CS513 DS LAB 1 (6/AUG/22)

$30.00 $24.00

Q1.) Given a input file containing the characters ‘(‘, ‘)’, ‘{‘, ‘}’ , ‘[‘ , ‘]’ , and several other, read the input file (input.txt) and determine if the input file is having valid Parentheses or not. (40 points) (Note: read file name using command line argument ) An input file is valid if: Open…

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Q1.) Given a input file containing the characters ‘(‘, ‘)’, ‘{‘, ‘}’ , ‘[‘ , ‘]’ , and several other, read the input file (input.txt)

and determine if the input file is having valid Parentheses or not. (40 points)

(Note: read file name using command line argument )

An input file is valid if:

Open brackets must be closed by the same type of brackets.

Open brackets must be closed in the correct order.

Example 1:



Input file is valid


Int main( )



As the input file contains parantheses in correct order

int a[2];

and opening and closing of brackets are same :<> ( ){ {} }

for(int i=0;i<2;i++)


a[i] = i;


return 0;


Example 2:

Input file:


class S

Input file is invalid




int reverse(int x // ‘)’ is missing

It is invalid because at line no. 4 ‘)’ do not have the same


closing bracket and at line 20 do not have same closing

int y=0;

int a[10];

bracket for ‘{ ‘ at line 9.



if(y>INT_MAX/10 || y<INT_MIN/10)


return 0;




y=y*10 +x%10;




return y;



Q2.)Implement set using link list, you have to perform all the below task through function call. The tasks are –(60 points)

1.int makeSet(struct Set *SetA), [To make a head of the link list]

  1. int insert (struct Set *SetA, int value), [To insert value ‘d’ in set ‘S’ , if not exist] (8 points)

  1. int delete (struct Set *SetA, int value), [To delete value ‘d’ from set ‘S’ if it exists ] (8 points)

  1. int printSet (struct Set *SetA), [To print the values of set] (6 points)

  1. int Union (struct Set *SetA, struct Set *SetB, struct Set *SetC), [To perform union between two sets S1, S2 and return another set](10 points)

  1. int intersection (struct Set *SetA, struct Set *SetB, struct Set *SetC), [To perform intersection between two sets S1,

S2 and return another set] (10 points)

  1. int difference(struct Set *SetA, struct Set *SetB, struct Set *SetC), [to perform set difference S1 – S2 and] (10 points)

  1. int deleteSet (struct Set *SetA), [To perform delete a set] (8 points)

Note:- Return 1 for successfully call the function, otherwise 0.

Partial code:-


struct Set


int value;

struct Set* next;


int makeSet(struct Set *SetA){

//Write your code


int insert (struct Set *SetA, int value){ // insert value in the SetA if it is not exist and return 1, otherwise return 0

//Write your code


int delete (struct Set *SetA, int value){ // delete value from SetA if it is exist and return 1, otherwise return 0,

//Write your code


int printSet (struct Set *SetA){ //Print all the element of the SetA, where SetA is headpointer of link list

//Write your code


int Union (struct Set *SetA, struct Set *SetB, struct Set *SetC){ // To perform union between two sets SetA, SatB and //store the result in SetC, , where SetA,SetB,SetC is the head pointer of the link list

//Write your code


int intersection (struct Set *SetA, struct Set *SetB){ // To perform intersection between two sets SetA, SatB and //store the result in SetC, , where SetA,SetB,SetC is the head pointer of the link list

//Write your code


int difference(struct Set *SetB, struct Set *SetB// To perform difference between two sets SetA, SatB and store the //result in SetC, where SetA,SetB,SetC is the head pointer of the link list

//Write your code


int deleteSet(struct Set *SetA){ //Take headpointer of link list SetA and delete all the node from heap.

//Write your code


int main(){

// Read text file

//Call accordingly each function

//For each line, first number represent the operation, and remaining are parameter


CS513 DS LAB 1 (6/AUG/22)
$30.00 $24.00