CSCE : Computer Architecture and Design Project 2 Solution

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1. Objective In this project, you will build a single-cycle processor, which executes a given subset of the MIPS instruction set. The processor includes a data-path and a control unit, and is similar to the one discussed in class. During demonstration of your project various MIPS test programs will be used for verification of your…

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1. Objective

In this project, you will build a single-cycle processor, which executes a given subset of the MIPS instruction set. The processor includes a data-path and a control unit, and is similar to the one discussed in class. During demonstration of your project various MIPS test programs will be used for verification of your work. This project will rely on the behavioral Verilog features but you are allowed to use structural designs, if desired.

2. Control Unit Design

Control unit in the processor controls all components’ behavior, so you should completely understand how the control units work in the processor. Chapter 5.4 explains this in detail. As described in the Figure 5.24 in the textbook (3rd Edition), your processor will have two control units, (1) a main control unit and (2) an ALU control unit. You are strongly recommended to read the chapter carefully before you attempt to implement something.

3. Datapath Design

You should implement all components you need in Verilog. You may use behavioral or any combination of behavioral and structural Verilog features. All Verilog models should correspond to realistic components, such as, registers, comparators, shifters, etc. No super-composite components are allowed. For example, a branch unit that takes in the opcode, operands, and PC, and outputs a new PC, or something similar to that is not permitted. You will be given a number of basic datapath components which you may use or extend. It is not mandatory to use the given components, but you can use them as examples for designing your own. All storage elements should be negative-edge triggered.

3.1 Datapath Components

There are a few components you will need for your processor, including the following. You may start by designing these sub-components:

ALU: 32-bit ALU,
Extender: sign/zero extender,
Register File regfile: register file,
Shifter: Arithmetic logical, multi-bit shifting unit,
Instruction Memory: 2K-words deep, 32-bit wide, initial content will be loaded from the Verilog code,
Data Memory: 4K-words deep, 32-bit wide, no initial contents. This part can be implemented in Project 3.

3.2 Provided Components

A number of data-path components are provided as examples of building larger behavioral constructs in Verilog. You may use these components. The following files are available here (accessible inside domain): (If you have a problem to access those file, contact TA.)

  • SingleCycleProc.v: A skeleton module for your processor. You need to fill in the missing parts of this file to complete the processor. Note that the current test module “testCPU” is designed for Project 3. You need to change this module to run with the provided simple diagnostic program.

  • ALU_behav.v: A behavioral implementation of the ALU you would need for this project.

  • signextend.v: A sign extender.

  • lshift2.v: A left-shift-by-two module.

  • IdealMemory.v, dmeminit.v, imeminit.v: A behavioral implementation of the ideal data and instruction memories, and files to initialize their contents. We will provide additional memory contents files later for evaluation and test purposes.

  • mux.v: Multiplexors of various sizes.

Finish the implementation of the processor by supplying or completing all necessary modules. You may use any Verilog structural or behavioral language construct.

4. Component Propagations Delays

The single data-path must incorporate reasonable propagation delay amounts for each one of each component. You need to specify propagation delays for both combinational and sequential circuits. Finally, you have to find and use the minimum possible clock periods TCC in your single data-paths.

4.1 Component Propagations Delays (Optional)

All of your Verilog components must, in general, incorporate “reasonable” propagation delays. For each component, think about how that component would be implemented using discrete gates. Use this mental discrete gate implementation to estimate the delays to use. There is no exact right or wrong answer for the delays to use. However, if the delays are too large or too small, you will be asked to justify your decision. The delay models may be kept simple, i.e., one delay value can be used for an entire component (which should be the maximum worst-case delay). For the datapath controller you should use a delay of 20ΔT. You may use the following normalized delays for individual gates:


Delay in ΔT













Please look through the Verilog code of the provided components for examples of how to specify propagation delays for the various components and how to support edge-triggered clocking. You should try to use reasonable delays for the blocks with storage elements.

