CSC1310: lab 8 binary search trees

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Adventure time cast Write your own version of a Binary Tree class template that can hold values of any data type. Name this file BinaryTree.h. (more details about this class in the BINARYTREE.H section of this document) Then, create a class for an Adventure Time cast member called AT_Cast class that holds a cast member’s…

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Adventure time cast

Write your own version of a Binary Tree class template that can hold values of any data type. Name this file BinaryTree.h. (more details about this class in the BINARYTREE.H section of this document)

Then, create a class for an Adventure Time cast member called AT_Cast class that holds a cast member’s cast ID and their name. Name this file AT_Cast.h. (more details about this class in the AT_CAST.H section of this document)

Next, use the provided driver which creates a binary tree whose nodes hold an AT_Cast object. The nodes should be sorted on the CAST ID number. The driver will print out the cast (sorted by cast ID number) in three different ways – in-order traversal, pre-order traversal, and then post-order traversal.


This should be a template class which contains the following private & public members:

Private attributes & functions

  • TreeNode struct containing a value of the template type, a pointer to the left TreeNode and a pointer to the right TreeNode
  • A pointer to the root TreeNode
  • Private functions:
    • Insert
    • destroySubTree
    • displayInOrder
    • displayPreOrder
    • displayPostOrder

Public Functions

  • Constructor
  • Destructor (which should call destroySubTree)
  • insertNode (which should call the insert function)
  • displayInOrder (should call the displayInOrder private function)
  • displayPreOrder (should call the displayPreOrder private function)
  • displayPostOrder (should call the displayPostOrder private function)


AT_Cast class should hold the following (private) Adventure Time information:

  • Cast ID Number: an integer
  • Cast Member Name: a string

This class should also implement the following public functions:

  • Constructor (setting the id & name) – use default arguments for the parameters; setting id to zero and name to “None”
  • setID
  • setName
  • getID
  • getName
  • overloaded < operator (code & explanation below)
  • overloaded << operator (code & explanation below)

Overloaded Operators

You will need two overloaded operators for the AT_Cast. You will need to overload the relational “less than” operator ‘<’ and also the stream insertion operator ‘<<’. I have given you the code below.

bool operator < (const AT_Cast& member)


return this->castID < member.castID;


friend ostream &operator << (ostream &strm, AT_Cast &member)


strm << “Cast ID Number: ” << member.castID;

strm << “\tName: ” << << endl;

return strm;



The driver is provided and adds the following Adventure Time cast members:

Cast ID Number







Ice King


Princess Bubblegum


Lumpy Space Princess


Cinnamon Bun


Peppermint Butler





Sample Output

Here are the cast members of Adventure Time:

IN ORDER TRAVERSAL———————————————-

Cast ID Number: 1017 Name: Lumpty Space Princess

Cast ID Number: 1021 Name: Finn

Cast ID Number: 1057 Name: Jake

Cast ID Number: 1214 Name: BMO

Cast ID Number: 1275 Name: Cinnamon Bun

Cast ID Number: 1899 Name: Peppermint Butler

Cast ID Number: 2486 Name: Ice King

Cast ID Number: 3769 Name: Princess Bubblegum

Cast ID Number: 4218 Name: Marceline

PRE ORDER TRAVERSAL———————————————-

Cast ID Number: 1021 Name: Finn

Cast ID Number: 1017 Name: Lumpty Space Princess

Cast ID Number: 1057 Name: Jake

Cast ID Number: 2486 Name: Ice King

Cast ID Number: 1275 Name: Cinnamon Bun

Cast ID Number: 1214 Name: BMO

Cast ID Number: 1899 Name: Peppermint Butler

Cast ID Number: 3769 Name: Princess Bubblegum

Cast ID Number: 4218 Name: Marceline

POST ORDER TRAVERSAL———————————————-

Cast ID Number: 1017 Name: Lumpty Space Princess

Cast ID Number: 1214 Name: BMO

Cast ID Number: 1899 Name: Peppermint Butler

Cast ID Number: 1275 Name: Cinnamon Bun

Cast ID Number: 4218 Name: Marceline

Cast ID Number: 3769 Name: Princess Bubblegum

Cast ID Number: 2486 Name: Ice King

Cast ID Number: 1057 Name: Jake

Cast ID Number: 1021 Name: Finn

What to turn in

Place driver.cpp, BinaryTree.h, & AT_Cast.h in a zipped folder and upload to ilearn submission folder.

CSC1310: lab 8 binary search trees
$30.00 $24.00