CS-Assignment 6-Solution

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(100 marks) The term search engine is commonly used in reference to a computer program whose primary function is information retrieval (IR) from documents stored in some digital format. In IR, documents can be files stored locally on a user’s computer and searched using operating system-specific tools (think Windows Explorer, Mac Finder, and the UNIX…

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(100 marks) The term search engine is commonly used in reference to a computer program whose primary function is information retrieval (IR) from documents stored in some digital format. In IR, documents can be files stored locally on a user’s computer and searched using operating system-specific tools (think Windows Explorer, Mac Finder, and the UNIX grep command), or on the World Wide Web (WWW) and searched using web-based tools (think Google and Bing). When using search engines on the WWW, most documents being searched are web pages, so we will use the term pages to refer to documents. The two main tasks performed by a search engine are matching and ranking . In the matching task, the pages are scanned to determine whether they contain any occurrences of user-specified keywords (i.e., terms representing the topics of interest). In the ranking task, any pages in which the keywords occur are scored according to relevance, typically ordered from most relevant to least relevant. The common challenge faced by all search engines is in determining what is relevant. Indeed, the algorithms used to determine relevance are closely guarded corporate secrets.


The following extended example will give you some idea as to how the matching routine in a search engine works. Consider the three sample pages shown below.

Page: 1


| the cat sat on the mat |


Page: 2


| the dog stood on the mat |


Page: 3


| a cat stood while a dog sat on the cat | |—————————————-|

The matching routine relies on indexing the pages based upon the occurrences of words on those pages. That is, each word is placed in an index, where, for simplicity in the first part of this example, the index merely identifies the page, or pages, on which a word occurs. An index for our three pages is shown below.

  • 3


























For example, in this index, the word a occurs on page 3, the word cat occurs on pages 1 and 3, and the word on occurs on pages 1, 2, and 3. This index can be used for querying pages to identify the occurrence of words in the pages.


There are three kinds of queries: (1) single-keyword queries, (2) multiple-keyword queries, and (3) phrase queries.

Using a single-keyword query, you can identify those pages containing the occurrence of a single word. For example, if you query using the keyword cat, there is a hit (i.e., an occurrence of the word) on pages 1 and 3, but not on 2. Similarly, there is a hit for while on 3 and a hit for the on 1, 2, and 3. Using a multiple-keyword query, you can identify those pages containing the co-occurrence of multiple words. For example, if you query using the keywords cat dog, there is a hit (i.e., an occurrence of both words) on page 3. That is, in the index, the words cat and dog occur on a common page, namely,


A phrase query is a special type of multiple-keyword query in which there is a hit only when the words on the page occur consecutively in the same order as specified in the query. A phrase query is differentiated from an ordinary multiple-keyword query by enclosing the keywords within double quotes. For example, if you query using the phrase “cat dog”, there will be no hits because the words cat and dog do not appear consecutively anywhere on pages 1, 2, and 3. If you query using the phrase “the cat”, there is a hit on pages 2 and 3. However, there is clearly a problem with phrase queries and the way we have set up our index. That is, we have basically been “winging it” and looking back to the original documents to find out whether these phrases occur. The reason for this is that the index used for the single- and multi-keyword queries does not contain enough information to identify the occurrence of consecutive words.

The solution to the problem of identifying consecutive words is to not only store the page on which a word occurs, but also the position of the word within the page. The position of a word within a page is obtained by counting the words consecutively starting with 1. For example, on page 1, the words the, cat, sat, on, the, and mat are in positions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, respectively. A revised index for our three pages that includes the positions of each word within the page is shown below.

  • (3, 1) (3, 5)


(1, 2) (3,


(3, 10)


(2, 2) (3,



(1, 6) (2,


(3, 8)


(1, 4) (2,



(1, 3)




(2, 3)



(2, 1)

(2, 5)

(3, 9)


(1, 1)




(3, 4)

For example, in this revised index, the word a occurs on page 3 in positions 1 and 5, the word cat occurs on page 1 in position 2 and on page 3 in positions 2 and 10, and the

word on occurs on page 1 in position 4, on page position 8. Now let’s revisit the “cat dog” and

2 in position 4, and on page 3 in “the cat” phrase queries. If you

query using the phrase “cat dog”, there will be a hit on the word cat because it occurs as the second word on page 1, the second word on page 3, and the tenth word on page 3. However, there will be no hit on the phrase “cat dog” because the word dog does not occur as the third word on page 1, or as the third or eleventh word on page 3. If you query on the phrase “the cat”, there will be a hit on the word the because it occurs on all three pages. The two hits of most interest are those on pages 1 and 3 where it is the first and ninth word, respectively. These hits lead to a hit on the phrase “the cat” because the word cat occurs as the second word on page 1 and as the tenth word on page 3.

