CS-UY Lab 8: Linked Lists and Binary Trees Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Instructions This lab will focus on linked lists and binary trees. Try to solve all of the problems by the end of the lab time. As added practice, it is a good idea to try writing your code with pen and paper first, as you will have to do this on the exam. When you…

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This lab will focus on linked lists and binary trees.

Try to solve all of the problems by the end of the lab time. As added practice, it is a good idea to try writing your code with pen and paper first, as you will have to do this on the exam.

When you type up your code, write some test cases. Try multiple test cases for each function you have to implement, and consider edge cases carefully.

As a reminder, you may (and are encouraged to!) discuss these problems with your classmates during lab and help each other solve them. However, make sure the code you submit is your own.

What to submit

If you believe you have solved all the problems, let a TA or the professor know and they will check your work.

This is a good chance to get feedback on problems similar to what you might see on the exam.

If you don’t finish by the end of the lab, you may submit something on NYU Classes by Sunday July 21, 11:55 PM.

Either when a TA has checked your solutions, or by the Sunday submission deadline, submit one “.py” file containing your solutions to the programming problems, and one additional file containing your answers to the first (written) problem. Submit your files to the “Lab 8: Linked Lists and Binary Trees” assignment on NYU Classes.

  • Written Problems (Do These!)

Complete the following written problems, and submit your answers on Classes along with your code. Submit one file with all of your answers (so you should submit a

Consider the following binary tree.






  1. Give the preorder, inorder, and postorder traversals of the tree.

  1. What is the total height of the tree?

  1. What is the depth of node D?

  • Circular Shift Linked List

We define a “right circular shift” operation as follows. If we have a sequence ha1; a2; : : : ; ani, the right circular shift of that sequence is han ; a1 ; a2; : : : ; an 1i. That is, we move the last element to the first position and shift all other elements down to the next position.

For example, the right circular shift of h2; 4; 6; 8; 10i is h10; 2; 4; 6; 8i.

Implement the function:

def right_circular_shift(lnk_lst)

which performs the right circular shift operation on the given doubly linked list, lnk_lst in place. The function should mutate the linked list, and should not create and return a new linked list. Use the DoublyLinkedList class from lecture (available on Classes).

For example, if lnk_lst is [2 <–> 4 <–> 6 <–> 8 <–> 10], the function should modify lnk_lst to be [10 <–> 2 <–> 4 <–> 6 <–> 8].

Implementation Requirements

  1. Your implementation must run in worst-case constant time.

  1. For this implementation, you are not allowed to use the delete_node, delete_first, delete_last, add_after, add_before, add_first, or add_last methods of the DoublyLinkedList class. You should change the values of prev and next for some nodes.

  • Count Values in Binary Tree

Write a function to count the total number of occurrences of a given value in a binary tree. Your function should take two parameters: a root node, and a value to count. The function will return the number of times that the value appears in the tree. Implement this as:

def count_val(root, value)


Use the LinkedBinaryTree we wrote during lecture (available on Classes). Specifically, the parameter root is of type LinkedBinaryTree.Node.

Your function must run in worst-case linear time. That is, time O(n) for a binary tree containing n nodes.

4 Invert a Binary Tree

Write a function that will “invert” (create a mirror image of) a binary tree. It should accept a single argument of type LinkedBinaryTree (use the code from lecture, available on Classes) and return a new LinkedBinaryTree object that has its values inverted (that is, a mirror image) from the original tree. The original tree that was passed in should not be modified at all. Here is an example:





will become











Write your implementation in a function:

def invert_binary_tree(bin_tree)

Note that unlike most of the other functions, you the parameter and return value here is a LinkedBinaryTree object, and not a Node object. Hint: You may want to define a helper method.

5 Count Number of leaves, 1-child, and 2-child nodes

Give a recursive implementation of the following method in the LinkedBinaryTree class (that is, add this method to the class):

def subtree_children_dist(self, subtree_root)

Which computes the number of nodes in the subtree rooted by subtree_root that have 0 children, 1 child, and 2 children; and returns each of these numbers. That is, the function will return a list of length 3:

  • The first element of the returned list is the number of leaves (i.e., nodes with no children) in the subtree.

  • The second element of the returned list is the number of nodes in the subtree with a single child.

  • The third element of the returned list is the number of nodes in the subtree with two children.

As an example, let subtree_root be a reference to the root of the following tree:


Then calling the function subtree_children_dist with subtree_root should return [4, 2, 3] because the subtree rooted by subtree_root has 4 leaves, 2 nodes with a single child, and 3 nodes with two children.

Your implementation should run in linear time (that is, O(n) for a subtree with n nodes).


CS-UY Lab 8: Linked Lists and Binary Trees Solution
$30.00 $24.00