CS Problem Set 1 Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Problem 1. (Getting up and running) In CS2040S, we will be writing programs in Java. We will be using IntelliJ as our basic development environment. IntelliJ is available as an open-source (Apache 2.0) Community version that has all the functionality needed for CS2040S, and runs on Windows, Macs, and Linux. It contains useful editing, debugging,…

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Problem 1. (Getting up and running)

In CS2040S, we will be writing programs in Java. We will be using IntelliJ as our basic development environment. IntelliJ is available as an open-source (Apache 2.0) Community version that has all the functionality needed for CS2040S, and runs on Windows, Macs, and Linux. It contains useful editing, debugging, and pro ling tools. You can download it at:


Problem 1.a. Start IntelliJ and create a new Java project called ps1 for this problem. Choose Java version 11.0.13 for Project SDK. If you do not have the SDK, download it here. You will need to create an Oracle account in order to download it. Inside the src folder, create a new Java class called Main.java (the name is case sensitive!). Within this class, create the following method:

static int MysteryFunction(int argA, int argB) { int c = 1;

int d = argA;

int e = argB;

while (e > 0) {

if (2 * (e / 2) != e) {

c = c * d;


d = d * d;

e = e / 2;


return c;


Also, create the following main function:

public static void main(String args[]) { int output = MysteryFunction(5, 5); System.out.printf(“The answer is: ” + output + “.”);


Run your program. What is the answer output in your solution?

Problem 1.b. What is MysteryFunction calculating? If you try a few examples, you might be able to guess the answer.

Problem 1.c. Create a \Hello CS2040S!” program that is designed to introduce yourself to your tutor and name it HelloWorld.java. It can be as simple or as complicated as you like. It should output (in some form):

• your name (as you prefer to be called),

• your favourite algorithm or your favourite joke,

• a few sentences of additional information on your background and who you are (but nothing private that you would want kept secret from the rest of the class),

• the answer(s) to the previous parts, i.e. Problems 1.a and 1.b.

This HelloWorld.java le is the only le that you should submit for Problem 1.



























Problem 2. Linear Feedback Shift Register

A shift register is an array of bits that supports a shift operation which moves every bit one slot to the left. For example, below is an example of a shift register initially containing the seed \10101111″. It is shifted twice. Each time it is shifted, the most signi cant bit is dropped, every other bit is moved one place to the left, and the least signi cant bit is replaced with a ‘0’. Notice that after it is shifted 8 times, the shift register will be all zeros.

Note: In the usual convention, the most signi cant bit is written as the leftmost bit.








A linear feedback shift register is a special type of shift register that, instead of setting the least signi cant bit to zero, updates the least signi cant bit with some linear function of the other bits. That is, when a shift operation occurs, it feeds back some information into the least signi cant bit. We will build a linear feedback shift register based on the exclusive-or (XOR) function. (In Java, (a^b) calculates the XOR of a and b.)

Our linear feedback shift register takes two parameters: a size and a tap. The size refers to the number of bits. The tap refers to one of the bits and must be between 0 and size 1 (inclusive). size speci es number of bits the register should be dealing with and tap speci es which bit (starting from the least signi cant bit) is going to used in the XOR operation.

Every time a shift operation occurs, the following four things happen: (1) The feedback bit is calculated as the XOR of the most signi cant bit and the tap bit. (2) The most signi cant bit is dropped. (3) Every bit is moved one slot to the left. (4) The least signi cant bit is set to the feedback bit.

Here are two examples of a linear feedback shift register in action. In both cases, the size is 8 and the tap is 4 (which is the 5th least signi cant bit, i.e., if the tap was 0, then we would XOR with least signi cant bit).

















Download ps1.zip. Inside, you should nd the relevant les that you would require to complete the following tasks. Open the code folder using IntelliJ (the folder containing mystery.bmp) and con gure Project SDK to be Java version 11.0.13.

Problem 2.a. Implement a linear feedback shift register called ShiftRegister that implements the ILFShiftRegister interface:

public interface ILFShiftRegister {

void setSeed(int[] seed);

int shift();

int generate(int k);


The interface requires that the following methods be supported:

• void setSeed(int[] seed): Sets the shift register to the speci ed initial seed. The initial seed is speci ed as an array of 0’s and 1’s (represented as integers). If the seed contains any other value, that is an error. (Recall that the seed is the initial set of bits stored in the shift register.)

IMPORTANT NOTE: The given input array seed will be such that the least signi cant bit is on index 0 of the integer array. For example, if the actual seed is 00101, then it will be given as f1; 0; 1; 0; 0g in the program.

• int shift(): Executes one shift step and returns the least signi cant bit of the resulting register.

• int generate(int k): Extracts k bits from the shift register. It executes the shift oper-ation k times, saving the k bits returned. It then converts these k bits from binary into an integer. For example: if generate is called with a value of 3, then it calls shift 3 times. If


the shift operations return 1 and then 1 and then 0, then generate returns the value 6 (i.e., \110″ in binary).

Your implementation should also support the following constructor:

• ShiftRegister(int size, int tap)

This constructor initializes the shift register with its size and with the appropriate tap. Submit your implementation.

Problem 2.b. Test your code with a variety of test cases. Make sure to test the corner cases (e.g., when the shift-register has size 1, etc.). Here are two sample test cases to use. The rst tests the shift functionality, while the second tests the generate functionality.

