CS-UY Lab 5: Recursion and Sorting Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Instructions This lab will focus on recursion, with a little bit of practice with sorting. Try to solve all of the problems by the end of the lab time. As added practice, it is a good idea to try writing your code with pen and paper rst, as you will have to do this on…

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This lab will focus on recursion, with a little bit of practice with sorting.

Try to solve all of the problems by the end of the lab time. As added practice, it is a good idea to try writing your code with pen and paper rst, as you will have to do this on the exam.

When you type up your code, write some test cases. Try multiple test cases for each function you have to implement, and consider edge cases carefully.

As a reminder, you may (and are encouraged to!) discuss these problems with your classmates during lab and help each other solve them. However, make sure the code you submit is your own.

What to submit

If you believe you have solved all the problems, let a TA or the professor know and they will check your work. This is a good chance to get feedback on problems similar to what you might see on the exam.

If you don’t nish by the end of the lab, you may submit something on NYU Classes by Sunday June 30, 11:55 PM.

Either when a TA has checked your solutions, or by the Sunday submission deadline, submit your solutions to the \Lab 5: Recursion” assignment on NYU Classes.

  • Binary Search

Implement the binary search algorithm as a recursive function. You may want to include low and high indices as parameters, as we’ve done with some other recursive functions. In this case, your function should look like:

def binary_search(lst, val, low, high)


De ned this way, the function takes a list lst and searches for the value val in the portion of lst between the indices low and high and return the index of val.

Note: Do not use slicing anywhere in your implementation.

  • Nested Lists Sum

A nested list of numbers is a list whose elements are all numbers or other nested lists of numbers. This creates a sort of hierarchy. As an exaple, the list [1, [2, 3], 4, [5, [6, [7, 8]], 9], 10] is a nested list of numbers.

Write a python function

def nested_list_sum(lst)

that takes a nested list of numbers and returns the sum of all the numbers in the nested list. For example, if lst = [1, [2, [3], [4, 5]], [6, 7]], the function call nested list sum(lst) should return 28, since 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6+7=28.

Note: Recall that the focus of this lab is recursion. You may try to implement this without recursion, and are actually encouraged to | but you will likely nd it very di cult. Using recursion will make things much easier.

  • Selection Sort

3.1 Part 1, Iterative

Write the function

def selection_sort(lst)

that implements the selection sort algorithm covered in class. This function will modify lst so that the elements are in increasing order. Recall that the algorithm works by rst nding the smallest value in the list and swapping it into index 0; then nding the next smallest value and swapping it into index 1; and so on.

In your implementation, do not use the built-in python function min. You may nd it useful to implement your another function find min(lst, low, high) to nd the minimum element of the portion of lst between the indexes low and high.

Recall that selection sort should run in time O(n2). Your implementation should also run in time O(n2).


3.2 Part 2, Recursion

Next, implement selection sort as a recursive algorithm, as a function called selection sort recursive. In order to do this, use additional parameters by using the function header

def selection_sort_recursive(lst, low, high)

This function will sort the portion of lst between the indices low and high. An initial call of selection sort recursive(lst, 0, len(lst)-1) would thus sort all of lst.

This should work by rst nding the smallest element in the portion of lst between the indices low and high, swapping this element to index low, and then (recursivly) sorting the portion of lst between the indices low+1 and high.

As with the iterative approach above, do not use the built-in min function for the minimum- nding step of the algorithm. You may once again nd it useful to implement a function find min(lst, low, high) to nd the minimum element of the portion of lst between the indexes low and high. For added recursion fun, implement this subroutine in a recursive way as well, as we’ve done previously.

  • A New Sorting Algorithm

Recall the partition function of Lab 4. This function takes a list lst and chooses a value called the pivot (in Lab 4, we used lst[0] as the pivot) and modi es the list so that all the elements smaller than the pivot appear before all the elements greater than the pivot.

In this problem, we will use the partition algorithm as the key part of a new sorting algorithm. The algorithm will be recursive. The idea is as follows. First, we partition the list using the partition subroutine. After this step, the list will be partitioned into two parts | a left part and a right part. The left part contains all values smaller than the pivot. We sort this part recursively. The right part contains all the elements greater than the pivot (and thus, also greater than all elements in the left part). We sort the right part recursively. After this step, the entire list should be sorted, because we have sorted both the left and the right parts, and all the elements of the left part are smaller than all the elements of the right part.

This sorting algorithm is known as Quicksort because it tends to be quite fast in practice. Implement this approach in a method called quicksort. You will probably want to include start and end parameters, as in:

def quicksort(lst, start, end)

which will sort the portion of lst between the indices start and end. This function will implement the strategy described above, partitioning lst into a left part (consisting of all elements smaller than the pivot) and a right part (consisting of all elements greater than the pivot); and then sorting (recursively, using quicksort) the left part and then the right part.


As an example, suppose the portion of lst we are currently sorting (between the indices start and end) contains the elements: [42, 17, 81, 77, 68, 22, 55, 10, 90]. When calling quicksort(lst, start, end), the partitioning step may rearrange this portion of lst (between start and end) to look like:

















< pivot


> pivot


Note that the left part (containing the elements less than the pivot) is between the indices start and end left (the elements in the left part are blue), and the right part is between the indices end left+1 and end (the elements in the right part are red). While start and end are the starting and ending indices given as parameters, end left will of course not be known in advance and can only be known after the partitioning is complete.

At this point, we can recursively sort the portion of the list between start and end left (the left part), which would result in:














After recursively sorting the left part, we recursively sort the portion of the list between the indices end left+1 and end:














After recursively sorting the right part, the entire portion of the list from start to end is sorted!

If you’ve nished this problem: Congratulations! You’ve just implemented quicksort, one of the most famous and widely used sorting algorithms! This is no small feat. Like the merge sort algorithm from class, it is a divide and conquer algorithm, leveraging the power of recursion to sort a list.


CS-UY Lab 5: Recursion and Sorting Solution
$30.00 $24.00