CSCI Assignment 10 Red-black trees Solution

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In this assignment, you will continue working with the movie data from the BST assignment and store that data in a red-black tree. A red-black tree is a self-balancing binary search tree. The main difference between this assignment and previous assignments is that you will need to balance the tree each time a new movie…

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In this assignment, you will continue working with the movie data from the BST assignment and store that data in a red-black tree. A red-black tree is a self-balancing binary search tree. The main difference between this assignment and previous assignments is that you will need to balance the tree each time a new movie node is added or deleted.

For each of the movies in the movie nodes in the movie tree, the following information is kept:

  • IMDB ranking

  • Title

  • Year released

  • Quantity in stock

  • Node color

Your program will have a menu similar to previous assignments from which the user can select options. In this assignment, your menu needs to include options for finding a movie, renting a movie, printing the inventory, deleting a movie, counting the number of movies, counting levels in the tree, and quitting the program.

Use the same Assignment8Movies.txt file that you used for the BST movie assignment. The name of the input file needs to be handled as a command-line argument.

  1. Insert all the movies in the tree.

When the user starts the program they will pass it the name of the text file that contains all movie information. Your program needs to handle that command-line argument, open the file, and read all movie data in the file. From this data, build the red-black tree ordered by movie title. As movies are added to the tree, the red-black tree-balancing algorithm should be applied. All information about the movie should also be included in the movie node in the tree. Note: the data should be added to the tree in the order it is read in.

  1. Find a movie.

When the user selects this option from the menu, they should be prompted for the name of the movie. If the movie is found in the tree, display the movie information. If the movie is not found, your program should display, “Movie not found.” This option is similar to rent movie, however, you are not updating the quantity.

  1. Rent a movie.

When the user selects this option from the menu, they should be prompted for the name of the movie. If the movie is found in the tree, your program should update the Quantity in stock property of the movie and display the new information about the movie. When the Quantity is 0, the movie should be deleted from the tree. When a movie is deleted, the tree should be rebalanced. If the movie is not found, your program should display, “Movie not found.”

  1. Print the entire inventory.

When the user selects this option from the menu, your program should display all movie titles and the quantity available in sorted order by title. See the lecture notes on in-order tree traversal for more information.

  1. Delete a movie.

When the user selects this option, they should be prompted for the title of the movie to delete. Your code should then search the tree for that movie, delete it if it’s found, and then perform any necessary tree balancing to restore the red-black tree properties. If the movie is not found in the search process, print “Movie not found.” and do not attempt to delete.

  1. Count movies in the tree.

When the user selects this option, your program should do an in-order tree traversal and count the total movie nodes in the tree and print the value.

  1. Count longest path.

When the user selects this option, your program needs to determine the longest path from the root of the tree to the bottom of tree, not including empty nodes.

  1. Quit the program.

When the user selects this option, your program should delete the tree using a post-order traversal.

Implementation details

The MovieTree.h file on Moodle includes the prototype for the red-black tree class for this assignment. You need to implement the class functionality in a corresponding MovieTree.cpp file and Assignment10.cpp file. To submit your work, zip all files together and submit them to COG. If you do not get your assignment working on COG, you will have the option of a grading interview.

In MovieTree.h, you’ll notice that there is now a node called *nil. You will need to allocate memory for *nil in the MovieTree constructor and then use it in all cases where you previously used NULL.

Use the cout statements in Appendix A to set the order of the menu options.

Helper Function to check tree balancing

There is a file on Moodle called rbValid.cpp that you can use to check that your tree-balancing algorithm is correct. This code checks that the red-black properties have

been restored to the tree. The MovieTree.h file includes a definition for the helper function as a private method in the MovieTree class. You will need to copy the code out of the rbValid.cpp file and incorporate it into MovieTree.cpp. Call the function after adding a movie to the tree to verify that your tree balancing works. This is for debugging purposes. Leaving the code in your program when you submit to COG should not affect your results. There are additional BST properties that are not being checked with this code – it is not checking that the values in the tree are valid for all left and right sub-trees of a node.

There is also a website that shows visually the red-black balancing process: Note: this website uses the maximum value in the left sub-tree as the replacement for a deletion with two children. Your code needs to use the minimum value in the right sub-tree.

Appendix A – cout statements that COG expects

Display menu

cout << “======Main Menu======” << endl; cout << “1. Find a movie” << endl; cout << “2. Rent a movie” << endl;

cout << “3. Print the inventory” << endl;

cout << “4. Delete a movie” << endl;

cout << “5. Count the movies” << endl;

cout << “6. Count the longest path” << endl;

cout << “7. Quit” << endl;

Find a movie

cout << “Enter title:” << endl;

Display found movie information

cout << “Movie Info:” << endl;

cout << “===========” << endl;

cout << “Ranking:” << foundMovie->ranking << endl; cout << “Title:” << foundMovie->title << endl; cout << “Year:” << foundMovie->year << endl;

cout << “Quantity:” << foundMovie->quantity << endl;

If movie not found

cout << “Movie not found.” << endl;

Rent a movie

//If movie is in stock

cout << “Movie has been rented.” << endl; cout << “Movie Info:” << endl;

cout << “===========” << endl;

cout << “Ranking:” << foundMovie->ranking << endl; cout << “Title:” << foundMovie->title << endl;

cout << “Year:” << foundMovie->year << endl;

cout << “Quantity:” << foundMovie->quantity << endl;

//If movie not found in tree

cout << “Movie not found.” << endl;

Print the inventory

//For all movies in tree

cout<<“Movie: “<<node->title<<” “<<node->quantity<<endl;

Count movies in the tree

cout<<“Tree contains: “<<mt.countMovieNodes()<<” movies.” << endl;

Longest path

cout << “Longest Path: ” << mt->countLongestPath() << endl;

Delete movie

cout << “Enter title:” << endl;

//If movie not found in tree

cout << “Movie not found.” << endl;

Delete all nodes in the tree //For all movies in tree cout<<“Deleting: “<<node->title<<endl;


cout << “Goodbye!” << endl;

File I/O Error

cout << “Could not open file\n”;

CSCI Assignment 10 Red-black trees Solution
$30.00 $24.00