CS-Lab Assignment 3 Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Getting motivated In this lab you will write a program for embedding ascii text within a PPM image using a randomized algorithm for selecting where to place the characters. We will call the program “crypto” which makes it sound as if it is based on cryptography. In reality, it is a case of steganography which…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution



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Getting motivated

In this lab you will write a program for embedding ascii text within a PPM image using a randomized algorithm for selecting where to place the characters. We will call the program “crypto” which makes it sound as if it is based on cryptography. In reality, it is a case of steganography which according to Wikipedia “is the art or practice of concealing a file, message, image, or video within another file, message, image, or video.” Either way, the program is actually pretty cool.

Before you get any ideas to turn it into an app that will make your rich, be forewarned that somebody may hold a patent on a similar idea. The goal of the exercise is to have you apply many of the things we have discussed since the begining of the semester. No attempt has been made to research the literature on the subjects of steganography and crytopgraphy.

Please raise questions and concerns about the assignment (including inconsistencies or unspoken design criteria) on piazza.com sooner rather than later so that clarifications can be shared with the class as early in the two week window as possible.

Lab submission and due date

Submit your work via Canvas no later than 11:59pm Wednesday Oct 2, 2019. You submit three files, namely, Support.h, Support.cpp and Crypto.cpp. As usual, the incremental development outlined below is merely intended to walk you through the process of completing the assignment. Note: The techniques needed to the write random number generator mentioned below will not be covered till Thursday Sep 19, 2019. But don’t worry, you will have plenty to do before then.

Getting started and what you need to do

To help you get started, run the Hydra script /home/cs302/labs/lab3/copy to obtain the following files: scrypto1-3 (Hydra solution executables for the three incremental codes), Support.h, Support.cpp, and Crypto.cpp (skeleton code), plane.ppm, rocket.ppm, and truck.ppm (test images), and a makefile. Your job is to complete writing the program and make it behave as described next.

  • Support.h: This header file defines a template based 2D matrix class, a pixel index class, an RGB class, and a ppm image class.

The 2D matrix class can be any of the ones from the CS140 matrix handout (available from Canvas). The constructor should be changed to simply set the data pointer equal to NULL. A new public member function called assign() should be added that allocates the needed memory given two parameters, viz., Nrows and Ncols. A new publich member function called data() should be added that returns a pointer to the matrix buffer. This is needed by the ppm::read() and ppm::write() functions. With this class being template based, all code needs to be included in the header file. If you like, it can even be included in the class definition.

The pixel index class is merely a struct that stores a pair of row and column indices. The constructor should allow instantiation both with and without new values for these indices. The default constructor should set both indices to 0. With this class being so simple, all code can be included in the class definition.

The RBG class, which is also just a struct, defines a three char data structure with members R, G, and B. The default constructor sets the values of these to 0. With this class being so simple, all code can be included in the class definition.

The ppm image class must define all functionality needed to read, write, and store a P6 type ppm image. Public member functions include the constructor which initializes all member data, read() and write() functions, an overloaded []-operator for index based lookup, and get_Nrows()and get_Ncols() functions for exporting these data variables. All member data must be private and the image must be stored as a matrix object. The read() and write() functions are described below. The []-operator returns a pointer to the image row corresponding to the integer index given to it. All but the read() and write() function code can be included in the class definition.

  • Support.cpp: This file contains the implementation for the ppm::read() and ppm::write() functions which both take two arguments, namely, the name of the file and a reference to an ppm image object.

The ppm::read() function opens the specified file, then reads the header information followed by the image data. Error checking must be included for successful opening of the file (hint: cf. fstream::is_open()), the proper P6 format, a max value of 255, and the correct number of bytes read.

The ppm::write() function creates file name “image_wmsg.ppm” (assuming the input file was “image.ppm”) where “wmsg” is short for “with message” (in other words, an image which has text embedded within it), opens the file, then writes the header information followed by the image data. Error checking must be included for successful opening of the file (hint: cf. ios::is_open()).

  • Crypto.cpp: This file implements the main() function, the encode() and decode() functions as all as all other support code which includes a set_pixel_list() function.

The main() function parses command line arguments “-encode|decode image.ppm” where the pipe symbol means logical OR (standard unix). A meaningful error message is printed if the proper “-encode|decode” mode option is missing not present, as well as if an unknown option is given. A ppm image object is instantiated. The specified ppm file is read and passed to the encode() or decode() function as appropriate.

Version 1 Crypto1 creates the framework for the asssignment. First write the set_pixel_list() function which adds pixel index objects to a vector list. The function is given two arguments: a reference to a ppm imge object and a reference to said vector vector list. For now, have the function add all even pixel index pairs, i.e., (0,0), (0,2), (0,4), …, (2,0), (2,2), …, etc. You change this in Crypto2.

The encode() function instantiates the vector list of pixel indices and calls the set_pixel_list() function to populate it. Then text is read from standard input (cin) and encoded into the ppm image. The basic idea is to replace one RGB bit with one text bit in locations specified by the pixel index list. Warning: You may have to read the how-to description several times before you fully understand the process.

