CS Week 6 Lab Exercise Solution

$30.00 $24.00

In this lab, you’ll start to work with inheritance in C++. Step 1: Create and clone the git repository for this lab We’re going to use git and GitHub Classroom again for this lab. Just like you did for your previous labs, use this link to create your own repository on GitHub for this lab:…

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In this lab, you’ll start to work with inheritance in C++.

Step 1: Create and clone the git repository for this lab

We’re going to use git and GitHub Classroom again for this lab. Just like you did for your previous labs, use this link to create your own repository on GitHub for this lab:


Again, just like in your previous labs, use git clone to download your repository onto your development machine (remember, get the clone URL from your repo on GitHub).

Step 2: Implement a generic Shape class

We’re going to work with shapes in this lab exercise. We’ll create several classes to represent different shapes, some of them using inheritance. The first class we’ll write is one to represent a generic shape with a name and a color.

Create two new files, shape.hpp and shape.cpp, and in them, define a Shape class. Here’s the start of a class definition you should use:

class Shape {

std::string name;

std::string color;



You class should also have constructors, accessors, and mutators, as appropriate. In addition, your class should have an area() method for computing the shape’s area. For this generic Shape class, the area() method can simply return 0, since we aren’t actually defining the shape itself.

In addition to your files shape.hpp and shape.cpp, create a new file application.cpp. In this file, write a simple main() function that instantiates some Shape objects and prints out their information. In addition, write a Makefile to specify compilation of your program. Make sure you compile your Shape class into an object file first, separately from the compilation of your application, and then use that object file when you’re compiling your application.

Once you have this all working, commit your shape.hpp, shape.cpp, application.cpp, and Makefile into your git repository, and push them back to your remote repo on GitHub.

Step 3: Implement Rectangle and Circle classes

Create new files rectangle.hpp, rectangle.cpp, circle.hpp, and circle.cpp, and in them, implement a Rectangle class and a Circle class. Both of these classes should be derived from your Shape class. The Rectangle class should have a width and a height, and the Circle class should have a radius. Here are the beginnings of definitions for these classes:

class Rectangle : public Shape {


float width;

float height;



class Circle : public Shape {


float radius;



Both of these classes should have constructors, accessors, and mutators, as needed, and each one should override the Shape class’s area() method to compute areas that are appropriate for rectangles and circles.

Add some code to your application to instantiate and print out some Rectangle and Circle objects, and add rules to your Makefile to compile each of your new classes into separate object files, which you should then use when compiling your application.

Once you have this all working, add your new files to your git repository, commit all of your changes, and push them to your remote repo on GitHub.

Step 4: Implement a Square class

Now, create new files square.hpp and square.cpp, and in them, implement a Square class that derives from your Rectangle class. Your Square class should not contain any new data members, nor may you change any members of the Rectangle class to protected or public access. Instead, you should figure out how to implement a public interface for your Square class by appropriately using the width and height of your Rectangle class via its public interface (i.e. via the Rectangle class’s constructors, accessors, and mutators). Specifically, the public interface to your Square class should use the public interface of your Rectangle class while enforcing the constraint that a square’s width and height are equal.

Here’s the start of a definition for your Square class, with no new data members:

class Square : public Rectangle {



Once your Square class is written, add some lines to your application to instantiate and print out some Square objects, and add a Makefile rule to compile your class into an object file that’s used in the compilation of your application. Make sure to add your new files to your git repo, commit all of your changes, and push them to your remote repo on GitHub.

Grading Criteria

That’s it! After you’re done with your lab, make sure you get it checked off by your TA so that you get points for it. If you don’t get your work checked off, you’ll receive a zero for the lab, and we won’t be able to change your grade, since we’ll have no way to know whether or not you were at the lab.

This lab is worth 10 points total. Here’s the breakdown:

  • 4 points: Shape class, application, and makefile (i.e. done through Step 2)

  • 4 points: Rectangle and Circle classes (i.e. done through Step 3)

  • 2 points: Square class (i.e. done through Step 4)

CS Week 6 Lab Exercise Solution
$30.00 $24.00