CSc;Assignment 6 Solution

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Data Structures – Chapter 10 – Programming Assignment 6 The Bag Class with a Binary Search Tree @ Data Structures and Other Objects Using C++ by Michael Main and Walter Savitch The Assignment: Implement the bag template class from Section 10.5, using a binary search tree to store the items. Purposes: Ensure that you understand…

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Data Structures – Chapter 10 – Programming Assignment 6
The Bag Class with a Binary Search Tree
@ Data Structures and Other Objects Using C++
by Michael Main and Walter Savitch
The Assignment: Implement the bag template class from Section 10.5, using a binary search tree to store the items.
Purposes: Ensure that you understand and can use binary search tree.
Before Starting: Read all of Chapter 10, especially Sections 10.3 and 10.5.

How to Turn In: Files to be submitted: source code (*.cpp, *.cxx, *.h, see below for details) and the text file (a *.txt file or *.pdf file) showing the running output results using bagexam.cxx. Please don’t send your excutable files. Please submit your files to, with the subject line “CSc212 Assignment 6“.
Integrity Policy: Please don’t forget to write your name and ID (last four digits) on top of each of your files (see below for files you need to turn in). Then under your name, please write this statement: “The work in this assignment is my own. Any outside sources have been properly cited.” Without writing this statement, you will not be able to get any score.
Files that you must write and turn in :
bag6.h: Header file for this version of the bag class. You don’t have to write much of this file. Just copy our version from bag6.h and add your name and other information at the top.
bag6.template: The implementation file for the new bag class. I have written much of this to get you started. You can download my starting file from bag6.template
Other files that you may find helpful:

bintree.h: and bintree.template This is the binary tree node template class from Section 10.3. You can download them from bintree.h and bintree.template
It now allows a direct assignment such as: p->left() = NULL. This is not a huge advantage since the same thing can be accomplished by using the set_left function.
The expression p->left() can be passed as the argument to a function such as: tree_clear(p->left()); The parameter of tree_clear is a reference parameter, so that any changes that tree_clear makes to p->left() will now affect the actual left pointer in the node *p. In this example, the tree_clear function does set its parameter to NULL, so that the total effect of tree_clear(p->left()) is to clear the left subtree of p and to set p’s left pointer to NULL.
bagtest.cxx: A simple interactive test program.
bagexam.cxx: A non-interactive test program that will be used to grade the correctness of your bag class.
The Bag Class Using a Binary Search Tree
Discussion of the Assignment
Start by understanding the entire pseudocode for the binary search tree operations (from Section 10.5). Then read through the portions that I have already implemented for you. Implement the rest of your work in two parts: (1) The insert and count functions, and (2) The bst_remove_all and bst_remove_max functions. Don’t move to step 2 until you have completely finished and tested step 1. Please only submit your work until everything is done…no need to submit the first part since I will not give bonus points for doing that this year.

Since this is a template class, debugging can be more difficult (some debuggers don’t permit breakpoints in a template function. To help in debugging, you can call b.debug() in a program to print the binary search tree for the bag b (using the format shown on page 484).

CSc;Assignment 6 Solution
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