CS-Parallel Programming MP6-Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Overview The purpose of this assignment is for you to gain experience with MPI and stencil compu-tations, iterative programs that update array elements based on a stencil (a xed pattern). Due to the complexity of this MP’s skeleton and its required runs, we recommend starting it early (especially if you have no prior experience with…

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  • Overview

The purpose of this assignment is for you to gain experience with MPI and stencil compu-tations, iterative programs that update array elements based on a stencil (a xed pattern). Due to the complexity of this MP’s skeleton and its required runs, we recommend starting it early (especially if you have no prior experience with MPI).

  • A Five-Point Stencil in MPI

2.1 Five-Point Stencil

Five-point 2D stencils are made up from a point and its four neighbors. This pattern is typically used in iterative contexts, where the output of an iteration is used as the input for the next iteration. An example of a ve-point 2D stencil is the Jacobi algorithm, which is discussed in Section 3.3 of the textbook.

In a distributed context, the computation is distributed across a grid with overlapping regions between processing elements (PE’s), called ghost cells. These ghost cells must be large enough to contain all of the neighbors needed for an iteration, and must be updated with the values from other PE’s between iterations. See Figure 1 for a visual representation of the grid layout used in this MP. Note, each tile of the grid is padded to accommodate the ghost cells and some of the padding goes unused.

2.2 Your Task

We have provided a skeleton program that handles much of the setup for this assignment, which can be pulled from the release repository. Your task is to implement the com-munication for exchanging the ghost cells between PE’s inside the functions send ghosts and recv ghosts. The skeleton distributes PE’s across a kGridRows by kGridCols grid,

with each PE taking a

kW idth



tile of the kWidth by kHeight workload.



The variables kGridX and kGridY represent a PE’s position in the grid (noting that a PE’s rank = (x numCols) + y); use this information to determine whether a PE has north, south, east, and/or west neighbors that require ghost data (and their corresponding ranks).

We have provided helper functions to copy ghost cells between send/receive bu ers and a PE’s tile: copy rowbuf out, copy colbuf out, copy rowbuf in, and copy colbuf in. The “in” functions should be used for receives (copy data into the tile), and the “out” functions for sends (copy data out of the tile). The provided bu ers, colBuf and rowBuf,


Figure 1: Grid layout used by this MP’s skeleton.

are appropriately sized for columns and rows of the PE’s tile respectively. Use blocking MPI calls, e.g. MPI Send and MPI Recv, for this assignment. For reference, we expect you to write somewhere between 20-30 lines of code for this assignment.

Strong scaling refers to how the execution time varies with the number of PE’s for a xed, overall problem size. For a single-node run and an 8192 by 8192 workload with 16 iterations, plot Execution Time vs. Number of PE’s for PE counts: 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16. Brie y comment on your program’s strong scaling.

Weak scaling refers to how the execution time varies with the number of PE’s for a xed problem size per PE. Plot Execution Time vs. Number of PE’s for a xed tile size of 1024 by 1024 per PE for PE counts: 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16; include data labels for each point indicating the overall workload size. Brie y comment on your program’s weak scaling.

As you increase the amount of computation relative to the amount of communica-tion, the cost of communication will be attenuated. For our stencil program, we can increase the amount of computation by running for more iterations. Run your pro-gram with one PE and four PE’s for an 8192 by 8192 workload for iteration counts:

1, 2, 4, 8, and 16. Plot Speedup vs. Number of Iterations using these results, with each point’s value being (nits; timenp=1 ). Brie y comment on these results.



For an 8192 by 8192 workload with 16 iterations, how did running your program with multiple nodes a ect its parallel performance?

2.3 Skeleton Notes

This MP’s skeleton program is rather complex, so it may be worth taking some time to un-derstand it before diving into the assignment. Unlike the other skeleton’s we have provided { this MP’s verboseness is determined at compile-time using a macro variable, VERBOSE LEVEL. You can specify this to the compiler using -DVERBOSE LEVEL=X, where: X = 0 produces no output (use this for performance analysis), X = 1 prints information for correctness check-ing, and X = 2 prints additional information about the program. Since no communication is necessary in single PE runs, these runs can be used as the basis for correctness checking. Note, your program’s output should not vary with valid PE counts for a xed workload size and number of iterations.

The expected usage of the program is ./stencil2d <width> <height> <numIts>, spec-ifying the overall width and height of the workload and the number of iterations to run for. This program assumes that the workload will always be evenly divisible by the number of PE’s, dividing it up based on the largest prime factor of the number of PE’s; an assertion will fail when this condition is not met.

2.4 Running MPI Programs on the Cluster

The following command is used to load MPI into the cluster’s environment:

module load openmpi/3.1.1-intel-18.0

Among others, this will add the programs mpicc and mpirun to the PATH, used to compile and run MPI programs respectively. The number of PE’s to be used is speci ed via mpirun; for example, the following command will run the program stencil2d (with appropriate arguments) on 32 PE’s:

mpirun -np 32 ./stencil2d 2048 2048 16

You are expected to test multi-node runs for this assignment; to do so, change the value of nodes in your batch script. Especially for this assignment, we ask again that you do not execute any of your programs on the login nodes.

  • Submission Guidelines

3.1 Expectations For This Assignment

The graded portions of this assignment will be your stencil program and answers to the short answer questions.

3.1.1 Points Breakdown

4 13pts: | Each Short Answer Question

48pts: | Correctness of your Stencil Program


3.2 Pushing Your Submission

Follow the git commands to commit and push your changes to the remote repo. Ensure that your les are visible on the GitHub web interface, your work will not be graded otherwise. Only the most recent commit before the deadline will be graded.


CS-Parallel Programming MP6-Solution
$30.00 $24.00