CS-Assignment 2 (7 Questions) Solution

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QUESTION 1 (15 Marks) Design a Simple Class Design a class named Account that contains: A private int data field named id for the account (default 0). A private double data field named balance for the account (default 0). A private double data field named annualInterestRate that stores the current annual interest rate (default 0.012,…

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QUESTION 1 (15 Marks) Design a Simple Class

Design a class named Account that contains:

  • A private int data field named id for the account (default 0).

  • A private double data field named balance for the account (default 0).

  • A private double data field named annualInterestRate that stores the current annual interest rate (default 0.012, e.g., 1.2%). Assume all accounts have the same interest rate. (Hint: This assumption implies that annualInterestRate should be static.)

  • A private Date data field named dateCreated and stores the date when the account was created.

  • A no-arg constructor that creates a default account.

  • A constructor that creates an account with the specified id and initial balance.

  • The getter and setter methods for id, balance, and annualInterestRate.

  • The getter method for dateCreated.

  • A method named getMonthlyInterestRate() that returns the monthly interest rate. (Hint: monthlyInterestRate is annualInterestRate/12.)

  • A method named getMonthlyInterest() that returns the monthly interest. (Hint: This method re-turns monthly interest, NOT the interest rate. Monthly interest is balance * monthlyInterestRate.)

  • A method named withdraw that withdraws a specified amount from the account. (Hint: The amount may be greater than the balance. You need to handle this in your method.)

  • A method name deposit that deposits a specified amount to the account.

Draw the UML diagram for the class and implement the class. Then write a test program (name the class as TestAccount) that creates an Account object with an account ID of 1122, a balance of $2,500, use the deposit method to deposit $3,000, and print the balance, the annual interest rate, the monthly interest rate, the monthly interest, and the date when this account was created. All floating-point numbers should be printed out with 2 decimal places. The annual and monthly interest rates should be printed out in percentage. A sample output is like:


QUESTION 2 (15 Marks) Array of Objects

Use the Account class created in QUESTION 1 to simulate an ATM machine (name the class as ATMWithAccount). Create ten accounts in an array with id 1, 2, …, 10, and initial balance $100. The array index for each account is the same as the account id. (Hint: The array size is 11.) Set the first array element as null. The system prompts the user to enter an id. If the id is entered incorrectly, ask the user to enter a correct id. Once an id is accepted, the main menu is displayed as shown in the sample run. You can enter a choice 1 for viewing the current balance, 2 for withdrawing money, 3 for depositing money, and 4 for exiting the main menu. Once you exit, the system will prompt for an id again. Once you enter id 0, the program prints out a summary of the ten accounts, including the id and the balance. Then the program is terminated. All floating-point numbers should be printed out with 2 decimal places. A sample run is as follows:


QUESTION 3 (10 Marks) The String, StringBuilder, and String-Buffer Classes

  1. Let s1 be Welcome” and s2 be welcome” . Write the code for the following state-ments:

    1. Replace all occurrences of the character e with E in s1 and assign the new string to s2.

    1. Split Welcome to Java and HTML into an array tokens delimited by a space and assign the first two tokens into s1 and s2.

  1. Show the output of the following code and briefly explain your answer.

3. Show the output of the following program and briefly explain your answer.


QUESTION 4 (15 Marks) New String split Method

The split method in the String class returns an array of strings consisting of the sub-strings split by the delimiters. However, the delimiters are not returned. Implement the following new method that returns an array of strings consisting of the substrings split by the matching delimiters, including the matching delimiters.

For example, split(“ ab#12#453” , #” ) returns ab, #, 12, #, 453 in an array of String, and split(“ a?b?gf#e##” , [?#]” ) returns a, ?, b, ?, gf, #, e, and ## in an array of String. Name your class as NewSplit. (Hint: Check whether there are delimiters at the end of the string s. See the second example.)

QUESTION 5 (15 Marks) Inheritance and Polymorphism

Design a Ship class that has the following members:

  • A private String data field named name for the name of the ship.

  • A private String data field named yearBuilt for the year that the ship was built.

  • A constructor that creates a ship with the specified name and the specified year that the ship was built.

  • Appropriate getter and setter methods.

  • A toString method that overrides the toString method in the Object class and returns a string containing the class name Ship, the ship’s name and the year it was built. Use @Override to ensure you override the method.

Design a CruiseShip class that extends the Ship class. The CruiseShip class should have the following members:

  • A private int data field named passengerCapacity for the maximum number of passengers.

  • A constructor that creates a cruise ship with the specified name, the specified year that the ship was built, and the specified passenger capacity.

  • Appropriate getter and setter methods.

  • A toString method that overrides the toString method in the base class and returns a string containing the class name CruiseShip, the ship’s name and passenger capacity. Use @Override to ensure you override the method.

Design a CargoShip class that extends the Ship class. The CargoShip class should have the following members:

  • A private int data field named tonnage for the cargo capacity.


  • A constructor that creates a cargo ship with the specified name, the specified year that the ship was built, and the specified tonnage.

  • Appropriate getter and setter methods.

