cpp”. The due date is 11:59pm on Tuesday Mar 26, 2019. NOTE:…

5/5 – (2 votes)

You’ll get a: zip file solution



5/5 – (2 votes)

Getting motivated

In this lab, you will write a C++ program for solving a sudoku game. The goal of the exercise is for you gain experience with recursion and backtracking.

Lab submission and due date

All work should be contained the file called “Sudoku.cpp”. The due date is 11:59pm on Tuesday Mar 26, 2019. NOTE: You neither need nor do you have three weeks to do this assignment as Exam 2 requires some of your attention plus Spring Break takes out a full week. Get started early. You will thank yourself later. The assignment may be (much) more difficult than you think.

Sudoku primer

You presumably know how to play the Sudoku game, but if you don’t,  gives an introduction that includes the history and other variants of the game. Basically, the objective is to fill a 9-by-9 grid with numbers from 1 to 9 in such a way that the following simple condition is met: each row, column, and 3-by-3 block contains each number exactly once. If you like this kind of thing, Bob Harris (a former MS student of mine who went on to get a PhD from Penn State) maintains a number of a Squiggly Sudoku puzzles on his website (see ). His puzzles are so good, he had one printed in an issue of Scientific American. Pretty cool!

Code you need to write

Write the following code. Be sure to check it rigorously. Don’t submit code that doesn’t compile, doesn’t work, or doesn’t come close to doing the right thing. See the TAs well in advance of the deadline to get your problems sorted out.

  • Run the script /home/cs140/labs/lab5/copy to obtain a Hydra executable called “ssudoku” that can create and solve sudoku games. You will also get a makefile and a game to get you started. You can always generate more. The underlying random number generator is seeded differently each second meaning you are unlikely to reproduce a particular game. Therefore, make sure you use unique file names for different runs.

Example sudoku output is shown below in the form of simple ascii grids. The makepdf script also given to you creates a nice printable version for pen-and-paper fun. This script only works on Hydra machines.

The solution executable has two modes, namely, create (-c) and solve (-s). You only need to write code for the solve mode. The create mode generates a complete sudoku solution, then randomly resets as many grid cells to zero (equivalent to blank) as possible while ensuring that the resulting puzzle has a unique solution. That way, you can compare the solution executable’s output with your output when you start solving the puzzles. Generating a new game sometimes takes a bit long. If you get tired of waiting, kill the program (ctrl-C) and run it again.

To help you get going, the copy script also gives you a source code file called “Sudoku.cpp” that does all the boring work associated with checking commandline options, reading, writing, and displaying games. Your job is to add the missing pieces as described next.

  • For 30 points, augment “Sudoku.cpp” with code for error checking both games that you read and solutions that you (ultimately) produce. Specifically, update private member function sudoku::read() to check that grid indices and values are valid when reading a new game; grid indices must be in the range 0-8 while grid values must be in the range 0-9. The value check should be placed in its own private member function called sudoku::error_check_value() as it must also be performed on solutions before displaying them and writing them to file. Be forewarned that while 0 is a valid grid value for a new game when it is read from file, it is not a valid grid value after the game has been solved as it indicates a blank cell; you may consequently want sudoku::error_check_value() to take arguments that define the value range checked. Lastly, create and use private member function sudoku::error_check_uniqueness() to make sure solutions are valid; the grid values must be unique for each row, column and block. All error checking should print offending data to stderr before bailing out (exit(0)). See code behavior examples below.

  • For 95 points, update Sudoku.cpp to solve the commandline specified game. Have public member function sudoku::solve() initialize the computation and carry out the error checking described above. Have private member function sudoku::solve(arguments) carry out the recursion. This function takes arguments that tells it what to do and on what data. What the arguments depends on your choice of implementation.

Pseudo-code for the recursive solve() function looks as follows:

solve(arguments) {
  if solution found,
    return solution-found

  set cell index (i,j)
  determine valid values
  if no valid values left,
    return road-to-nowhere

  iterate thru valid values {
    game[i][j] = next value
    if solve(arguments) == solution-found
      return solution-found

  reset: game[i][j] = 0
  return road-to-nowhere

In words, the recursive search for the solution is based on enumerating valid values for each empty cell in numerical order. When a particular sequence of choices makes it impossible to continue, backtracking is used to return to the last viable configuration such that you can try the next value. As you have seen in class, recursion is a deceptively simple way to solve a problem and it is easy to mess it up. Pay attention to your base cases as they stop the recursion. Likewise, pay attention to the code that advances you toward the base cases, since if this doesn’t work, your code will either stop prematurely or not at all!

Hint: Make sure your recursive code doesn’t clobber the solution when it works its way back out to the original call to sudoku::solve() in the main function. Use call sudoku::display() to visualize the solution and use sudoku::write() to write the solution to file.

Create private member function sudoko::valid_values() that determines and returns the set of valid values for a given grid cell. For a blank grid, the answer would be [1,2,…,9]. As the grid gets filled out, numbers should be ruled out depending on the row, column and 3×3 block context. Use the same logic for this as you did when writing the sudoku::error_check_uniqueness() function. Add code to the recursive solve function to ensure that the next cell considered has the lowest number of possible valid values of those left. When the number of valid values is zero, the recursion has backed itself into a corner. Go back to the previous grid cell and try a different data value. If that doesn’t work, go back yet another step, etc. This is the mentioned backtracking. Do this automatically using appropriately placed “return” calls. Think long and hard about what information needs to be passed back where and how. Eventually, you will find the solution. Consider that a base case. Not being to continue the recursion due is also a base case. Both stop the recursion.

Hint: Draw inspiration from nqueens::placequeen() from the nqueens_handout. The two games are clearly different but their mode of operation is essentially the same.

