SI Homework 3 Dependency Parsing Solution

$35.00 $29.00

1 Introduction Despite its seeming chaos, natural language has lots of structure. We’ve already seen some of this structure in part of speech tags and how the order of parts of speech are predictive of what kinds of words might come next (via their parts of speech). In Homework 3, you’ll get a deeper view…

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You’ll get a: zip file solution



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1 Introduction

Despite its seeming chaos, natural language has lots of structure. We’ve already seen some of this structure in part of speech tags and how the order of parts of speech are predictive of what kinds of words might come next (via their parts of speech). In Homework 3, you’ll get a deeper view of this structure by implementing a dependency parser. We covered this topic in Week 10 of the course and it’s covered extensively in Speech & Language Processing chapter 13, if you want to brush up .1 Briefly, dependency parsing identifies the syntactic relationship between word pairs to create a parse tree, like the one seen in Figure 1.

In Homework 3, you’ll implement the shift-reduce neural dependency parser of Chen and Man-ning [2014],2 which was one of the first neural network-based parser and is quite famous. Thank-fully, its neural network is also fairly straight-forward to implement. We’ve provided the parser’s skeleton code in Python 3 that you can use to finish the implementation, with comments that out-line the steps you’ll need to finish. And, importantly, we’ve provided a lot of boilerplate code that handles loading in the training, evaluation, and test dataset, and converting that data into a representation suitable for the network. Your part essentially boils down to two steps: (1) fill in the implementation of the neural network and (2) fill in the main training loop that processes each batch of instances and does backprop. Thankfully, unlike in Homeworks 1 and 2, you’ll be leveraging the miracles of modern deep learning libraries to accomplish both of these!

Homework 3 has the following learning goals:



1. Gain a working knowledge of the PyTorch library, including constructing a basic network, using layers, dropout, and loss functions.

2. Learn how to train a network with PyTorch

3. Learn how to use pre-trained embeddings in downstream applications

4. Learn about the effects of changing different network hyper parameters and designs

5. Gain a basic familiarity with dependency parsing and how a shift-reduce parser works.

You’ll notice that most of the learning goals are based on deep learning topics, which is the primary focus of this homework. The skills you learn with this homework will hopefully help you with your projects and (ideally) with any real-world situation where you’d need to build a new network. However, you’re welcome—encouraged, even!—to wade into the parsing setup and evaluation code to understand more of how this kind of model works.

In Homework 3, we’ve also included several optional tasks for those that feel ambitious. Please finish the regular homework first before even considering these tasks. There is no extra credit for completing any of these optional tasks, only glory and knowledge.

2 PyTorch

Homework 3 will use the PyTorch deep learning library. However, your actual implementation will use only a small part of the library’s core functionality, which should be enough to get you building networks. Rather than try to explain all of PyTorch in a mere homework write-up, we’ll refer you to the fantastic PyTorch community tutorials3 for comprehensive coverage. Note that you do not need to read all these tutorials! We’re only building a feed forward network here, so there’s no need to read up on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), or any variant thereof. Instead, as a point of departure into deep learning land, try walking through this tutorial on Logistic Regression4 which is the PyTorch version of what you implemented in Homework 1. That tutorial will hopefully help you see how the things you had to implement in HW1 get greatly simplified when using these deep learning libraries (e.g., compare their stochastic gradient descent code with yours!).

The biggest conceptual change for using PyTorch with this homework will be using batching. We talked briefly about batching during the Logistic Regression lecture, where instead of using just a single data point to compute the gradient, you use several—or a batch. In practice, using a batch of instances greatly speeds up the convergence of the model. Further when using a GPU, often batching is significantly more computationally efficient because you’ll be using more of the special matrix multiplication processor at once (GPUs are designed to do lots of multiplications in parallel, so batching helps “fill the capacity” of work that can be done in a single time step). In practice, we’ve already set up the code for you to be in batches so when you get an instance with k features, you’re really getting a tensor5 of size b k where b is the batch size. Thanks to the magic

5Tensor is a fancier name for multi-dimensional data. A vector is a 1-dimensional tensor and a matrix is a 2-dimensional tensor. Most of the operations for deep learning libraries will talk about “tensors” so it’s important to get used to this terminology.


Softmax layer:

• = softmax(W2h) Hidden layer:

• = (W1wxw + W1txt + W1lxl + b1)3 Input layer: [xw, xt, xl]


· · ·

· · ·

··· ···
words POS tags arc labels

Stack Buffer

g(w1x1 + . . . + wmxm + b) =
(wiwj wk)xixj xk + b(wiwj )xixj . . .Figure 4: The analogy for how it might seem to implement this parser based on the instructions, but in reality, it’s not too hard!

