CSE -Lab 0: Environment Setup Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Throughout this course, we’ll be using Python and Jupyter notebooks, so your primary objective for this lab is to prepare your working environment. You will work individually and submit your own work via Carmen. Note: The example commands given here are for MacOS. Commands for Linux and Windows are generally the same—or at least very…

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Throughout this course, we’ll be using Python and Jupyter notebooks, so your primary objective for this lab is to prepare your working environment. You will work individually and submit your own work via Carmen.

Note: The example commands given here are for MacOS. Commands for Linux and Windows are generally the same—or at least very similar. Let me know if you need assistance.

Part 1. Download and install Anaconda

Follow these steps to download and install Anaconda on your Mac, Windows, or Linux machine.

  1. Download and install the Anaconda distribution for your platform from www.anaconda.com/download. I recommend that you choose the latest Python 3.x version.

  1. At this point, it might be useful to update any packages that are out of date. To do so, use the command line to enter the following command:

$ conda update –all

The package manager will display a list of packages to be updated or installed. You must agree by entering ‘y’ before the updates will be applied.

  1. Create a directory/folder for your notebooks. It can be in any location you choose. The following commands will add a folder to your home directory:

$ cd

$ mkdir Notebooks

  1. Launch the notebook server. Note that the notebook server will run from the current working directory.

$ cd ~/Notebooks $ jupyter notebook

You’ll notice that the log output from the server is now being displayed in the terminal window. A browser window/tab should also appear, displaying your Notebook folder. (If not, try entering http://localhost:8888 in your browser.)

You’ve now completed Part 1. Congratulations!

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CSE 5243 AU19

Part 2. Create a notebook

Create a new Jupyter notebook and rename it using your OSU lastname-dot-number, e.g.


At a MINIMUM, your notebook must contain the following:

  1. One or more markdown cells containing

    • The name of this assignment (“Lab 0 – Environment Setup”) as a level 1 header

    • Your name

    • The name and number of this course

    • The date

  1. One or more Python code cells that contain working code. The code cells must produce output and the output must be included in your submitted notebook.

Submit the notebook (.ipynb file) via Carmen, under Lab 0.

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CSE -Lab 0: Environment Setup Solution
$30.00 $24.00