CSE Branch Prediction Championship Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Setting Up the Simulation Infrastructure: Download the BPC kit: bpc6421AU17.zip (~500M) and save it in your home directory. Unpack the kit: gunzip bpc6421AU17.zip cd bpc6421AU17 There should be four directories: sim, scripts, traces, and results The sim directory contains the simulator. cd sim make ./predictor ../traces/SHORT-INT-1.cbp4.gz The scripts directory contains scripts that can help you…

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Setting Up the Simulation Infrastructure:

  1. Download the BPC kit:

bpc6421AU17.zip (~500M) and save it in your home directory.

  1. Unpack the kit:

gunzip bpc6421AU17.zip cd bpc6421AU17

  1. There should be four directories: sim, scripts, traces, and results

  1. The sim directory contains the simulator.

cd sim make

./predictor ../traces/SHORT-INT-1.cbp4.gz

  1. The scripts directory contains scripts that can help you run your predictor for all traces. Check out the doit.sh file in the scripts directory.

cd ../scripts


  1. We will use the AMEAN over all traces as the figure of merit. You can compute this using the getdata.pl script. Usage is as follows.

./getdata.pl -d ../results/GSHARE*

  1. The traces directory contains 20 traces: 10 short traces (~30 million instructions) derived from CBP-1 and 10 long traces(~150 million instructions) derived from SPEC 2006.

Writing Your Own Branch Predictor:

In your sim directory, there are two files you can modify: predictor.cc and predictor.h

Only these two files should be submitted with your contest submission. Any changes you make to any other files will not be reflected in our simulator.


CSE Branch Prediction Championship Solution
$30.00 $24.00