We’ve provided skeleton code with TODOs for where the main parts of what you need to do are sketched out. All of your required code should be written in or, though you are welcome to read or adjust the other file’s code to help debug, be more verbose, or just poke around to see what it does.

5 Data

Data has already been provided for you in the data/ directory in CoNLL format. You do not need to deal with the data itself, as the feature code can already read the data and generate training instances.

6 Task 1: Finish the implementation

In Task 1, you’ll implement the feed-forward neural network in based on the description in this write-up or the original paper. Second, you’ll implement the core training loop which will

1. Loop through the dataset for the specified number of epochs

2. Sample a batch of instances

3. Produce predictions for each instance in the batch

4. Score those predictions using your loss function


5. Perform backpropagation and update the parameters.

Many of these tasks are straightforward with PyTorch and none of them should require complex operations. Having a good understanding of how to implement/train logistic regression in PyTorch will go a long way.

The file works with command line flags to enable quick testing and training. To train your system, run python –train. Note that this will break on the released code since the model is not implemented! However, once it’s working, you should see an output that looks something like the following after one epoch:

Loading dataset for training

Loaded Train data

Loaded Dev data

Loaded Test data

Vocab Build Done!

embedding matrix Build Done

converting data into ids..


Loading embeddings

Creating new trainable embeddings

words: 39550

some hyperparameters

{’load_existing_vocab’: True, ’word_vocab_size’: 39550,

’pos_vocab_size’: 48, ’dep_vocab_size’: 42,

’word_features_types’: 18, ’pos_features_types’: 18,

’dep_features_types’: 12, ’num_features_types’: 48,

’num_classes’: 3}

[0], loss: 99.790, acc: 0.309
[50], loss: 4.170, acc: 0.786
[100], loss: 2.682, acc: 0.795
[150], loss: 1.795, acc: 0.818
[200], loss: 1.320, acc: 0.840
[250], loss: 1.046, acc: 0.837
[300], loss: 0.841, acc: 0.843
[350], loss: 0.715, acc: 0.848
[400], loss: 0.583, acc: 0.854
[450], loss: 0.507, acc: 0.864
[500], loss: 0.495, acc: 0.863
[550], loss: 0.487, acc: 0.863
[600], loss: 0.423, acc: 0.869
[650], loss: 0.386, acc: 0.867
[700], loss: 0.338, acc: 0.867
[750], loss: 0.340, acc: 0.874
[800], loss: 0.349, acc: 0.868
[850], loss: 0.320, acc: 0.873
[900], loss: 0.322, acc: 0.879
End of

Saving current state of model to saved_weights/parser-epoch-1.mdl

Evaluating on valudation data after epoch 1

Validation acc: 0.341

– validation UAS: 70.42


Here, the core training loop is printing out the accuracy at each step as well as the cross-entropy loss. At the end of the epoch, the core loop scores the model on the validation data and reports the UAS, which is the score we care about. Further, the core loop will save the model after each epoch in saved weights.

7 Task 2: Score Your System

We want to build a good parser and to measure how good our parser is doing, we’ll use UAS for this assignment, which corresponds to the percentage of words that have the correct head in the dependency arc. Note that this score isn’t looking at the particular label (e.g., nsubj), just whether we’ve created the correct parsing structure. For lots more details on how to evaluate parsers, see Kubler¨ et al. [2009] page 79.

For Task 2, you’ll measure the performance of your system performance relative to the number of training epochs and evaluate on the final test data. This breaks down into the following problems to solve.

Problem 2.1. Train your system for at least 5 epochs, which should generate 5 saved models in saved-weights. For each of these saved models, compute the UAS score.9 You’ll make three plots: (1) the loss during training for each epoch, (2) the accuracy for each epoch during training, and (3) the UAS score for the test data for each epoch’s model.10 You can make a nice plot each run’s performance using Seaborn:

Problem 2.2. Write at least three sentences describing what you see in the graphs and when you would want to stop training.

8 Task 3: Try different network designs and hyperparameters

Why stop at 1 hidden layer?? And why not use a ReLU instead of Cubic for an activation function? In Task 3, you get to try out different network architectures. We suggest trying out some of the following and then repeating Task 2 to see how performance changes. For easier debugging and replicability, you should make a new class that is a copy of ParserModel (once it’s working for Task 2) and make all your modifications to that class.

Some suggested modifications are:

1. Add 1 or more layers to the network.

2. Add normalization or regularization to the layers.

3. Change to a different activation function

4. Change the size (number of neurons) in layers

9The code makes it easy to do this where you can specify which saved model to use, e.g., python –test –load model file saved weights/parser-epoch-2.mdl

10 For a fun exercise, try doing this process 4-5 times and see how much variance there is.


5. Change the embedding size

How high can you get the performance to go?

Problem 3.1. Train your system for at least 5 epochs and generate the same plots as in Prob-lem 2.1 for this new model’s performance but include both the old model and the new model’s performances in each.

