ELE – Lab 2: Combinational Logic, Modules, and Testing Solution

$35.00 $29.00

Tutorial Reading: Chapters 1, 2, and 7 Tutorial Review Questions: 1.6, 2.2, 2.4, 2.5, 7.1, 7.2, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6 Estimated Time: 3-5 hours Introduction In this lab, we will focus on the two primary ways Verilog can be used to model combinational logic. You will use both of them to build a simple 8-bit adder…

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Tutorial Reading: Chapters 1, 2, and 7

Tutorial Review Questions: 1.6, 2.2, 2.4, 2.5, 7.1, 7.2, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6

Estimated Time: 3-5 hours


In this lab, we will focus on the two primary ways Verilog can be used to model combinational logic. You will use both of them to build a simple 8-bit adder circuit. Additionally, you will learn about modules and Verilog’s hierarchy. Finally, you will write your own test cases to verify that your adder implementation works as expected.

It is expected that you have completed the tutorial reading and tutorial review questions prior to beginning the lab. Your answers to the review ques-tions should be a part of your write-up that is submitted at the end of the lab.

To begin, download the le lab2.zip from Blackboard if you have not al-ready done so. Extract the contents of the .zip le. On Linux and Mac OS X, this can be done with a command such as

1 unzip lab2.zip



On Windows, this can be done by right clicking on the le and selecting \Extract All”. This should have created a new directory named lab2. Navigate to this lab2 directory in your command line.

As a nal note, adders are very common and useful digital circuits. You’ll cover them in great detail later in this course, but for now we’ll be using the simplest of all adder designs as the basis for this lab. This design is a simple combinational circuit, and just treat it as you would for any other combinational circuit! You won’t need any prior knowledge of how adder circuits work prior to starting this lab.

Part 1: Continuous Assignment { 1-bit Adder

In this section, you will be building a simple 1-bit adder circuit using the rst style of combinational logic { continuous assignment. A 1-bit adder circuit has three inputs and two outputs. The inputs are the two values to add (a and b) and a carry-in value (ci). The outputs are the sum (s) and a carry-out value (co). The truth table for this circuit is shown below.














































Read the truth table carefully to understand what the circuit does. Es-sentially, the 1-bit adder adds the three input bits. If the sum is greater than one, the carry-out bit is set. If the sum is one or three, the sum bit is set. Thus, the pair fco, sg forms a two-bit number that is the binary sum of the three input bits.

By algebraic reduction, we nd that

co = ab + aci + bci


s = a b ci


where is the XOR operator. This leads to the circuit shown in Figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1: One-bit Full Adder Circuit

Your task for this section is to implement this one-bit adder circuit using only continuous assignment and wire types. As a reminder, Verilog’s contin-uous assignment statement looks like this:

1 wire x, y, z;

2 assign x = y & z; // using assign keyword


4 wire w = y | z; // alternative – assign in declaration

Write your code in FullAdder.v. The FullAdder module has already been declared for you, so just ll in the body to match the circuit pictured in Figure 2.1. One last note { do not use the addition (+) operator in your code in this section. We want you to implement the circuit exactly as pictured. Don’t use built-in logic gate modules either { for now, just stick to bitwise and logical operators and continuous assignments.

Once your circuit has been completed, compile the FullAdder module. Open your terminal (OS X or Linux) or cmd program (Windows) and change


directories into the /lab2 directory. Then, execute the following command:

1 iverilog -g2005 -Wall -o FullAdderTest FullAdder.t.v

This command will compile your FullAdder.v and our test module, Ful-ladder.t.v. If there are any warnings or errors, x them before proceeding.

Once compilation is complete, you can run the testing suite with the fol-lowing command:

1 vvp FullAdderTest

The testing suite should report no errors. If you have any errors, go back and check your logic. The waveforms for the suite will be dumped as FullAdderTest.vcd. If you need to use them for debugging, just open them with GTKWave:

1 gtkwave FullAdderTest.vcd

Once the testing suite passes, you can move on to the next section.

Part 2: Modules and Hierarchy { 8-bit Adder

Now that your one-bit full adder circuit works correctly, you can chain several of them together to form an adder for multi-bit signals. The simplest form of multi-bit adder is the carry-ripple adder, which is simply a linear chain of 1-bit full adders. The carry-out of each full adder is connected to the carry-in of the next full adder in the chain, and as each bit in the nal sum is computed, the carry values ripple down the chain of adders towards the nal carry-out value.

