CSCI-Homework 6 Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Introduction This homework is intended to reinforce your understanding of Big-O and run-times for algorithms. It is comprised of various di erent exercises that will ask you to nd the run-times of loops, explain the run-times of algorithms you have seem in class, and improve algorithms. 1.1 Deadline November 15, 2019 at 11:59pm 1.2 Submission…

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  • Introduction

This homework is intended to reinforce your understanding of Big-O and run-times for algorithms. It is comprised of various di erent exercises that will ask you to nd the run-times of loops, explain the run-times of algorithms you have seem in class, and improve algorithms.

1.1 Deadline

November 15, 2019 at 11:59pm

1.2 Submission

You must turn in a pdf le with your answers on it.

1.3 Grading Rubric

Grading will be based o of both correct answers as well as answer completion. Be sure to show all over your work and explain things thoroughly. Incomplete answers will not receive full credit.

1.4 Plagarism

We will use a set of automated tools speci cally designed to analyze solutions for plagarism. If you copy code from another source, classmate or website, there is a very high probability that these tools will ag your work as plagarized. You are permitted to discuss the problems at a high level; however, you must write your own solution. If you do not share answers or outright borrow answers from a website, you will have no problem with the plagarism lter.


  • Run-time and Big-O Exercises

2.1 Calculate the Big-0 run time of these loops



While i < n {

For (j=0;j<n;j++){

Print(this is a loop)


i = i*2;



Array x = new array[n]

Count = 0;

For (i=0;i<n;i++){

Array[Count] = I;

Count ++

If ( i%3 =0) {

While (Count ! =0) {

Count —

Array[Count] = 0




2.2 Algorithm run-time (Big-O) questions


What is the run-time of bubble sort? Explain why in detail.



What is the run-time of running binary search on a sorted array? Explain why in detail.


What is the Worst case run-time of Quicksort? Why? What is the average case run-time of Quicksort? Why?

2.3 Fibonacci Sequence


Find the Big-O run-time of this program

Public int Fibb ( int x ){

If(x==1) return 1;

If (x==0) return 0;

Return Fibb(x-1)+Fibb(x-2);




Rewrite this program so that it has a much smaller run-time.

Hint: use an array to store information. O(n) is the optimal solution


Explain the run time of your program.


CSCI-Homework 6 Solution
$30.00 $24.00