CS4851/6851 IDL Homework 5

$30.00 $24.00

Note: All coding problems to be submited with Github Link. Do not Upload the files/folder. Use git commands only. Note: this is the distribution of questions: Question 1 to Question 3: Required for everyone. Question 4 to Question 5: Bonus question for both Graduate Students and Undergraduate Students Problem 1 (10 points) For each of…

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Note: All coding problems to be submited with Github Link. Do not Upload the files/folder. Use git commands only.

Note: this is the distribution of questions:

  1. Question 1 to Question 3: Required for everyone.

  1. Question 4 to Question 5: Bonus question for both Graduate Students and Undergraduate Students

Problem 1 (10 points)

For each of the following norms, explain what properties will they favor when used in reconstruction error: L0, L1, and L2

Problem 2 (30 points)

Given a set of contrast images with sharp geometric edges (e.g. photo-lithography masks for microprocessor manufacturing) write down a formulation for recon-struction error that would work best. Justify your choice.

Problem 3 (20 points)

Given a set of images of wild life taken in their natural habitat write down a formulation for reconstruction error that would work best. Justify your choice.

Bonus for both undergraduates and gradu-

ates beyond this line.

Problem 4 (40 points)

Given distributions p and q. If q is parameterized by θ, how would you choose the value for θ to make q closest to p among all possible q’s.

  1. Write down formulation of how would you measure the closeness of q to p.

  1. Explain what you would do to maximize this closeness (i.e. make q and p maximally close, or minimally different or divergent)

Problem 5 (40 points)

Write a report on one of the following topics related to GANS:

  1. InfoGAN https://arxiv.org/abs/1606.03657

  1. CycleGAN https://arxiv.org/pdf/1703.10593.pdf


CS4851/6851 IDL Homework 5
$30.00 $24.00