CSCD Lab 16 Solution

$30.00 $24.00

One of the most important data structures that will be used is a Linked List. It is important that we develop a very generic singlularly linked list (no dummy head) that we can use during the course of the quarter. Node Specifics void pointer for data next pointer Declared in the header file named linkedList.h…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution



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One of the most important data structures that will be used is a Linked List. It is important that we develop a very generic singlularly linked list (no dummy head) that we can use during the course of the quarter.

Node Specifics

void pointer for data next pointer

Declared in the header file named linkedList.h – provided and can’t be changed

LinkedList Specifics

Node pointer for head (NO dummy head node) int size

Declared in the header file named linkedList.h – provided and can’t be changed

Specific Functions – Not comprehensive

buildList – takes the linked list, the FILE pointer, the total records in the file, and a function pointer to build the appropriate data structure for the type as a parameters. It reads each word from the file and adds the word as part of a word structure to the linked list in the order read in. The memory for each Node will be dynamically allocated and the memory for the data structure will be handled by the build function pointer. This function will run until the end of file is reached.– Located in listUtils.h & listUtils.c – It is not required for every list so this is why it resides in listUtils. – uses addLast


  1. Sort by the char * word similar to a dictionary.

    1. Located in listUtils.h & listUtils.c – It is not required for every list so this is why it resides in listUtils.

printList – if the list is empty prints “Empty List” otherwise prints the list comma separated – in our case it prints the word – # characters. Example: stu-3

Located in linkedList.h & linkedList.c & the appropriate .c and .h files for the type because printList is passed a function pointer.

clearList – clears all the words and nodes in the list. Similar to Java clear. Ensure you don’t leak memory for the word or the node – Located in linkedList.h & linkedList.c

cleanList – Deletes the entire list including the dummy head node if there is one and the list itself

Other Things to Be Done

You must create linkedlist.c, listUtils.c and the appropriate .c for the type

I have provided linkedlist.h and listUtils.h – You CANNOT change linkedlist.h.

You can’t change my code in listUtils.h.

You may only create .c files.

You will create an output file that shows the run of the program using valgrind. This output file should show that no memory is being leaked.

I have provided cscd240Lab16.c – You can’t change anything in this file.


All code to compile and run your code My Makefile

Your valgrind run named cscd240Lab16val.txt Output run named cscd240Lab16out.txt

You will submit a zip file named your last name first letter of your first name (Example

Give us everything required to compile, run and test your code, otherwise you will receive a 0. If you your code seg faults you will get a 0. Ensure your code compiles on the command line by typing make. You code will not be regraded if we can’t compile, incorrect #includes, etc. You will only receive 1 point for turning in code.

CSCD Lab 16 Solution
$30.00 $24.00