Test 1: seed = ‘101111010’, tap = 7

int[] array = new int[] {0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1};

ShiftRegister shifter = new ShiftRegister(9, 7); shifter.setSeed(array);

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

int j = shifter.shift();



This code should produce the following output:


Test 2: seed = ‘101111010’, tap = 7

int[] array = new int[] {0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1};

ShiftRegister shifter = new ShiftRegister(9, 7); shifter.setSeed(array);

for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

int j = shifter.generate(3);







This code should produce the following output:











Now test your code using the provided JUnit tests (these are a subset of the tests that the tutors will use when evaluating your code). Load the le ShiftRegisterTest.java in IntelliJ. Then run the tests by clicking the button beside line number 10 or using keyboard shortcuts (Ctrl+Shift+R for Mac and Ctrl+Shift+F10 for Windows). Other useful keyboard shortcuts can be found in this reference sheet.

Look at the last test: it is testing what happens when the seed is larger than the speci ed register. Explain what you think a proper response is to this erroneous situation, and what is the right way to test this case? (We will cover error handling later in the semester.) Submit your answer as in a comment in ShiftRegisterTest.java.

Write some additional JUnit test cases for your code in ShiftRegisterTest.java (you may reference the existing test cases in the test class). We expect you to su ciently test your code. You will be expected to test for the two previously mentioned scenarios, along with some other scenario, and at least one more corner case.

Problem 2.c. Think about how you might use a shift register to perform a simple encryption scheme. (Hint: initially, the seed of the shift register should be set to your \password.”) How would you encrypt a text le? How would you encrypt an image?

The two released classes ImageEncode.java and SimpleImage.java implement a simple en-cryption/decryption scheme using a shift register. You will need to add a couple lines of code to ImageEncode.java so that it properly uses your shift register. To decode the picture, use the following \code”:

• Tap: 7

• Seed: 0111011001011

If your shift register works correctly, you should then be able to decode the included mystery picture. Who is it a picture of? (The only thing you are required to submit for this part is an identi cation of the decoded picture.)

Problem 2.d. (Extra, for those who are interested) Think of the output of a linear feedback


shift register as the sequence of 0’s and 1’s that you get if you call getBit() after each shift. A linear feedback shift register is only useful for encryption if the resulting output sequence does not repeat very often. Experiment with how many times a shift register has to be shifted in order to cause the output pattern to repeat. Are all taps equally good?

Also, notice that a short binary password will not provide very good security. Optionally write a modi ed version that takes a text string (such as, \TheCowJumpedOverTheMoon”) and converts it to a (long) binary string to use as a seed for a shift register.

Another use of linear feedback shift registers is to generate pseudorandom numbers. One basic property of a pseudorandom number generator is that it outputs roughly the same number of 0’s as 1’s. Is that true of your linear feedback shift register?

This is an open ended question, feel free to submit anything that you think is appropriate with the relevant explanations.

Hints for question 2:

Do I need to comment my code? Yes. Be sure to write a comment explaining: the purpose of each class instance variable, and the purpose/workings of each method. You should also explain any critical steps in your code.

What data structure should I use to store the current value of the shift register? One of the advan-tages of encapsulation is that you can store the value of the register in any way that you want. For simplicity, we recommend that you use an array of integers (as is passed to setSeed). However, if you want to optimize the running time of the shift operation, there are more e cient solutions. Implement the best solution you can!

For generate, how do I convert the bits produced by shift into an integer? Begin with a variable v set to zero. Every time you get a new bit from shift, multiply v by two, and add the new bit (either 0 or 1). The nal result will be the integer representation of the bits.

How do I create a variable to store the array of integers in the register when I don’t know its size? Declare it simply as an array of integers: int[] intArray. Then, initialize it in the constructor once you have learned the correct size.

For Test 2, my rst call to generate produces the value 3 instead of the value 6. You are interpreting the bits in the wrong order. Notice that the binary string ‘110’ is 6, while the binary string ‘011’ is 3.

I get an ArrayOutOfBounds error (or a NullPointerException). Did you remember to initialize all your class instance variables?

When I try to run ShiftRegisterTest, it does not execute properly. Perhaps it asks if you want to run an Ant build? Perhaps it asks something else strange. Make sure that you have the JUnit package properly installed by adding a new JUnit test to your project. (You can do this under File!New!JUnit test.) This ensures that IntelliJ is properly set up to run tests. Alternatively, you can check that the libraries are there. Go to Project!Properties, then look in the section Java


Build Path!Libraries. You should see two entries: JRE and JUnit. If JUnit is not there, click add library and choose JUnit.

I am getting an error that says that each interface/class must be de ned in its own le. Yes. In Java, each interface or class has to be in its own le, and the name of the le should match the name of the class (with the addition of the .java extension).

Where should I put the mystery le? Put it in the folder that contains the src folder, i.e., the project’s root folder.

I placed the mystery le in the src folder but the output is a blank window. What do I do? In the main function of Main.java, use the full path to the mystery le instead, i.e. /path/to/mystery.bmp instead of mystery.bmp.

How should I debug my program, when I cannot see the internal state of my object? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could just type System.out.println(shifter) and have it print out the value of the shift register? In fact, you can if you implement:

public String toString()

This method should convert the value of the register into a string and return it. Then, you can modify your test code to include:

System.out.println(shifter + ” ” + j);

and you will get the following output for the rst test:

011110101 1

111101011 1

111010110 0

110101100 0

101011000 0

010110001 1

101100011 1

011000111 1

110001111 1

100011110 0








CS Problem Set 1 Solution
$30.00 $24.00