Read and encode the text one character at a time including all white space (hint: cf. fstream::get()). Furthermore, extract and encode one character bit at a time. Since the most significant bit (MSB) is always 0. you should only process the seven least significant bits (LSBs). The pixel index list tells you which pixels to target. Use one pixel per character bit. Alternate between the red, green, and blue color values. Use bit logic to extract the bits in order from LSB to MSB (hint: x>>k shifts the kth bit to the LSB position and x & 0x1 sets all but the LSB to 0). Use bit logic to encode the extracted bit. That is, replace the LSB of the target pixel color with the extracted character bit (hint: x &= 0xFE zeros out the x-LSB while x |= (y & 0x1) sets it to the y-LSB). When all the text has been processed, add an ETX (0x3) character, so you know when to stop when decoding an image. The ETX has been included in the provided support files for your convenience.

The decode() function reverses the process. Once you understand how the encoding works, this is relatively simple. Create the same pixel index list and use it to extract the LSB from eight pixels. Combine these to form a character that you print to standard out (hint: cf. fstream::put()). Stop when the ETX character has been extracted. If you do it right, you see the same text as you encoded. If you don’t, you get garbage.

Version 2 Crypto2 adds randomness to the pixel index list. Without this, somebody might figure out how to read your secret text by detecting patterns. As unlikely as that is, we want to make it nearly impossible. Specifically, we will distribute the seven LSBs of each text character across seven randomly chosen pixels. Instead of just using the standard random number generator (which we could seed with a secret number), we will use a data driven distribution to make it even more unique. For simplity we will use the ppm input image. A more sophisticated version would use another image, but we will not go there.

Modify the set_pixel_target() function as follows. First compute a histogram of the color values for all pixels. To keep the size of the histogram managable, extract the five MSBs from each color byte and combine these to obtain a 15-bit color integer. That is, color = ((R>>3) << 10) | ((G>>3) << 5) | (B>>3). Then instantiate a random number generator that can produce random numbers with probabilities that are proportional to these histogram counts. Use this random number generator to permute the pixel index list. In order to support processing of more than 2^15 = 32768 pixels, combine two of these random numbers to form a 30-bit number that allows processing of 2^30 = 1B pixels. That is, r30 = (r1_15 << 15) | r2_15. The heavy lifting can be done using the code rnumgen and randperm handouts. Add the rnumgen class definition to Support.h, and add the member function implementations to Support.cpp. Use a seed value of 0. Incorporate the randperm idea into the set_pixel_list() function.

If you do the above exactly the same way as the solution code, one can decode what the other encodes. If you do even the slightest thing differently (including when and how many times you call the random number generator), your code will not work with encodings produced by the solution code, but you can still have fun as it may work with its own encodings. Brilliant!

Version 3 Crypto3 is required in order for CS307 students to get full credit but optional and available for extra credit for CS302 students. That is, CS307 students will have up to 25 points deducted if the functionality described next is not included or doesn’t work right. CS302 students will have up to 25 points added, if they complete this successfully.

A simple, but effective encryption method consists of repeatly applying XOR to the characters of the text with characters in a secret key known only to the sender and the receiver. Say the text character is c and the key character is k, then it is easily shown that c=XOR(XOR(c,k)). We will apply this idea as follows. The main() function will accept -key=”text” as an optional third argument. The encode() and decode() functions will be given this text as a second argument. The length of the key will be passed to the set_pixel_list() function which uses it to seed the random number generator. When a key is not specified, the key text is the empty string which has a length of 0 as used for Version 2. The encode() and decode() functions apply XOR to each character before encoding and after decoding, respectively (hint: XOR(x,y) = x^y). When the key text consists of multiple characters, use these in an alternating fashion.

Example crypto1 output

unix> ./crypto1 -encode plane.ppm 
this is a secret message
embedded within an image

unix> ./crypto1 -decode plane_wmsg.ppm 
this is a secret message
embedded within an image

The plane_wmsg.ppm image will look similar to the plane.ppm image, but if you compare them at the bit level, they are not identical.

Example crypto2 output

unix> ./crypto2 -encode plane.ppm 
this is a secret message
embedded within an image

unix> ./crypto2 -decode plane_wmsg.ppm 
this is a secret message
embedded within an image

The plane_wmsg.ppm image produced by crypto2 will will look similar to the one produced by crypto1, but if you compare them at the bit level, they are not identical.

Example crypto3 output

unix> ./crypto3 -encode -key="encryption key" plane.ppm 
this is a secret message
embedded within an image

unix> ./crypto3 -decode -key="wild guess" plane_wmsg.ppm
                 UWcO0CC!]mFJ{Dn9msb}'tafYki5=n c!

The plane_wmsg.ppm image produced by crypto3 will will look similar to the one produced by crypto1 and crypto2, but if you compare them at the bit level, they are not identical.

Grading rubric

15: Command line arguments, error reporting
50: ppm class incl. matrix read/write
60: Crypto1: implementation of basic encode/decode functionality
50: Crypto2: implementation and use of image based random number generator
-- Below task is required for CS307 but optional for CS302 (extra credit)
25: Crypto3: key based XOR encoding/decoding of message

CS-Lab Assignment 3 Solution
$30.00 $24.00