CSc : Software Design Laboratory Assignment 5 Solution

$30.00 $24.00

In this assignment we employee the Java techniques we have learned so far along with JavaFx and object serialization. This assignment counts towards 12% of your final grade. Note: please do your own work, sharing and/or copying code and/or solution ideas with/from others will result in a grade of 0 and disciplinary actions for all…

5/5 – (2 votes)

You’ll get a: zip file solution



5/5 – (2 votes)

In this assignment we employee the Java techniques we have learned so far along with JavaFx and object serialization. This assignment counts towards 12% of your final grade.

Note: please do your own work, sharing and/or copying code and/or solution ideas with/from others will result in a grade of 0 and disciplinary actions for all involved parties. If you run into any problems and have done your best to solve them, please see me before/after class or e-mail me.

Problem Description:

For this assignment, you are being asked to finish the development of a small application for a saving a company’s contacts using JavaFX and object serialization. The application’s GUI is missing some important controls; please add them using your favorite JavaFX Scene Builder. The complete application’s window is shown in Figure 1. Your solution will be graded for usability and error checking, so make sure your application shows and saves the correct and up‐to‐date information without any errors

Note: error message can be shown using the Alert class. The following statements display an error popup message:




“” ;





  • Initial state:

When the application starts all controls are disabled except Load and Exit

Other controls are enabled based on the current state of the window. For example, once the load button is

clicked, the

button is enabled. When the button is clicked,


button are enabled …

Title: make

the title of your window


  • Validation: You must use Regular Expression for validation

Name: Valid names consist of one or two words. Each word must start with an uppercase letter followed by at least two characters. Numbers are not allowed.

Company: Valid department names consist of one or two words. Each word must start with an uppercase letter. A word can be a single uppercase letter. Numbers are allowed

Extension: Valid extensions start with 1, 2, or 3 numbers followed by a dash ” “ followed by 1 or 2 numbers

  • Load: use Java’s class to prompt the user to select a file. Once the user selects a file, open the file and load the list. If the serialization fails, show an error message and create an empty list. Show the file’s name next to this button. For the first time, you can create an empty XML file and select it via .

Note: just for this assignment, serialization will be written to this file whether deserialization succeeds or fails

  • Add button (+): enabled once the file is loaded. It allows a new record to be appended to the list.

    • Don’t allow a new record to be added unless the current record values are valid.

    • Before adding a new record, save the current one.

  • Remove button (–): enabled if there is at least one record displayed. The button removes the current shown record.

    • Update the text fields with proper record. For example, if record #5 is removed, the application displays #4.

  • Next button (): enabled if there is a record that can be displayed after the current one.

    • Once clicked, the successive record is shown.

    • Save the current record before moving on

  • Previous button (): enabled if there is a record that can be displayed before the current one.

    • Once clicked, the previous record is shown.

    • Save the current record before moving on

    • Serialize: the list will be serialized to a file using XML format. Use the to prompt for the file.

    • Save the current record before moving on

    • Once saved, the file’s name is displayed next to thebutton

  • : exits the application.

    • The button will confirm that the user wishes to exit. If the user selects , exit the application

  • Current record label: a label that shows the current record being displayed

Provided Files:

  1. will contain the employee information displayed in the GUI’s fields

  1. a container class to manage the different Employee instances. This class can be serialized (and deserialized) using .

Hint: Create an instance of typein your controller

  1. Directory.fxml: an incomplete FXML GUI. The file assumes that the controller is called.


Part of the grades for each class will be dedicated for proper logic. For example, you should reuse code from the parent class when implementing certain methods. You should also implement methods in the right place to avoid duplicate code statements.






Adding missing controls


Initially disable all fields except Load and Exit


Field validation with Regular Expressions including alert boxes










Reset fields


Remove Button:



Update fields


Next/Prev Button:



Update fields


Save fields


Current Record label


Serialize Button








Figure 1: Initial Start Figure 2: File Loaded

CSc : Software Design Laboratory Assignment 5 Solution
$30.00 $24.00