CSc – Lab 4 Process Management System Calls Solution

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This handout describes the ​exec ​family of functions, for executing a command. You can use these functions to make a child process execute a new program after it has been forked. The functions in this family differ in how you specify the arguments, but they all do the same thing. They are declared in the…

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This handout describes the exec family of functions, for executing a command. You can use these functions to make a child process execute a new program after it has been forked. The functions in this family differ in how you specify the arguments, but they all do the same thing. They are declared in the

header file ‘unistd.h’.

execv (char *filename, char *const argv[])

The execv function executes the file named by filename as a new process image. The argv

argument is an array of null-terminated strings that is used to provide a value for the argv argument to the main function of the program to be executed. The last element of this array must be a null pointer.

execvp (char *filename, char *const argv[])

The execvp function is similar to execv,except that it searches the directories listed in the PATH

environment variable to find the full file name of a file from filename if filename does not contain a

slash. This function is useful for executing system utility programs, because it looks for them in the

places that the user has chosen. Shells use execvp to run the commands that users type.

execl (char *filename, const char *arg0, …)

This is similar to execv,but the argv strings are specified individually instead of as an array. A null pointer must be passed as the last such argument.

execlp (char *filename, const char *arg0, …)

This function is like execl,except that it performs the same file name searching as the execvp function.

Example 1: Using execv(…) command

Note: This version will not search the path, so the full name of the executable file must be given.

Parameters to main() are passed in a single array of character pointers.

#include <stdio.h>

#include <unistd.h>

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

execv (“/bin/echo”, &argv[0]); printf (“EXECV Failed\n”);

/* The above line will be printed only on error and not otherwise */


Sample Output

  • gcc execv_ex1.c -o execv_ex1

  • ./execv_ex1 Hello World! Hello World!

Example 2: Using execvp(…) command

Note: This version searches the path, so the full name of the executable need not be given. Pa-rameters to main() are passed in a single array of character pointers. This is the form used inside a shell!

#include <stdio.h>

#include <unistd.h>

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

execvp (“echo”, &argv[0]); printf (“EXECVP Failed\n”);

/* The above line will be printed only on error and not otherwise */


Sample Output

  • gcc execvp_ex2.c -o execvp_ex2 $ ./execvp_ex2 Hello World!

Hello World!


  • Read man page of execsystem call: manexec,to know the syntax of all the four variants in detail

  • Compile and execute the examples 1 and 2 to get a feel on how these system call works before you start working on task 3.



DUE: March. 5, 2020, 11:59 PM – 25 Points

Part 1

Write a program where a child is created to execute command that tells you the date and time in

Unix. Use execl(…).Note: you need to specify the full path of the file name that gives you date and time information. Announce the successful forking of child process by displaying its PID.

Part 2

Write a program where a child is created to execute a command that shows all files (including hidden files)

in a directory with information such as permissions, owner, size, and when last modified. Use execvp(…).

Announce the successful forking of child process by displaying its PID.

Part 3

[Step 1] Process_P1.c:

Create two files namely, destination1.txt and destination2.txt with read, write and execute permissions.

[Step 2] Process_P2.c:

source.txt destination1.txt destination2.txt

Copy the contents of into and as per the following procedure:

1. Read the next 100 characters from source.txt,and write to destination1.txt

2. Then the next 50 characters are read from source.txtand written in destination2.txt.

Once you’re done with the successful creation of executables for the above two steps do the following:

Write a C program and call it Parent_Process.c.Execute the files as per the following procedure using execv system call. Use sleep system calls to introduce delays.

[Step 3]

Fork a child process, say Child 1 and execute Process_P1.This will create two destination files according to Step 1.

[Step 4]

After Child 1 finishes its execution, fork another child process, say Child 2 and execute Process_P2 that accomplishes the procedure described in Step 2.

Submission Instructions: Save your responses to part 1, 2, and 3in a single folder and zip as: Make sure your program compiles and run without any errors. Email your zip file with the subject line, “Task 3 – CSc 332- f i r s t n a m e _ lastname”.

Note: Use the same source.txt given for Task 2. Your response to Part 3 should contain 3 C files, namely, Process_P1.c, Process_P2.c, and Parent_Process.c


CSc - Lab 4 Process Management System Calls Solution
$30.00 $24.00