Lab10 Heaps

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The goal of this week’s assignment is: Practice using heaps Learn about the importance of debugging Part 0 Create a new Java project and call it Lab10. Create a package inside your project and call it lab10. Download the Lab10-Assignment10 ZIP folder from Blackboard and copy in the following files: You will be working…

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The goal of this week’s assignment is:

    1. Practice using heaps

  1. Learn about the importance of debugging

Part 0

  • Create a new Java project and call it Lab10.

  • Create a package inside your project and call it lab10.

  • Download the Lab10-Assignment10 ZIP folder from Blackboard and copy in the following files:

    • You will be working on developing methods for this class. This class represents a max heap. This class has been partially implemented for you.

      • A set of test cases your code should handle.

Part 1 – Problem description

For this lab, you are asked to write methods to complete the implementation of a binary max heap class. In a binary max heap, each node can have at most two children, and the data in the parent node must be greater than or equal to all of its descendants. Remember that, like min heaps, there is no relationship between the data values of the siblings of a specific parent (i.e., the right child does not have to be greater or smaller than the left child). The max heap in this case is nothing but an array. Recall from the lectures, for implementing a binary tree (or in this case a heap) using an array, we need the following rule: for any node at index i, its two children are at index (i*2)+1 and (i*2)+2. The functions to access the parent, left child or right child of a node have been implemented for you.

Given an array of N values, a heap containing those values can be built, in-place, by simply “sifting” each internal node down to its proper location. You have seen the opposite behavior during the lecture for a min heap. For example, imagine that we want to add 84 to the following heap that is represented using the following array:

In order to offer 84 in this max heap, we start by putting the value 84 at the last internal node possible. Which one is it?!

Now, we need to make sure whether it is in its current position, meaning if the value of its parent is smaller than 84, we need to swap the current node (84) with its parent till the max heap property is satisfied. Before you continue, take a moment and think about how the array (representing the max heap) should look like after this offer. Here is how it should look like after the offer:

You need to convince yourself why the internal nodes have been moved around before you continue.

Similar to lab 9, We provided a simple variation of in-order traversal of a tree (suggested in the book – Chapter 17.2 – page 1031): “instead of printing values all on

a line, we will print them one per line and use indentation to indicate the level of the tree”. For example, the previous heap can be printed using a call to printSideways():
















The extra zero values are due to the fact that the max heap has been initialized so that it can contain 15 elements. You need to imagine rotating this output 90 degrees in a clockwise fashion (or tilting your head to the left) to see the tree structure. This function can come handy. There is also a toString() method that you can use to return a String representation of the heap.

Before you move on to the next part, take a couple of minutes and look at the definition of the methods provided for you and the fields of this class. Consult the lab TAs if you have questions!

Remember: you are NOT allowed to change the signature of the methods. However, you are more than welcome to create and use helper methods.

Finally, please note that you do not need to worry about the array containing the heap running out of space (keep this in mind, when you are testing your code – not to add more than the array can contain).

This week you are required to implement the following methods. We will only do the first three during the lab:

  1. public MaxHeap(int maxsize)

  1. public void offer(int element)

  1. public int poll()

  1. public void sort()

  1. public MaxHeap(int[] arr)

Part 2 – MaxHeap constructor

By the end of this week’s assignment you are going to implement two constructors for this class. We start with the easy constructor for the lab. The signature of this constructor MUST be the following (only modify where it says “FILL IN” – DO NOT change the signature):

public MaxHeap(int maxsize)

As the signature of this method suggests, this is a constructor for this class. This method will initialize the status of the member variables (i.e., size) of this class based on the input parameter. So, this function will create the array (heap) with the specified size and initialize all of its elements to be zero. You need to be careful about whether any other field needs to be initialized at this stage (hint: think about what the value of size should be).

Part 3 – offer method

The signature of this method should be (only modify where it says “FILL IN” – DO NOT change the signature):

public void offer(int element)

This function will offer the given value (element) into the heap and position it into the correct location. Go back to the problem description part and make sure you are following the steps given EXACTLY. The element is supposed to be added to the latest position available in the heap array and then you must make proper changes to the heap structure to maintain the max heap property. Don’t forget to update the size value.

Part 4 – poll method

The signature of this method should be:

public int poll()

This function will remove and return the maximum value stored in the max heap. Recall that, by definition, this value would be stored in the root. The logic here is similar to removing min from the min heap covered during the class. To implement this function, start by swapping the root with the last leaf, sift the new root down to restore heap property. If the heap is empty this method should return -1.

Part 5 – Test your code

As usual you need to test the functionality of the methods you have implemented. A set of test cases has been provided for you in Uncomment the lab portion of the tests and run the main function. If you see any red text that says “TEST FAILED”, you need to debug your code.

How to debug your code?

  1. Use the Eclipse debugger you learned about during the first lab 2. If you see JavaStackOverflow, that means that you have an infinite recursive call and your recursive call is filling up the “call stack” (we talked about this concept in class). Go back and debug the method that is causing the problem. 3. Infinite loops! How would you know you have an infinite loop? As you should know from CSC120, if you have an infinite loop in your code, your code will not stop running. An easy way to inspect that in Eclipse is to look at your console window, if your code is done running the console should look like the following:

If the little square marked above is red and continues to stay red, that means your code has an infinite loop!

Lab10 Heaps
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