CS- Lab Assignment 8 Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Getting motivated Inheritance is a powerfull way for letting objects share member data and function definitions. In this lab, you will gain hands-on experience with this concept. Warning: The following is a somewhat incomplete and sketchy description. You will not be given nearly the same level of detailed how-to instructions you have seen earlier in the…

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Getting motivated

Inheritance is a powerfull way for letting objects share member data and function definitions. In this lab, you will gain hands-on experience with this concept.

Warning: The following is a somewhat incomplete and sketchy description. You will not be given nearly the same level of detailed how-to instructions you have seen earlier in the semester. This is your time to be creative and do it your way (sort of). Ask questions in class and on Piazza till you understand the assignment. Do this sooner rather than later.

Lab submission and due date

Submit a tar file which contains completed Data_processor.cpp, Person.h, Person.cpp and Sptrsort.h files via Canvas no later than 11:59pm

NOTE: This is a one week assignment. You get two weeks to do it because of Thanksgiving. Also, you will get a chance to make up (a few) lost points in the very near future. The due date for that will coincide with the due date for Lab 8. Plan accordingly.

Getting started and what you need to do

To help you get started, run the Hydra script /home/cs302/labs/lab8/copy to obtain the following files: sdata_generator and sdata_processor (Hydra executables), Data_processor.cpp (skeleton driver program source code), Person.h and Person.cpp (data definition skeleton files). Sptrsort.h (smart pointer skeleton file), and a makefile (for compiling Data_processor).

The idea behind the lab is to have you read XML data from a file and produce a sorted and formatted version thereof to stdout. As with previous labs, you will build up to the final version step by step. Here are the details. You may have to read the assignment a couple of times before it makes sense. Also, look at the example output below to get a better idea of what’s going on.

  • Sptrsort.h: This file is empty. Add the smartpointer class from the corresponding code handout. Have the sprtsort() function set up the smartpointer array and before it calls std::sort(). Before returning, the result of the sort is used to reorder the input data. Note: The input data is (should be) a vector of pointers. Don’t simply use the data2ptr() and ptr2data() functions from the code handout since that was based on a vector of data values.

Person.h and Person.cpp: These files are empty apart from an enum declaration. Your job is add the definitions for the three classes: person, faculty, and student. The person.cpp file is equally empty. This is where you place the code which implements the class member functions.

Data_processor.cpp: This file contains the main function which reads and parses the XML data from file (most of this code is provided to you “free of charge”). You will need to add code to store the XML data in a list of person objects which you then process. When you look at the file, you will see what’s missing. You will also add a processing part that consists of user specified sorting on either person objects, faculty objects or student objects. More on this below.

  • Version 1: Modify the main program and create a person class that allows you to read the name of each person. Pay no attention to faculty versus student and ignore all course data. You will need to create the person class, overload both operator<() and friend operator<<() in order to print a sorted list of names to stdout. Implement and use the Sprtsort code for the sorting.

When eventually adding the courses, sort them alphabetically. For student entries, also print grade points earned as well as the commulative GPA (for the alphabetically sorted list — not based on the order in which they took courses).

  • Version 2: Add the faculty and student classes. These should be derived from the person class which in turn will need to have any private members be made protected. See UML diagram for a pictorial view of these classes, their relationships and members (+X means X is a public member, #X means X is a protected member, and -X means X is a private member). Note: You may need to shrink the PDF when viewing it.

Make the person class a base class by adding virtual member functions that allow the derived faculty and student classes to control what they do if they do it differently (this is polymorphism). For example, faculty will maintain a list of course names while students while maintain both course names and grade points (GP). Print faculty and student details thru the overloaded person friend operator<<(). When printing student data, add a commulative GPA to the right the course GP value.

Update the main program to create and add faculty and student objects to the database instead of person objects. Overload the person operator<() to facilitate sorting of the data first by faculty then by student and within each category alphabetically by full name (i.e., “Firstname Lastname”).

  • Version 3: Modify the main program to accept a commandline option that determines whether to print person entries (sorted by faculty then student with members of each type sorted alphabetically), faculty entries (sorted by first by order of assistant, associate and full professors, then alphabetically within each category), and student entries (sorted first by order of freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior class status, then alphabetically). See output examples below.

  • For all code, keep the layout defined in the files given to you. Include only header files needed. Maintain the highest level of privacy possible. Make member data and functions public or protected only when necessary. Likewise, create only member functions that are needed. Declare functions purely virtual (abstract) in the base class if only the derived classes can define them.

