CSCD-Lab 2 Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Provided is that is an unchangeable Java file. Your task is to complete the program based on the API specifications. Program flow is: You will prompt the user for the name of the input file. You will open that file and count the number of lines in the file You will create and fill…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution



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Provided is that is an unchangeable Java file.

Your task is to complete the program based on the API specifications. Program flow is:

  • You will prompt the user for the name of the input file.

  • You will open that file and count the number of lines in the file

  • You will create and fill an array of type person for each record that is in the file.

  • The array is then sorted by calling the compareTo of Person

  • A menu is displayed


  • You must range check all values

  • You may assume all letters will be lower case for any input obtained by your program

  • You must ensure the parameterized type of Person is passed to compare/compareTo

  • You need to capitalize the name when you print out the name

  • All parameters will be final and all preconditions will be checked

  • You will need your FileUtil and SortUtil methods from Lab1. Just copy over the folder cscd211Utils.

  • You must create an input file that allows you to sufficiently test the specifications of this assignment.

  • I have provided the Javadocs from the solution. Please see index-all.html inside the docs folder.


A zip file, in Canvas, by the required due date containing:

  • all java files

  • the input file(s) used to test your program program

  • a test run named cscd211lab2out.txt – testing all aspects

  • We should be able to download the zip and compile your code, and then run your code.

  • Name your zip

your last name first letter of your first name (Example:

CSCD-Lab 2 Solution
$30.00 $24.00