CS-UY Lab 7: Linked Lists, Plus More Fun Stacks and Queues Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Instructions This lab will focus on linked list data structures, as well as some more practice with stacks and queues. Try to solve all of the problems by the end of the lab time. As added practice, it is a good idea to try writing your code with pen and paper rst, as you will…

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This lab will focus on linked list data structures, as well as some more practice with stacks and queues. Try to solve all of the problems by the end of the lab time. As added practice, it is a good idea to try

writing your code with pen and paper rst, as you will have to do this on the exam.

When you type up your code, write some test cases. Try multiple test cases for each function you have to implement, and consider edge cases carefully.

As a reminder, you may (and are encouraged to!) discuss these problems with your classmates during lab and help each other solve them. However, make sure the code you submit is your own.

What to submit

If you believe you have solved all the problems, let a TA or the professor know and they will check your work.

This is a good chance to get feedback on problems similar to what you might see on the exam.

If you don’t nish by the end of the lab, you may submit something on NYU Classes by Sunday July 14, 11:55 PM.

Either when a TA has checked your solutions, or by the Sunday submission deadline, submit your solutions to the \Lab 7: Linked Lists” assignment on NYU Classes.

  • LinkedStack

Implement a class LinkedStack which should provide the Stack ADT implemented uring a linked list. Use the DoublyLinkedList class from lecture (you can get the code on NYU Classes). Your LinkedStack should include an instance of this DoublyLinkedList class as a data member, and should not have any dynamic array as a member. Your implementation should provide all of the Stack operations in worst case O(1) running time. A skeleton of the class, showing all the functions you should implement, is provided below. You must implement all of these methods.

class LinkedStack:

def __init__(self):

Initialize an empty stack

self.data = DoublyLinkedList()

  • You will likely need to add more to this constructor,

  • but at minimum you should have the linked list data member as above

def __len__(self):

Return the number of elements in the stack


def is_empty(self):

Returns True if the stack is empty

def push(self, elem):

Adds elem to the top of the stack

def pop(self):

Remove and return the element at the top of the stack or raise an Exception if the stack is empty

def top(self):

Returns (without removing) the element at the top of the stack or raise an Exception if the stack is empty

  • LeakyStack

A Leaky Stack is similar to a stack except that the Leaky Stack has a bound on the number of items that can be stored in it at once. During initialization, the maximum size N is given. If the Leaky Stack has N elements, it is considered full. When an element is added to a Leaky Stack that is full, the element at the bottom of the stack is removed to make room for the new element, which is then placed at top of the stack as usual.

For example, consider the following code:

leaky s = LeakyStack(5)

leaky s.push(17)

leaky s.push(42)

leaky s.push(6)

leaky s.push(31)

leaky s.push(28)

The Leaky Stack has a maximum size of 5 (speci ed when it is created with the constructor) so it is now full (because we have pushed 5 items onto it). If we now make a call to leaky s.push(2), the item at the bottom of the stack, 17, is removed to make space for the new item, 2. This is shown below, where we show the contents of the Leaky Stack both before and after the call to leaky s.push(2):













A class that implements the Leaky Stack ADT would need to provide the following methods:

def __init__(self, max_num_of_elems):

Initialize an empty leaky stack

def __len__(self):

Return the number of elements in the stack

def is_empty(self):

Returns True if the stack is empty

def push(self, elem):


Adds elem to the top of the stack

def pop(self):

Remove and return the element at the top of the stack or raise an Exception if the stack is empty

def top(self):

Returns (without removing) the element at the top of the stack or raise an Exception if the stack is empty

In this problem, you will provide two di erent implementations for the Leaky Stack ADT, using di erent data structures.

  1. Implement a Leaky Stack using a dynamic array, in a class called class ArrayLeakyStack. All operations must run in time O(1) in the worst case.

Hint: To handle the \leaky” part of removing the bottom element when pushing to a full stack, think of using a similar \circular” approach as we did with queues.

  1. Implement a Leaky Stack using a linked list, in a class called class LinkedLeakyStack. Your class should include a data member that is an instance of the DoublyLinkedList class we wrote in lecture (you can get the code from NYU Classes). All operations must run in time O(1) in the worst case.

  • Stacks with Queues

In this problem, try to implement a stack using a queue. Write a class called class QStack that has implements the stack ADT. It should have an instance of the class ArrayQueue as a data member (use the ArrayQueue class we wrote in lecture | you can get the code from NYU Classes). You can only access and modify this ArrayQueue instance by using the methods that are de ned as part of the ArrayQueue class (that is, the methods that make up the interface of the Queue ADT). Your QStack class may also use O(1) additional space for other data members as necessary (this is a constant amount of extra space | so you may not include extra data structures or collections of non-constant size).

Recall that as the QStack will implement the Stack ADT, you must de ne all the operations of the Stack ADT. A skeleton of the class along with the methods you must implement is below:

class QStack:

def __init__(self):

Initialize an empty stack

self.data_queue = ArrayQueue()

  • You may need to add to this constructor, such as adding more data members

  • But you should at minimum have the ArrayQueue data member as above

def __len__(self):

Return the number of elements in the stack

def is_empty(self):

Returns True if the stack is empty

def push(self, elem):

Adds elem to the top of the stack

def pop(self):

Remove and return the element at the top of the stack


or raise an Exception if the stack is empty

def top(self):

Returns (without removing) the element at the top of the stack or raise an Exception if the stack is empty

Hint: You will not be able to achieve O(1) worst-case running times for all operations. In fact, some operations may be very ine cient. That is okay: There is no running time requirement for this problem (however, see below).

Analyze the running time of the operations in your implementation, particularly push and pop. In the code you submit, include the running time of each of your operations in a comment at the top of each method’s implementation. While there is no requirement for e ciency, you must analyze the running times and include them in your submission for full credit.

Also think about, but don’t submit: Which of the operations, push or pop, is more e cient in your implementation? If your pop is more e cient, can you think of an alternate implementation where push would be more e cient (possibly at the expense of making pop less e cient)? If your push is more e cient, can you think of an alternate implementation where pop would be more e cient (at the expense of making push more expensive)?


CS-UY Lab 7: Linked Lists, Plus More Fun Stacks and Queues Solution
$30.00 $24.00