Pay close attention to the definition of constructors and destructors. Make sure derived class destructors get activated. That is, watch out for memory leaks. You can run valgrind on your executable to see if you have any — if you do, fix them.


unix> ./sdata_generator > data.xml
unix> cat data.xml
  <name="Neil Down"/>
  <course="CS4 Reading Core Dumps" gp="3.5"/>
  <course="PH1 Perms and Waves" gp="3"/>
  <course="CS5 Advanced Topics in Z" gp="3.5"/>

  <name="Chriss Cross"/>
  <course="CS3 Pear Programming" gp="2.5"/>
  <course="CS2 Pointy Pointers" gp="3"/>
  <course="CS4 Reading Core Dumps" gp="2"/>

  <name="Barb Dwyer"/>
  <category="Assistant Professor"/>
  <course="CS2 Pointy Pointers"/>
  <course="CS3 Pear Programming"/>


unix> ./Data_processor -person < data.xml

      Name: Anna Graham
  Category: Associate Professor
    Course: CS5 Web Apples
    Course: PH1 Perms and Waves
    Course: PH2 Particle Bored

      Name: Barry Cade
  Category: Full Professor
    Course: CS2 Pointy Pointers
    Course: CS3 Pear Programming
    Course: PH1 Perms and Waves

      Name: Sandy Banks
  Category: Assistant Professor
    Course: CS3 Pear Programming
    Course: CS5 Web Apples
    Course: MA1 Math for Chumps

      Name: Brighton Early
  Category: Senior
    Course: CS1 Problem Solving       4.00 4.00
    Course: CS4 Reading Core Dumps    3.50 3.75
    Course: CS5 Web Apples            4.00 3.83

      Name: Jean Poole
  Category: Freshman
    Course: CS1 Problem Solving       2.50 2.50
    Course: CS2 Pointy Pointers       4.00 3.25
    Course: CS4 Reading Core Dumps    2.50 3.00

      Name: Kenny Dewitt
  Category: Sophomore
    Course: CS1 Problem Solving       2.00 2.00
    Course: CS3 Pear Programming      3.50 2.75
    Course: PH2 Particle Bored        2.00 2.50

      Name: Scott Free
  Category: Junior
    Course: CS1 Problem Solving       3.50 3.50
    Course: CS3 Pear Programming      2.50 3.00
    Course: MA1 Math for Chumps       4.00 3.33

      Name: Terry Aki
  Category: Freshman
    Course: CS1 Problem Solving       2.00 2.00
    Course: CS2 Pointy Pointers       3.00 2.50
    Course: PH1 Perms and Waves       2.50 2.50

unix> ./Data_processor -faculty < data.xml

      Name: Sandy Banks
  Category: Assistant Professor
    Course: CS3 Pear Programming
    Course: CS5 Web Apples
    Course: MA1 Math for Chumps

      Name: Anna Graham
  Category: Associate Professor
    Course: CS5 Web Apples
    Course: PH1 Perms and Waves
    Course: PH2 Particle Bored

      Name: Barry Cade
  Category: Full Professor
    Course: CS2 Pointy Pointers
    Course: CS3 Pear Programming
    Course: PH1 Perms and Waves

unix> ./Data_processor -student < data.xml

      Name: Jean Poole
  Category: Freshman
    Course: CS1 Problem Solving       2.50 2.50
    Course: CS2 Pointy Pointers       4.00 3.25
    Course: CS4 Reading Core Dumps    2.50 3.00

      Name: Terry Aki
  Category: Freshman
    Course: CS1 Problem Solving       2.00 2.00
    Course: CS2 Pointy Pointers       3.00 2.50
    Course: PH1 Perms and Waves       2.50 2.50

      Name: Kenny Dewitt
  Category: Sophomore
    Course: CS1 Problem Solving       2.00 2.00
    Course: CS3 Pear Programming      3.50 2.75
    Course: PH2 Particle Bored        2.00 2.50

      Name: Scott Free
  Category: Junior
    Course: CS1 Problem Solving       3.50 3.50
    Course: CS3 Pear Programming      2.50 3.00
    Course: MA1 Math for Chumps       4.00 3.33

      Name: Brighton Early
  Category: Senior
    Course: CS1 Problem Solving       4.00 4.00
    Course: CS4 Reading Core Dumps    3.50 3.75
    Course: CS5 Web Apples            4.00 3.83

Grading Rubric

10: Sptrsort.h -- implementation of smart pointer based sorting of vector 
    of pointers to objects of arbitrary type
30: Person.h and Person.cpp -- implementation of person, faculty and student 
    classes based on inheritance
30: Data_processor.cpp -- implementation of basic main program functionality
30: Data_processor.cpp -- implementation of sorting based on object category
CS- Lab Assignment 8 Solution
$30.00 $24.00