CS-Operating Systems Homework 2-Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Administrivia Homeworks should be done individually and turned in via Moodle. Problems requiring a program-matic solution should be placed in their own directory. Solutions for problems that can be answered without producing a program can all be placed into a single le. Optionally, you may use LaTeX to typeset solutions (programs should still be placed…

5/5 – (2 votes)

You’ll get a: zip file solution



5/5 – (2 votes)
  • Administrivia

Homeworks should be done individually and turned in via Moodle. Problems requiring a program-matic solution should be placed in their own directory. Solutions for problems that can be answered without producing a program can all be placed into a single le.

Optionally, you may use LaTeX to typeset solutions (programs should still be placed in their own directories such that they may be compiled and executed separately). LaTeX version of this le is here: /home/cs314/hw2.tex To generate a pdf with your solutions copy the above le to someplace in your home directory and compile with pdflatex hw2.tex

Turn in one le, preferrably a tgz or zip, containing the answers to the questions below, along with all working code and/or scripts, where applicable.

  • Get On With It

    1. (20 pts) See the man page for the wc utility. It will be present in any UNIX-like system distribution. Try the wc utility out on some input to familiarize yourself with its default output, then write a wc utility of your own that is invoked and produces similar output, counting the number of characters, words, and lines present in the input le. You do not have to implement support for options supported by the real wc utility, just the default behavior for one or more les speci ed on the command line. If no le is speci ed, input is taken from stdin until EOF appears (ctrl+d).


$ wc wc.c

  1. 85455 wc.c

$ wc wc.c a.out

34 85 455 wc.c

  • 408544 a.out





$ wc

this should work as well!




  1. (20 pts) See the man page for the cat utility. It reads les sequentially, writing out their contents to stdout. The les are read and written out to stdout in the order they appear in in the invocation (e.q. \cat le1 le2″ prints contents of le1 then le2), printing an error message when it is unable to read a le or a le is missing and moving on to the next one in the list. Implement the basic functionality of cat (for no input les, where cat reads input from stdin, and for up to 5 les). Also add support for the \-b” ag, which numbers each le’s lines starting at 1.

  1. (20 pts) Consider the following C code:

#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> int a = 0;

int main(){

fork(); printf(“%d\n”, ++a); fork(); printf(“%d\n”, ++a); fork(); printf(“%d\n”, ++a); exit(0);


(10 pts) Including the original process, how many processes end up calling exit()? Show your work or modi ed code and output showing the correct count.

(10 pts) What is one possible output of this program? Explain.

  1. (20 pts) Included here is a trivial threaded program. The intended purpose is to construct a list of numbers from 1 to MAX-1, where each number occurs only once. Run the program on os.cs.s.siue.edu and report what you observe in the output (hint: use wc to count the number of lines in the output), answering the questions: Is the output correct? If it is incorrect, why is it incorrect?

Now, if you’ve found that the output is incorrect, x the program to produce the intended output. Describe what you’ve done, explaining why it works. Include your source as part of the answer.

Also, In your answer, include the execution times you’ve observed for both the original pro-gram and for one you’ve xed to produce correct output. (see: man time) Try to answer at least the following: How is the execution time di erent? Why is it di erent? How does the result change your expectations of improving performance by dividing work into threads?

Hint 1: See http://www.yolinux.com/TUTORIALS/LinuxTutorialPosixThreads.html.

Hint 2: Look at man pages for sem init, sem wait, sem post.

Hint 3: Develop and test your code on os.cs.siue.edu. It will save you a headache. Hint 4: Compile with the pthread library, e.g. gcc -lpthread yourprogram.c (See the program on the next page.)

#include <stdio.h>

#include <pthread.h>

#define MAX 100000

FILE* out;

int main() {

pthread_t f3_thread, f2_thread, f1_thread;

void *f1();

int i = 0;

out = fopen(“numbers”, “w+”);




pthread_join(f1_thread, NULL);

pthread_join(f2_thread, NULL);

pthread_join(f3_thread, NULL);


return 0;


void *f1(int *x){

while(*x < MAX){

fprintf(out,”%d\n”, *x);





  1. (20 pts) Here is another trivial threaded program. Each thread simply prints the value of the passed argument (ignore compiler warnings; we are abusing the argument pointer to pass an integer). Enter this program and run it a bunch of times. You’ll notice that the order of thread execution is random. Without changing main(), use semaphores to enforce that threads always get executed in order, so that what is printed are the values 1, 2, and 3, in that order.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <pthread.h>

int main() {

pthread_t thread1, thread2, thread3;

void *f1();




pthread_join(thread1, NULL);

pthread_join(thread2, NULL);

pthread_join(thread3, NULL);

return 0;


void *f1(int x){

printf(“%d\n”, x);



CS-Operating Systems Homework 2-Solution
$30.00 $24.00