CSCE Project 10 Elevator Simulation Solution

$35.00 $29.00

The goal of this assignment is to write a simulation of an elevator system. You will make a model of a building with F floors servd by C elevator cars. It will be an event-driven simulator, where, with each time-step, new passengers can arrive on floors, elevators can move between floors, or pick-up or drop-off…

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The goal of this assignment is to write a simulation of an elevator
system.  You will make a model of a building with F floors servd by C
elevator cars.  It will be an event-driven simulator, where, with each
time-step, new passengers can arrive on floors, elevators can move
between floors, or pick-up or drop-off passengers.  The input will
include a "traffic" file that specifies randomly generated passengers,
when they arrive, and their source and destination floors.

Initially, I recommend you should develop your simulation with the
following parameters: the building has 5 floors (numbered 0-4), and
there is only 1 car, and the simulation runs for 100 time-steps.
Actually, these will be command-line arguments

> elevator <timesteps> <floors> <car> <trafficfile>

The format of the traffic file looks like this:

floors <N> iters <N>
PERSON id <N> time <N> src <N> dest <N>

Here is an example:

floors 10 iters 100
PERSON id 0 time 80 src 0 dest 3
PERSON id 1 time 5 src 4 dest 5
PERSON id 2 time 73 src 7 dest 8
PERSON id 48 time 52 src 2 dest 5
PERSON id 49 time 34 src 4 dest 2

With each time-step, your simulation should check for arrival of new
passengers on floors, and then call an update() function on each of
the floors and cars.  On floors, passengers press call buttons for the
direction they are travelling.  When cars stop at floors, some people
disembark (if that is their destination), and others embark (that are
waiting on that floor for a car going their direction).  The
passengers press buttons in the car for their destination, and the car
clears the direction button on the floor.  

A car has to stop for at least 1 time-step to let people on and off,
but doesn't have to stop at floors if there are no calls (inside car
or on floor) This is especially important for efficiency if your
simulation has multiple cars.  In this case, if one car is servicing a
floor, the other cars (moving in same direction) don't have to stop
and can pass by that floor.

With each time-step, you should print out the status of all the floors
and cars, like this:

> elevator 100 5 1 traffic_5_100_0.5.dat

FLOOR 4, persons 0, up 0, down 0
FLOOR 3, persons 0, up 0, down 0
FLOOR 2, persons 0, up 0, down 0
FLOOR 1, persons 0, up 0, down 0
FLOOR 0, persons 0, up 0, down 0 CAR0[0]*
CAR 0, floor 0, load 0, state 0, dir 1, buttonsPressed: 

FLOOR 4, persons 0, up 0, down 0
FLOOR 3, persons 0, up 0, down 0
FLOOR 2, persons 0, up 0, down 0
FLOOR 1, persons 0, up 0, down 0 CAR0[0]^
FLOOR 0, persons 0, up 0, down 0
CAR 0, floor 1, load 0, state 1, dir 1, buttonsPressed: 

new person 17 arriving on floor 0, dest=3
FLOOR 4, persons 0, up 0, down 0
FLOOR 3, persons 0, up 0, down 0
FLOOR 2, persons 0, up 0, down 0 CAR0[0]^
FLOOR 1, persons 0, up 0, down 0
FLOOR 0, persons 1, up 1, down 0
CAR 0, floor 2, load 0, state 1, dir 1, buttonsPressed: 

Of course, when passengers embark or disembark, print out messages
for those event too.

At the end of the simulation, print out a summary of all floors, cars,
and passengers (sorted by start time).  For floors and cars, report
how many passengers remain.  For ALL passengers in the simulation,
report when they were picked up and dropped off, and their overall
waiting time.  The distribution of waiting times should be a indicator
of the overall efficiency of the simulation.  For heavier traffic
loads or more floors, you might need multiple cars to keep the waiting
times down.

on floor 3: PERSON id 22 src 3 dest 1 start 98 embarked -1 arrived -1 WAITING on FLOOR 3
in car 0: PERSON id 42 src 1 dest 2 start 96 embarked 99 arrived -1
in car 0: PERSON id 29 src 1 dest 2 start 98 embarked 99 arrived -1
PERSON id 17 src 0 dest 3 start 2 embarked 11 arrived 16 ARRIVED traveltime 14
PERSON id 30 src 4 dest 3 start 3 embarked 4 arrived 6 ARRIVED traveltime 3
PERSON id 2 src 4 dest 2 start 4 embarked 4 arrived 8 ARRIVED traveltime 4
PERSON id 20 src 1 dest 3 start 5 embarked 13 arrived 16 ARRIVED traveltime 11
PERSON id 40 src 0 dest 3 start 6 embarked 11 arrived 16 ARRIVED traveltime 10
PERSON id 10 src 3 dest 0 start 9 embarked 20 arrived 26 ARRIVED traveltime 17
PERSON id 4 src 3 dest 2 start 10 embarked 20 arrived 29 ARRIVED traveltime 19
PERSON id 4 src 3 dest 2 start 10 embarked 20 arrived 22 ARRIVED traveltime 12

Example traffic files and a full transcript will be posted on the
course website.



