CSE Homework #4 Multiple Classes and Maps Solution

$35.00 $29.00

In this homework, you will be making a different version of your Homework #3. You will be using a map to store Transaction objects (values) sorted by Date objects (keys). You will also be making a menu to allow a user to select different options and input data. Part 1: Classes You are to implement…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution



5/5 – (2 votes)

In this homework, you will be making a different version of your Homework #3. You will be using a map to store Transaction objects (values) sorted by Date objects (keys). You will also be making a menu to allow a user to select different options and input data.

Part 1: Classes

You are to implement 3 classes: Date, Transaction, and Transaction List.

Date represents a date, down to the second. It has 6 private variables: year representing the year, month representing the month, day representing day, hour representing the hour, minute representing the minute, and second representing second. There are also 4 public functions. The constructor takes in values for the private variables and assigns them. to_string() converts the data of the class to a string. operator<() overloads the < operation for Date objects when doing comparisons. operator<<() overrides the << operation for Date objects when sending the Date object to and output stream.

Transaction represents a transaction that was ran by a company. Each transaction has a price, the value that was processed by the company, and a name, the person who processed the transaction. Each Transaction object has 5 public functions. get_price() returns the value processed in the transaction. get_name() returns the name of the person who processed the transaction. Transaction() is the constructor that assigns the values of price and name. to_string() converts the data of the class to a string. operator<<() overrides the << operation for Transaction objects when sending the Transaction object to and output stream. CORRECTION TO UML: in the constructor, the variable names are p and n.

Transaction_List represents a list of transactions stored in a map. This map has keys of Dates and values of Transactions. This list is able to add transactions, list all transactions, get the average transaction, delete a transaction when given a date, and delete all transactions by a certain employee. When deleting a transaction, a useful error message must be displayed to the user if unsuccessful. This list should also determine who gets a bonus. Bonuses are determined differently than in Homework #3. In this homework, it is whoever rang up the highest total value of transactions, not just the number. Also there are to_string and an operator<< functions that function similarly to the previous two classes.

Part 2: main.cpp

In the main cpp, you must create a menu where the user can select different options. These options must include printing out the list of transactions, adding a new transaction, deleting a current transaction by date, deleting all transaction by a certain employee, getting the average transaction, and getting the name of the person who earned the bonus. Please note that menus may have a submenu or require additional input, such as asking for the date, price, and name.

Here is an example menu:

Welcome to the Transaction List Management Solution.

Please make a selection from the following menu:

  1. Print all transactions

  1. Add a transaction

  1. Delete a transaction(s)

  1. Average transaction value

  1. Bonus winner

? |

All functionally must be able to be tested by the GTA when grading.

Part 3: Bonus 1 (5pts)

This will be the exact same as the full credit, but will require you to get the system time for the date when a new transaction is added instead of asking the user for a date.

Part 4: Bonus 2 (10pts)

You will modify the Transaction class to only have the price private variable and to have the get_name() method removed. This will require the constructor and to_string() method to be changed as well. You will then create a new class called Employee that has private variables name and id. This class should have a constructor, accessor methods for these fields, as well as a to_string() and an operator<< overload.

The map in Transcation_List will now become a multimap with three fields. The order of these fields will be <Date, Transaction, Employee>. This will require several other methods in this class to be changed as well.

You will also show these changes in a new UML Diagram. I have provided the base UML for this project, which is the one pictured on the first page. Be sure to show associativity.

Part 5: Deliverables

You will submit your code and screenshots via Blackboard. You will upload a zip file, named “abc1234_HW4.zip”, which contains 1 folder (3 if you did all of the bonus)

  • full_credit

  1. abc1234_Date.h and abc1234_Date.cpp

  1. abc1234_Transaction.h and abc1234_Transaction.cpp

    1. abc1234_Transaction_List.h and abc1234_Transaction_List.cpp

    1. abc1234_main.cpp

    1. makefile

    1. abc1234_main.png (or multiple if multiple screenshots were taken). These screenshots will be picture of your code running in terminal.

    1. Instructions for compiling and running your code (either in comments in blackboard or in a README file)

  • bonus_1

    1. abc1234_Date.h and abc1234_Date.cpp

  1. abc1234_Transaction.h and abc1234_Transaction.cpp

    1. abc1234_Transaction_List.h and abc1234_Transaction_List.cpp

    1. abc1234_main.cpp

    1. makefile

    1. abc1234_main.png (or multiple if multiple screenshots were taken). These screenshots will be picture of your code running in terminal.

    1. Instructions for compiling and running your code (either in comments in blackboard or in a README file)

  • bonus_2

    1. abc1234_HW4_Class_Diagram.xmi

  1. abc1234_Date.h and abc1234_Date.cpp

  1. abc1234_Transaction.h and abc1234_Transaction.cpp o abc1234_Employee.h and abc1234_Employee.cpp

o abc1234_Transaction_List.h and abc1234_Transaction_List.cpp o abc1234_main.cpp

o makefile

o abc1234_main.png (or multiple if multiple screenshots were taken). These screenshots will be picture of your code running in terminal.

o Instructions for compiling and running your code (either in comments in blackboard or in a README file)

Full credit files named incorrectly result in a loss of 5 points each.

CSE Homework #4 Multiple Classes and Maps Solution
$35.00 $29.00