Executable output examples

sudoku game creation (solution code only)

user> sudoku -c game.txt
| --------------------------- |
| 5  3  4 | 9  6  7 | 1  2  8 |
| 2  8  7 | 4  1  3 | 6  5  9 |
| 9  1  6 | 2  8  5 | 7  4  3 |
| --------------------------- |
| 6  4  1 | 5  7  8 | 3  9  2 |
| 7  5  3 | 1  2  9 | 8  6  4 |
| 8  2  9 | 3  4  6 | 5  1  7 |
| --------------------------- |
| 1  9  5 | 8  3  2 | 4  7  6 |
| 4  7  8 | 6  9  1 | 2  3  5 |
| 3  6  2 | 7  5  4 | 9  8  1 |
| --------------------------- |
70% reduction
| --------------------------- |
| 0  0  0 | 0  6  0 | 0  0  8 |
| 0  8  7 | 4  0  0 | 0  5  0 |
| 0  1  0 | 2  0  5 | 7  0  0 |
| --------------------------- |
| 6  0  0 | 0  7  0 | 0  9  0 |
| 0  5  3 | 0  0  9 | 0  6  4 |
| 0  0  0 | 0  0  0 | 5  0  0 |
| --------------------------- |
| 0  9  5 | 0  0  0 | 0  0  0 |
| 0  0  0 | 0  0  0 | 2  0  0 |
| 0  0  0 | 7  0  4 | 0  0  0 |
| --------------------------- |
user> cat game.txt
0 4 6
0 8 8
1 1 8
1 2 7
1 3 4
1 7 5
2 1 1
2 3 2
2 5 5
2 6 7

user> makepdf game
user> acroread game.pdf

sudoku game solving

user> sudoku -s game.txt
| --------------------------- |
| 0  0  0 | 0  6  0 | 0  0  8 |
| 0  8  7 | 4  0  0 | 0  5  0 |
| 0  1  0 | 2  0  5 | 7  0  0 |
| --------------------------- |
| 6  0  0 | 0  7  0 | 0  9  0 |
| 0  5  3 | 0  0  9 | 0  6  4 |
| 0  0  0 | 0  0  0 | 5  0  0 |
| --------------------------- |
| 0  9  5 | 0  0  0 | 0  0  0 |
| 0  0  0 | 0  0  0 | 2  0  0 |
| 0  0  0 | 7  0  4 | 0  0  0 |
| --------------------------- |
| --------------------------- |
| 5  3  4 | 9  6  7 | 1  2  8 |
| 2  8  7 | 4  1  3 | 6  5  9 |
| 9  1  6 | 2  8  5 | 7  4  3 |
| --------------------------- |
| 6  4  1 | 5  7  8 | 3  9  2 |
| 7  5  3 | 1  2  9 | 8  6  4 |
| 8  2  9 | 3  4  6 | 5  1  7 |
| --------------------------- |
| 1  9  5 | 8  3  2 | 4  7  6 |
| 4  7  8 | 6  9  1 | 2  3  5 |
| 3  6  2 | 7  5  4 | 9  8  1 |
| --------------------------- |
user> cat game_solved.txt
0 0 5
0 1 3
0 2 4
0 3 9
0 4 6
0 5 7
0 6 1
0 7 2
0 8 8
1 0 2

user> makepdf game_solved
user> acroread game_solved.pdf

sudoku game error checking: grid indices

user> sudoku -s badgame1.txt
line 4: 0 9 5 out-of-bounds grid index 
line 7: 9 7 7 out-of-bounds grid index

The above was simulated by forcing two cells of game.txt to take on wrong values, namely

  0 8 5 -> 0 9 5
  1 7 7 -> 9 7 7

sudoku game error checking: grid values (simulated)

| --------------------------- |
| 9  0  0 | 0  9  0 | 0  4  5 |
| 0  0  4 | 0  2  0 | 0  7  1 |
| 8  0  0 | 0  9  0 | 0  0  6 |
| --------------------------- |
| 0  9  0 | 0  0  0 | 0  0  0 |
| 0  6  0 | 0  0  0 | 0  5  0 |
| 0  0  0 | 3  0  3 | 0  1  0 |
| --------------------------- |
| 3  0  0 | 0  0  4 | 0  0  0 |
| 0  2  0 | 0  0  3 | 0  0  3 |
| 7  0  0 | 0  0  0 | 4  2  0 |
| --------------------------- |
cell 0 0: non-unique value 9
cell 0 4: non-unique value 9
cell 2 4: non-unique value 9
cell 5 3: non-unique value 3
cell 5 5: non-unique value 3
cell 7 5: non-unique value 3
cell 7 8: non-unique value 3

The above was simulated by forcing three cells of game.txt to take on wrong values, namely

  0 4 1 -> 0 4 9
  5 3 8 -> 5 3 3
  7 5 7 -> 7 5 3

Notice the cascade of errors that resulted. That is, each error generated multiple cases of non-uniqueness. While this may seem confusing, keeping track and only reporting the first instances is more trouble than it’s worth. Use the simple error checking indicated here to help ensure you load a valid game and that your code produces a valid solution.

Grade Rubric

See previous lab assignments for notes on general expectations.

Sudoku (125 points)

*10: Proper reporting of invalid grid indices
*10: Proper reporting of invalid grid values
*10: Proper reporting of non-unique grid values 
*15: Finding the correct set of valid values for each empty cell
*10: Correct set up of solve() -- which calls solve(arguments)
*50: Correct use of recursion and backtracking for solve(arguments)
*30: Make recursion always try cell with fewest valid values next
CS-- Lab Assignment 5 Solution
$30.00 $24.00