CS213 Project #5 (130 points)

$30.00 $24.00

Project Description Develop an Android app according to the functional requirements of Project 4, excluding the export store orders. Project Requirement You MUST follow the Coding Standard posted on Canvas under Week #1 in the “Modules”. You will lose points if you are not following the rules. You are responsible for following the Academic Integrity…

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Project Description

Develop an Android app according to the functional requirements of Project 4, excluding the export store orders.

Project Requirement

  1. You MUST follow the Coding Standard posted on Canvas under Week #1 in the “Modules”. You will lose points if you are not following the rules.

  1. You are responsible for following the Academic Integrity Policy. See the Additional Note #14 in the syllabus. The consequences of violation of Academic Integrity Policy are: (i) your group receives 0 (zero) on the project, (ii) the violation is reported, (iii) a record on your file of this violation.

  1. You MUST use Toast, AlertDialog, ImageView, Spinner, and ListView, or -5 points for each violation.

  1. You MUST use a RecyclerView for a list of specialty pizzas with images, toppings, and prices. You will lose 10 points if a RecyclerView is not used. For each specialty pizza option in the RecyclerView, allow the user to select the quantity, size, and extra sauce/cheese, or -5 points. In addition to the 5 specialty pizzas from Project 4, you MUST add 5 more specialty pizza options. That is, you MUST provide at least 10 specialty pizza options for selection in the RecyclerView, or -5 points.

  1. Use at least 2 Android Activities (2 screens) and their associated layout files (*.xml), or you will lose 10 points.

  1. Use the “Singleton” design pattern to share global data between activities, or you will lose 5 points.

  1. You must remove ALL “hardcoded text” warnings. In other words, you must define all the texts to be displayed on the GUIs in the string.xml resource file. -1 point for each violation, with a maximum of 5 points off. You will not lose points on other warnings, however, try your best to fix all the warnings (yellow) and errors (red.)

  2. You MUST define the launcher icon for your app, or -5 points.

  1. Testing. Test specification is NOT required. However, you are responsible to thoroughly test your app and ensure your app is meeting the functional requirements listed in Project 4. You will lose 5 points for each functional requirement not met. Your software must always run in a sane state and should not crash in any circumstances. You must catch all exceptions. Your app shall continue to run until the user stops the program execution or closes the window. You will lose 2 points for each exception not caught, OR for each faulty behavior.

CS213 Project #5 (130 points)
$30.00 $24.00