Figure 2.2 shows a diagram of a four-bit carry-ripple adder.

Figure 2.2: Four-bit Carry-Ripple Adder Circuit


Let’s walk through how this adder works. Assume that you have two four-bit signals, a and b, whose bits are labeled from 3 (highest) to 0 (lowest). The right-most adder in Figure 2.2 sums a[0], b[0], and the carry-in bit. The sum is stored in s[0], and the carry-out ripples over to become the carry-in of the next adder. This adder sums a[1], b[1], and the carry-out of the previous adder, writing the sum to s[1] and rippling the carry-out down the chain. At its core, this circuit works just like grade school addition { line up the digits of the operands and then work right-to-left, summing matching digits to produce a result and a carry.

Your task for this section is to create an 8-bit carry-ripple adder by in-stantiating eight copies of your FullAdder module from the previous section. You’ll want to review the section on modules and the hierarchy from the Ver-ilog tutorial before beginning.

Write your code in Adder8Hierarchical.v. The module prototype is pro-vided for you { just ll in the body with your code. Note that FullAdder.v has already been included at the top of the le, so you can instantiate FullAdder modules without any further hassle.

Feel free to include as many internal wires as you need. If you’d like to use a generate loop to make the code simpler, feel free to read the chapter on loops in the Verilog tutorial. However, this is not required, and it is recommended to instantiate the eight full-adder modules explicitly rather than via a loop.

Once you’ve completed your design, compile it with the following:

1 iverilog -g2005 -Wall -o Adder8Test Adder8.t.v

This command will compile your Adder8Hierarchical.v and our test mod-ule, Adder8.t.v. If there are any errors, x them before proceeding.

Note that this testing suite is designed to test both Adder8Hierarchical.v and Adder8Procedural.v, which you will create next. If you see any warnings regarding Adder8Procedural.v, ignore them for now. Run the testing suite with the following command:

1 vvp Adder8Test

There’s only one test in this suite for now. You should see no failures for the hierarchical adder, although there will be a failure for the procedural adder. If you have an error for the hierarchical adder, you can open the waveforms for this test with GTKWave:

1 gtkwave Adder8Test.vcd

Once you see no errors for the hierarchical adder, you can proceed to the next section.


Part 3: Procedural Assignment { 8-bit Adder

Now that you’ve learned about continuous assignment and modules, we’re going to create another 8-bit adder using procedural assignment. Make sure to read the Verilog tutorial’s description of procedural combinational logic before proceeding.

In this section, you will build a full 8-bit adder using only reg datatypes and the always @( * ) procedure. In this section, you should use the addi-tion (+) operator. As you’ll probably notice, your code should be considerably shorter. Write your code in Adder8Procedural.v. As usual, the module proto-type is provided for you { just ll in the body.

Note that, although the code you write for this task will perform the same function as the code you wrote for your 8-bit hierarchical adder, the actual circuit that will be synthesized from those Verilog les could be radically di erent. The code you wrote using only bitwise operators will be translated directly down to gates as you speci ed. However, if you use the addition operator, a Verilog synthesizer is free to use any adder circuit it sees t during synthesis. This could be a carry-ripple adder, but it could also be a more complex adder type.

It is good to be aware of this trade-o when designing circuits in Verilog. You can express a logical circuit in a wide variety of ways. Using higher-level operators like addition allows for much simpler code, but it gives up some ne-grained control of exactly what the nal circuit will look like after synthesis.

Once your circuit is completed (make sure to use a procedural always block for your combinational logic), compile it and run it through our testing suite using the same commands from the hierarchical adder’s section.

Now, you should see no failures for either the procedural or hierarchical adders. Once neither adder is failing, proceed to the next section.

Write-up Question 1:

What are the two di erent types of assignment in Verilog? Which datatypes does each style use?

Write-up Question 2:

In the last lab, we discussed two di erent styles of writing combinational logic in Verilog. The hierarchical 8-bit adder is best described as which of the two? How about the procedural 8-bit adder? Justify your answers.