8.1 Task 4: What’s the parser doing, anyway?

A big part of the assignment is learning about how to build neural networks that solve NLP prob-lems. However, we care about more than just a single metric! In Task 4, you’ll look at the ac-tual shift-reduce parsing output to see how well your model is doing. We’ve already provided the functionality for you to input a sentence and have the model print out (1) the steps that the shift-reduce parser takes and (2) the resulting parse. This functionality is provided using the –parse sentence argument that takes in a string.

python –parse_sentence “I eat” –load_model_file \ saved_weights/parser-epoch-5.mdl

[…model loading stuff…]



buffer: [’i’, ’eat’]

stack: [’<root>’]

action: shift


buffer: [’eat’]

stack: [’<root>’, ’i’]

action: shift


buffer: []

stack: [’<root>’, ’i’, ’eat’]

action: left arc, <d>:compound:prt


buffer: []

stack: [’<root>’, ’eat’]

action: right arc, <d>:det:predet






In Task 4, you’ll take a look at these outputs and determine whether they were correct.

Problem 4.1. Using one of your trained models, report the shift-reduce output for the sentence “The big dog ate my homework” and the parse tree

Problem 4.2. More than likely, the model has made a mistake somewhere. For the output, report what was the correct operation to make at each time step: shift, left-arc, right-arc (you do not need to worry about the specific dependency arc labels for this homework).

9 Optional Task

Homework 3 has lots of potential for exploration if you find parsing interesting or want to try building models. Here, we’ve listed a few different fully optional tasks you could try to help provide guidance. These are only for glory and will not change your score. Please please please make sure you finish the homework before trying any of these.

Optional Task 1: Measure the Effect of Pre-Trained Embeddings

In Task 2, your model learned word embeddings from scratch. However, there’s plenty of rare words in the dataset which may not have useful embeddings. Another idea is to pre-train word embeddings from a large corpus and then use those during training. This leverages the massive corpus to learn the meanings so that your model can effectively make use of the information— even for words that are rare in training. But which corpus should we use? In Optional Task 1, we’ve conveniently pre-trained 50-dimensional vectors for you from two sources: all of Wikipedia and 1B words from Twitter.

Specifically, for Optional Task 1, you will update your code to allow providing a file containing word embedding in word2vec’s binary format and use those embeddings in training instead of pretraining. You shouldn’t update these vectors like you would do if you were learning from scratch, so you’ll need to turn off the gradient descent for them. Part of Optional Task 1 is thinking about why you shouldn’t change these vectors.

Finally, once you have the vectors loaded, you’ll measure the performance just like you did in

Task 2. This breaks down to the following steps:

Problem 3.1. Write code that loads in word vectors in word2vec’s binary format (see Home-work 2’s code which has something like this). You’ll need to convert these vectors into PyTorch’s Embedding object to use.

Problem 3.2. Prevent the pretrained embeddings from being updated during gradient descent.

Problem 3.3. Write a few sentences about why we would turn off training. Be sure to describe what effect allowing the weights to change might have on future performance?11

Problem 3.4. Repeat the 5 epochs training like you did in Task 2 using the Twitter and Wikipedia embeddings and plot the performance of each on the development data (feel free to include the learned-embedding performance in this plot too). Write a few sentences describing what you see and why you think the performance is the way it is. Are you surprised?

10 Submission

Please upload the following to Canvas as separate files by the deadline:

1. a PDF (preferred) or .docx with your responses and plots for the questions above

2. your code for the parser12

11If you’re struggling to write this part, try allowing their values to get updated and compare the performance difference between the development and test data. Feel free to report the scores!

12 No zip files


Code should be submitted for any .py file you modified. Please upload your code and response-document separately. We reserve the right to run any code you submit; code that does not run or produces substantially different outputs will receive a zero.

11 Academic Honesty

Unless otherwise specified in an assignment all submitted work must be your own, original work. Any excerpts, statements, or phrases from the work of others must be clearly identified as a quo-tation, and a proper citation provided. Any violation of the University’s policies on Academic and Professional Integrity may result in serious penalties, which might range from failing an as-signment, to failing a course, to being expelled from the program. Violations of academic and professional integrity will be reported to Student Affairs. Consequences impacting assignment or course grades are determined by the faculty instructor; additional sanctions may be imposed.


Danqi Chen and Christopher Manning. A fast and accurate dependency parser using neural networks. In Proceedings of the 2014 conference on empirical methods in natural language processing (EMNLP), pages 740–750, 2014.

Sandra Kubler,¨ Ryan McDonald, and Joakim Nivre. Dependency parsing. Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies, 1(1):1–127, 2009.



















SI Homework 3 Dependency Parsing Solution
$35.00 $29.00