4.2 Resetting and Initializing the Data-paths

Your data-paths must employ an active-low, master reset signal, called Reset_L. This signal should be kept at the de-asserted level at all times, except when the processor is being reset. To reset the processor, drive Reset_L low for at least 10 integral clock cycles TCC and then reset Reset_L to high level. The master reset should feed into all reset types of signals of the datapath, such as those of the register file. You have to provide a unit that is external to the main control units that contain at least one register called IPC. This register supplies the first Program Counter (PC) that your processor should execute after “reset” IPC and all other input control signals should be driven by the top level test module of your model.

5. Verilog Controller for the Datapath

5.1 Complete Control Unit truth table

Make two complete truth tables considering all Instructions shown in Table 1; One for the main control unit and the other for the ALU control unit. Your table should be similar to Figure 5.18 in the textbook (3rd Edition). An Excel file is recommended because the table can be big.

5.2 Construct Control Units

Build the Control Unit (CU) for the single-cycle datapath of Section 6. You may use any behavioral Verilog instruction available to develop the CU. This CU should take the exact bits from the 32-bit instruction and generate the control signals. You must add any control signals necessary to read instructions of the instruction memory, and the “next instruction logic” to generate the Program Counter (PC) of the instruction which needs to be fetched next.

You may use any behavioral Verilog statement available to develop the CU. The Verilog code that specifies the behavior of your CU must be as much structured and clearly written as possible. Use the Verilog `define SYMBOL code_to_substitute as much as possible and specify upper bounds for units as parameter n = .... Note: Recall that in the Single-Cycle Processor, everything should take place in one clock cycle TCC.

6. Basic Single-Cycle Data-Path

Develop an implementation in Verilog of a basic single-cycle processor (SCP) supporting the following instructions.



Arithmetic (unsigned)

addu, subu, addiu

Arithmetic (signed)

add, sub, addi

Use the actual MIPS machine language instruction formats, given in the back cover of your textbook.

6.1 Implementation Step 1: Program Counter (PC)

The first in this project is building PC register which holds the address of the current instruction. Do not use startPC signal as PC, which is an input of the module SingleCycleProc, or do not attempt to modify startPC inside the module. The signal startPC is used to provide the starting address of a new program during a reset. You need to assign a new register named PC and then, copy startPC to PC when Reset_L is activated (low) or rising (positive edge). As the clock goes on, PC increases by 4 when Reset_L is not activated.

6.2 Implementation Step 2: Reading an Instruction (Fetch)

Once PC is determined, you can get an instruction from Instruction Memory module named InstrMem. After fetching an instruction, store it into a new register IR. Before connecting this module, check whether the correct program file is included in IdealMemory.v. In this project, we will use imeminit_simple_test.v. If you get an instruction, check the value in each region in the format using $display("rs = ... rd = ... rt = ... imm16 = ... func = ...");. Each component must be fed into the register module, the main control module, and other modules as shown in Figure 5.24 in the textbook (3rd Edition) page 314.

6.3 Implementation Step 3: Building a Register file

MIPS architecture has a register file containing 32 32-bit registers. Each register is read using one of two read register ports and written with one write register port. Register write is enabled only when RegWrite signal is on.

6.4 Implementation Step 4: Building Control Units

The behavior of the processor is controlled by controllers. There are two control units in MIPS architecture. One is general controller controling MUXes, the register file, and the memory. The other is ALU controller controlling ALU. Since the operation is determined by the instruction, these controllers need information from the instruction.

7. Testing and Diagnostic Programs

We will provide you with a simple diagnostic program to test your datapath and control units. You need to run the program using your processor and display the all internal states of a module by using appropriately coded $display("..."); statements from within the module. For instance, you can use $display("Reg[rt] = %b ...", Reg[rt]); statements in a module to print on the STDOUT the contents of a register rt You would better have a neat display to make your life easier when you have to debug a more complicated processor.

Check-off Requirement: Show your solution to TA and demonstrate program execution in VCS. To run your solution, use the following command.

        $ vcs -R ALU_behav.v lshift2.v signextend.v mux.v SingleCycleProc.v [-o output_executable_file]

Submission Requirement

Turn in your Verilog code and simulation results with the test program provided here. You also need to submit a report about your design. For example, you need to show truth tables for all control signals you are using in the project.

Acknowledgement: This project was originally developed by Dr. Michael E. Thomadakis.

CSCE : Computer Architecture and Design Project 2 Solution
$35.00 $29.00