CSCD-Lab 7 Solution

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You are a programmer in the IT department of an important law firm. Your job is to create a program that will report gross salary amounts and other compensation. There are three types of employees in your firm: Programmers Lawyers Accountants Your computer-based solution will use inheritance to reflect the ‘general-to-specific’ nature of your employee…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution



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You are a programmer in the IT department of an important law firm. Your job is to create a program that will report gross salary amounts and other compensation.

There are three types of employees in your firm:

  • Programmers

  • Lawyers

  • Accountants

Your computer-based solution will use inheritance to reflect the ‘general-to-specific’ nature of your employee hierarchy.

Employee Class – Abstract

Data Members

  • Private final double BASE

  • Private String Name

  • Protected double Salary

Methods – Required

  • EVC that takes the name the basePayrate(sets the constant) and the additionalPayRate(sets the salaray BASE + additonalPayRate)

  • getMethods

    1. getSalary

    1. getName

    1. getBaseSalary

    1. getType – this.getClass().Figure it out

  • setMethods

    1. setName

    1. setSalary

  • toString

  • report – abstract

  • compareTo – ensure an Employee is passed in – sorts by type – must call getType and then by salary – must call getSalary

Lawyer Class

Data Members

  • Private int stockOptions

Methods – Required

  • EVC that takes the name the basePayrate, the additionalPayRate, and the number of stock options

  • getStockOptions

  • setStockOptions – adds or subtracts from the current stockOptions

  • report – see sample output for what should be reported

  • toString – The name of the class: and then the base class toString

Programmer Class

Data Members

  • Private boolean busPass

Methods – Required

  • EVC that takes the name the basePayrate, the additionalPayRate, and true/false

  • getBusPass

  • setBusPass

  • report – see sample output for what should be reported

  • toString – The name of the class: and then the base class toString

Accountant Class

Data Members

  • Private double parkingStipend

Methods – Required

  • EVC that takes the name the basePayrate, the additionalPayRate, and the parkingStipend

  • getParkingStipend

  • setParkingStipend – adds or subtracts from the current parkingStipend

  • report – see sample output for what should be reported

  • toString – The name of the class: and then the base class toString


  • I have provided – you may not change this file

  • I am providing a basic Javadoc – you must check all preconditions and throw the necessary exceptions


A zip file that contains:

  • All Java files/folders needed to compile and run your program

  • An output run named cscd211Lab7out.txt

Zip is named last name first letter of first name (Example:

CSCD-Lab 7 Solution
$30.00 $24.00