Distributed Systems Assignment 3 Solution

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  Marks [50] Using RMI, implement Shared Shortest Path Finder. The server would manage a graph and allow clients to either update graph or find shortest path between any two nodes using remote method invocation. Following are the requirements that must be met to complete the assignment – 1. Client can modify the graph: Server…

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Marks [50]

Using RMI, implement Shared Shortest Path Finder. The server would manage a graph and allow clients to either update graph or find shortest path between any two nodes using remote method invocation.

Following are the requirements that must be met to complete the assignment –

1. Client can modify the graph: Server takes the new edge to be


added and adds the nodes as well if not already present.

cmd: add_edge node1 node2



  1. Client can find the path length of the shortest path between any two nodes. Server returns -1 if no path between node1 node2

cmd: shortest_distance node1 node2


3. Client can request for printing


cmd: get_graph


The application should be able to run on multiple machines. Server on


one machine and clients on other machines.

(-5 marks if

not done)

(BONUS) Application should be able to manage multiple graphs. [Note

[10 marks]

that the commands above would change accordingly to handle multiple


NOTE: Strict actions would be taken against anyone found involved in any kind of plagiarism either from the internet or from other students.

Distributed Systems Assignment 3 Solution
$30.00 $24.00