$30.00 $24.00

In this Lab session you will get familiar with the Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) API to access a SQLite database from a high-level programming language, such as Java, C++, PHP, etc. Speci cally, below it is shown how to set up a connection between Java and SQLite using the JDBC API. To connect to a…

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In this Lab session you will get familiar with the Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) API to access a SQLite database from a high-level programming language, such as Java, C++, PHP, etc. Speci cally, below it is shown how to set up a connection between Java and SQLite using the JDBC API.

To connect to a SQLite database in Java, the following are required:

  1. Java JDK version 6 or later (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index. html)

  1. SQLite version 3.6 or later (http://www.sqlite.org/)

  1. JDBC SQLite driver (https://github.com/xerial/sqlite-jdbc)

Create a simple Java class and use the following commands to connect and control the database from within Java:

Create an instance of the class Connection and connect to the SQLite database. Notice, that the connection parameter has 3 elds separated by \:”. The rst is always jdbc; the second is the database server name, e.g., sqlite; the third is a path to your database le (in our case, this is the same folder as the main java class):

Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(“jdbc:sqlite:test.db”);

The main object that you have to create to control the database is a statement: Statement stat = conn.createStatement();

With a statement object you can create tables and insert values in the existing table: stat.executeUpdate(“drop table if exists student;”); stat.executeUpdate(“create table student (name, university);”); stat.executeUpdate(“insert into student values (’John Smith’, ’UC Merced’);”);

You can get query results using the class ResultSet and cursors: ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery(“select * from people;”); while (rs.next()) {

System.out.println(“name = ” + rs.getString(“name”)); System.out.println(“university = ” + rs.getString(“occupation”));



At the end of the program, always disconnect from the database: conn.close();

When you compile the code, make sure that sqlite-jdbc-(VERSION).jar is included in your Java classpath.

A complete tutorial is available at https://github.com/xerial/sqlite-jdbc.

As a lab assignment you are required to create Java methods that perform the following actions:

  1. Connect Java to your TPCH database from the previous labs.

  1. Create a method that adds a new table warehouse with the following attributes:

w_warehousekey decimal(3,0) not null, w_name char(25) not null, w_supplierkey decimal(2,0) not null, w_capacity decimal(6,2) not null, w_address varchar(40) not null, w_nationkey decimal(2,0) not null

  1. Create a method that asks the user for a new entry in the warehouse table. w warehousekey is gener-ated automatically by the system and the user is required to provide information for w supplierkey and w nationkey as a supplier and nation name (the input is a string). The system nds the appro-priate s supplierkey and n nationkey automatically and sets them in the new tuple. If one of them does not exist, an error is returned and the insertion is canceled. An example of a user entry is:

Name: Warehouse\#000000001

Supplier: Supplier\#000000005

Capacity: 100

Address: 10, Blumenstrasse, Berlin

Nation: Germany

  1. Create methods that execute the following queries and output the results to the screen (one method for each query):

Find the supplier with the smallest number of warehouses.

Find the maximum warehouse capacity across all the suppliers.

List all the warehouses in EUROPE with capacity smaller than X, where X is taken as an input from the user.

For a supplier name given by the user, nd whether all its warehouses are capable to t all its products (see ps partsupp).

For a nation given by the user, print all the warehouses in that country, in descending order of their capacity.

Supplier#000000002 is acquired by Supplier#000000001. Update the warehouse table to re ect this change in ownership. The actual names of the suppliers are taken as input from the user, they are not constants.

  1. Disconnect from the database.

The methods are controlled from the context menu that starts automatically at the beginning of the program.

The menu has 10 items, one for each method described above.

Notice that, while you are expected to write the code in Java, you can use any other programming language (e.g., because you are using other language for your project). You can nd more information on how to connect SQLite to other programming languages at: http://www.sqlite.org/cvstrac/wiki?p= SqliteWrappers.

Requirements. For full score, you are required to demo your application to the TAs during the lab session of Week 10 October 29. Moreover, you have to upload your single Java le with the code to CatCourses.

Lab 7 2

$30.00 $24.00