Write-up Question 3:

In the hierarchical 8-bit adder, it can be seen that the circuit’s gate-level struc-ture is explicitly described. On the other hand, the procedural 8-bit adder does not describe much of the gate-level structure. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each implementation approach (hierarchical and proce-dural)? Furthermore, what are the advantages and disadvantages of using higher-level operators in Verilog, such as using arithmetic operators instead of bitwise operators?

Part 4: Writing Your Own Tests

Now that both of your 8-bit adders are completed, you will add to our test cases. Read the Verilog tutorial’s chapter on testbenches before starting (you can ignore the details about clocks for now).

Once you’re ready, open up our tests for the 8-bit adder, which are con-tained in Adder8.t.v. We have one basic test case already laid out (commented as \Test Case 0″). For this section, your task is to add at least ve more test cases. Some may be random, but be sure to select a few carefully to test corner cases of the adders. For example, make sure to test a case where the carry-out for the adder is actually used!

For each test case, make sure to test both the hierarchical and procedural adder. Feel free to copy liberally from our example test case { the point of this exercise is to make you comfortable writing tests and coming up with your own test cases, so it’s okay if you just re-use our code and change values.

Once you nish writing your test cases, re-compile Adder8.t.v and re-run Adder8Test. Ensure that both of adders pass all of your tests.

Write-up Question 4:

Describe the test cases that you chose for your adder. Explain why you chose each and how each contributes to testing your adder’s correctness. It’s okay if a few of your choices are random, but at least a few should have been chosen intentionally to test speci c behaviors.


Write-up Question 5:

Attach a screenshot of GTKWave’s waveforms for Adder8Test.vcd. Add the signals ah, bh, cih, sh, and coh from the Adder8Test module, and drag the cursor to hover over the provided test case (10 + 15 + 1 = 26 + 0). Explain how these waveforms show that the adder works for the given test case. Please note that GTKWave may represent multi-bit signals by default in hex, depending on the bit width { you can convert to binary or decimal by left-clicking (on some systems, use Ctrl+click or Cmd+click) on a multi-bit signal and then selecting from the \Data Format” menu. You may also nd it by left-clicking the signal and then right click anywhere in the wire panel and then go to \Data Format” (it’s also listed under the \Edit” menu).

Write-up Question 6:

Please leave a bit of feedback regarding this lab. How much time did it take, how di cult was it, did you get stuck anywhere? There are no wrong answers here { we’ll be using the feedback to adjust this lab for the future.

Demonstration, Write-Up, and Submission


For your demonstration this week, visit one of the lab help sessions on Zoom and show a graduate TA your test cases for the 8-bit adder. Explain at least one test case, and demonstrate that your adders produce the correct results for that test case by using either $display statements in the testbench or by viewing waveform outputs in GTKWave.


For your write-up, please write your solutions to the tutorial review questions assigned at the beginning of the lab (1.6, 2.2, 2.4, 2.5, 7.1, 7.2, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6) and the 6 numbered Write-up questions above (15 questions in total). Please make sure your answers are concise. Feel free to create the write-up in any program of your choice, but save it as a PDF. Name your PDF ELE206 lab2 netid.pdf, with netid replaced with your Princeton NetID.



Delete Adder8Test, FullAdderTest, and any .vcd waveform les from the /lab2 directory. You can do this via your le browser or with one of the following commands.

On OS X and Linux:

1 rm -f *.vcd Adder8Test FullAdderTest

On Windows:

1 del *.vcd Adder8Test FullAdderTest

Then add your PDF explanation le to that directory and create a .zip archive of that directory. Make sure to name it as ELE206 lab2 netid.zip, with netid replaced with your Princeton NetID.

On OS X and Linux, simply change directories in your terminal to the the directory that contains the /lab2 directory and then execute this command:

1 zip -r ELE206_lab2_netid.zip ./lab2

On Windows, simply open up File Explorer and locate the /lab2 folder. From Command Prompt, you can open your current directory’s parent in File Explorer by issuing this command:

1 explorer.exe ..

Right-click on the /lab2 folder and select \Send to”, then \Compressed (zipped) folder”. This will create a .zip le.

For reference, here is a checklist of les that must be in your .zip:

ELE206 lab2 netid.pdf



  • Adder8Procedural.v


Finally,ˆ submit the following to Gradescope:

ELE206 lab2 netid.zip

ELE - Lab 2: Combinational Logic, Modules, and Testing Solution
$35.00 $29.00