In the extended example, the revised index is actually a sorted list containing many unsorted lists. The sorted list consists of the words arranged in alphabetical order (i.e., a, cat, dog, etc.). The unsorted lists consist of the collection of page/position pairs associated with each word (e.g., (1, 2), (3, 2), and(3, 10) associated with the word cat). Although the unsorted lists appear to be sorted (and that is true), it is just a convenient coincidence that resulted from the way in which the sample pages were named.


In this problem, you are required to develop a program for building the index for a simple search engine. Your program should be able to create an index like the revised index shown above in the extended example and it should be able to search the index using both a single-keyword query and a phrase query. The index should be implemented using the AVL tree and unsorted array-based list algorithms given on the CS210 Algorithms web page. The algorithms and data structures should be implemented as C++ classes. The unsorted array-based list class should be called occurrenceType. Its specification should be contained in a file called occurrenceType.h and its implementation should be contained in a file called occurrenceType.cpp. Each element of occurrenceType should be a struct consisting of variables called page and

position, where both page and position are defined as ints. The AVL tree class should be called indexType. Its specification should be contained in a file called indexType.h and its implementation should be contained in a file called indexType.cpp. Each element of indexType should be a struct consisting of variables called word and occurrences, where word is defined as a string and occurrences is defined as an occurrenceType. Your main program should be contained in files called main.h and main.cpp. Do not waste your time implementing any algorithms that you don’t actually need.

So that you can take advantage of the convenient coincidence that resulted from the way in which the sample pages were named in the extended example, assume you will be indexing no more than 20 pages (text files actually) named 1 to 20, respectively. Convert all alphabetic characters to lower case before inserting a word into the index.


Once your index program is implemented, you can demonstrate that it works using the pages named 1 to 20 in the

/home/venus/hilder/cs210/assignment6/datafiles directory as input.

These pages contain course calendar descriptions for 20 different computer science courses. Demonstrate that you can:

  1. Print the index, without the occurrences, in AVL tree format to show what the AVL tree representing the index actually looks like. You will have to modify one of the depth-first binary tree traversal algorithms to generate your AVL tree.

  1. Print the index, with the occurrences, in list format like that shown above in the extended example. You will need to modify one of the depth-first binary tree traversal algorithms to generate your index.

  1. Search for and print the pages and locations in which the following single keywords and phrases appear:

and commutative data

data structures

finite automata and formal language theory history

machine-oriented metrics


probabilistic reasoning and knowledge presentation programming

qualified control of external specifications topics include data



After finding a single keyword, print the pages and locations in which it is found. For example, after finding the keyword and, your output should look like this:

and (2, 10) (7, 4) (13, 22) (20, 14)

After finding a phrase, print the pages and locations each keyword in the phrase is found, For example, after finding the phrase “topics include data”, your output should look like this:

topics include data ((3, 15) (3, 16) (3, 17)) ((6, 7) (6, 8) (6, 9)) ((18, 27) (18, 28) (18, 29))


If you are working alone, submit to UR Courses: (1) all your source code files (i.e., only the .cpp and .h files) zipped into a single file called cppandhfiles and (2) a script file called part4script showing the compilation and execution of your program.

If you are working with a partner, one of the partners should submit to UR Courses: (1) a file named partners that provides the names and student numbers of the partners and the relative contributions of the partners (should total 100%), (2) all your source code files (i.e., only the .cpp and .h files) zipped into a single file called cppandhfiles, and (3) a script file called part4script showing the compilation and execution of your program. The other partner should submit to UR Courses: (1) a file named partners that provides the names and student numbers of the partners and the relative contribution of the partners (should total 100%). Note that both partners need to submit the partners file.

CS-Assignment 6-Solution
$30.00 $24.00