Implement this project using the following classes in C++.  You should
put each of your classes in separate source files (and put them in a
directory for Project10 on GitHub, with makefile.)  

Person is pretty simple, just has id, source and destination floor,
and keeps track of times when embark or disembark.

Floors and Cars are both sub-classes of a general class called
Container, which has a vector of Persons and a vector of bools
representing buttons.  Provide member functions for pressing,
checking, and clearing buttons, and for adding or removing persons.  A
Floor is a specialization that has just 2 buttons, up and down.  A Car
has buttons for each floor.

Finally, there is a Building class, which has a vector of floors and a
vector of cars.  The role of the Building class is to have the
initialization code, the run() loop, and the code to print the summary
at the end.  The run() has the loop (for desired iterations) in which
it prints the status of floors and cars, checks for new passengers
arriving on floors, and then call update() on all the floors and cars.
The Building initially has a list of all person (from reading in the
traffic file).  As their start time arrives, the get moved to floors,
and then to cars, and finally back to the list of all persons when
they arrive at their destination.

Set capacity to 10.  Don't let more than 10 people on at a time.

enum Dir { DOWN=0, UP=1 };

class Person
  int id;
  int start; // time when arrives at source floor
  int src; // source floor
  int dest; // destination floor
  int embarkTime; // boarding car
  int arriveTime; // arriving at destination flloor


  Person(int i,int Time,int s,int d); // constuctor: pass-in id, time, src, dest
  bool operator==(const Person& p); // based on id, to check if 2 persons are same
  bool operator<(const Person& p); // based on start time, for sorting
  void setEmbarkTime(int x)
  void setArriveTime(int x)
  Dir dir(); // what direction are they travelling?
  void print();

class Container
  vector<bool> buttons; // true means pressed
  vector<Person> persons;


  void Press(int f);
  bool Pressed(int f);
  void Reset(int f);
  void AddPerson(Person p);
  void RemovePerson(Person p); // or return an iterator

class Floor : public Container
  int id;


  Floor(int i); // pass-in id; initialize 2 buttons to false
  bool UpPressed();
  bool DownPressed();
  void PressUp();
  void PressDown();
  void ClearUp();
  void ClearDown();
  string toString();

class Car : public Container
  int id; // set in constructor
  int floor;
  int capacity; // don't let more than this many poeple on
  enum State { IDLE, MOVING, STOPPED, OPENING, CLOSING, LOADING, UNLOADING, CLOSED }; // whatever states you want
  State state;
  Dir dir; // what direction is car moving?
  int nfloors;


  Car(int i,int f); // initialize with id and number of floors; initilize state, dir, and buttons
  string toString();
  void printSymbolic(); // print something like "CAR0[3]^"
  // this is where all the logic goes...
  void update(vector<Floor>& floors,int iter,vector<Person>& allpersons); // *****
  // it is important to get these functions right...
  void embark(Floor& floor,int iter);
  void disembark(Floor floor,int iter,vector<Person>& allpersons);

class Building
  int ncars;
  int nfloors;
  int ITERS;

  vector<Floor> floors;
  vector<Car> cars;
  vector<Person> persons;


  void AddPerson(Person p);
  void RemovePerson(Person p);
  void readin_traffic(char* fname);
  Building(int numiters,int numfloors,int numcars,char* fname);
  void NewArrivals(int iter); // check for person whose start time has arrived
  void summary(); // print-out all persons, cars, and floors at end
  void run()
    for (int iter=0 ; iter<ITERS ; iter++)
      cout << endl << "iter=" << iter << endl;
      // check for Persons whose start time is now, move to source floor

      // print out contents of floors and cars
      for (int i=0 ; i<nfloors ; i++) 
        int f=nfloors-i-1;
        cout << floors[f].toString();
        for (int j=0 ; j<C ; j++)
          if (cars[j].floor==f) cars[j].printSymbolic();
        cout << endl; 
      for (int i=0 ; i<C ; i++) cout << cars[i].toString() << endl;

      // update cars...
      for (int i=0 ; i<C ; i++) cars[i].update(floors,iter,persons);
CSCE Project 10 Elevator Simulation Solution
$35.00 $29.00