  • A toString method that overrides the toString method in the base class and returns a string containing the class name CargoShip, the ship’s name and cargo capacity. Use @Override to ensure you override the method.

Write a test program (name the class as TestShips) to verify your Ship, CruiseShip, and CargoShip classes. The test program has a Ship array of size 3, named ships. Assign various Ship, CruiseShip, and CargoShip objects to the array elements. Make sure your array elements contains objects from all the three classes. The program then steps through the array and print each object. A sample run is like:

QUESTION 6 (15 Marks) The ArrayList Class

In this question, you will design two classes Flight and Itinerary and write a program to test them.

Let’s first look at the java.util.GregorianCalendar class which you will use in de-signing your Flight and Itinerary classes. The java.util.GregorianCalendar class provides the standard calendar system used by most of the world. It has a constructor

GregorianCalender(int year, int month, int dayOfMonth, int hour, int minute, int second) which creates a GregorianCalendar object with the given date and time set for the default time zone with the default locale. The month parameter is 0 based, that is, 0 for January. It has a method getTimeInMillis() (inherited from its parent class java.util.Calendar) that returns this Calendar’s time in milliseconds (elapsed since mid-night, January 1, 1970 GMT) which is in long type.

Now let’s design the two classes Flight and Itinerary. The Flight class stores the information about a flight with the following members:

  • A private String data field named flightNo for the flight number.


  • A private GregorianCalendar data field named departureTime.

  • A private GregorianCalendar data field named arrivalTime.

  • A constructor that creates a flight with the specified flight number, departure time, and arrival time.

  • Appropriate getter and setter methods. (Hint: Do we need setter for flightNo?)

  • A method named getFlightTime() that returns the flight time in minutes. Assume the departure-Time and arrivalTime are in the same time zone. (Hint: Use the method getTimeInMillis() to get arrivalTime and departureTime in milliseconds, compute their subtraction, and transfer the result from milliseconds to minutes.)

The Itinerary class stores the information about itinerary with the following members:

  • A private ArrayList<Flight> data field named flights that contains the flights for the itinerary in increasing order of departureTime. (Hint: You do not need to do the sorting.)

  • A constructor that creates an itinerary with the specified flights in ArrayList<Flight> type.

  • A method named getTotalFlightTime() that returns the total flight time of the itinerary in minutes. (Hint: Invoke the getFlightTime() method for each Flight object.)

  • A method named getTotalTravelTime() that returns the total travel time in minutes from the departure time of the first flight to the arrival time of the last flight in the itinerary. Assume all the times are in the same time zone.

Now write a test program (name the class as TestFlightItinerary) that has an ArrayList of Flight named flights. Add the following three flights one-by-one to flights:

  • Flight number: “ US230”

Departure time: 05:05:00 May 5, 2014

(Hint: new GregorianCalendar(2014, 4, 5, 5, 5, 0))

Arrival time: 06:15:00 May 5, 2014

  • Flight number: “ US235”

Departure time: 06:55:00 May 5, 2014

Arrival time: 07:45:00 May 5, 2014

  • Flight number: “ US237”

Departure time: 09:35:00 May 5, 2014

Arrival time: 12:55:00 May 5, 2014

Use flights to create an Itinerary object named itinerary. Print out the total flight time and the total travel time of itinerary.

QUESTION 7 (15 Marks) Exception Handling

PART I: (7 Marks)

Create an exception hierarchy of ExceptionA, ExceptionB and ExceptionC such that ExceptionB inherits from ExceptionA and ExceptionC inherits from ExceptionB.


Write a test program to show that the catch block for supertype exception (ExceptionA) can catch all the subtype exceptions (ExceptionB and ExceptionC). Print out a message such as “ExceptionB caught” to indicate which type of exception is caught. Name your class file as ExceptionHierarchy.java.


  1. To build the exception hierarchy, ExceptionA, ExceptionB and ExceptionC may have empty body.

  1. You may use System.err.println(“ExceptionB caught”); instead of System.out.println(“ExceptionB caught”); so that the message will be output in red color and in the format of exception messages. This is a more common way to output error messages.

PART II: (8 Marks)

Use the exception hierarchy from PART I to demonstrate that the order of catch block is important if you want to specifically catch every exception in the same hierar-chy. In other words, now you should be able to catch subtype exceptions (ExceptionB and ExceptionC) separately rather than using one catch block of supertype exception (ExceptionA) as you did in PART I.

You should define a method called someMethod() that can throw all three ex-ceptions randomly. To do this, generate a random integer of 1, 2 or 3 representing ExceptionA, ExceptionB or ExceptionC respectively, and then throw the corre-sponding exception. Output the random number in someMethod() to show which type of exception is randomly generated. Invoke someMethod() in your test program and catch all three exceptions separately in three catch blocks. In each catch block, print out a message such as “ExceptionA caught” to indicate which type of excep-tion is caught. Run your program a few times to make sure that someMethod() may throw different exception for different run and you are able to catch all three types of exceptions. Name your class file as CatchDifferentExceptions.java.


CS-Assignment 2 (7 Questions) Solution
$30.00 $24.00