ELE – Lab 3: Sequential Logic Solution

$30.00 $24.00

Tutorial Reading: Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 7 Tutorial Review Questions: 1.10, 1.12, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 7.3 Introduction In this lab, you will write and debug Verilog to simulate simple sequential circuits. This assignment will emphasize the di erent ways that a circuit could be written in Verilog. It is expected that you have…

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Tutorial Reading: Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 7

Tutorial Review Questions: 1.10, 1.12, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 7.3


In this lab, you will write and debug Verilog to simulate simple sequential circuits. This assignment will emphasize the di erent ways that a circuit could be written in Verilog. It is expected that you have completed the tutorial reading and tutorial review questions prior to beginning the lab. Your answers to the review questions should be a part of your write-up that is submitted at the end of the lab.

To begin, download and unzip lab3.zip from Blackboard, and follow the instructions in this document.

You may also wish to review the lecture slides or textbook sections cov-ering single-bit memory storage blocks. This is covered in section 3.2 of the textbook.

Part 1: A simple latch

In lecture, various forms of latches and ip- ops were discussed. These are also discussed in textbook section 3.2. We will begin by implementing a latch in Verilog. The textbook and lecture both present a SR latch implemented using NOR gates. Here, we will implement a di erent kind of latch in structural Verilog using NAND gates as shown in Figure 3.1.



Figure 3.1: An SR latch

You should be able to reason from the circuit schematic that when the

S (not set) input of the latch is 0 and R is not, the output Q gets set to 1.

When R (not reset) is 0 and S is not, Q will be reset to 0. We can see this is a sequential circuit and not merely a combinational one because there is some input value for which the output Q could be either 1 or 0, depending on previous inputs.

Write-up Question 1:

Show how the circuit is bistable when the input is (S, R) = (1, 1), that is, the circuit could be in two di erent stable states with di erent output values. Describe how the latch could be operated to store one bit of information.

Write-up Question 2:

What happens when the input is (S, R) = (0, 0)? What would happen if the input instantaneously transitions from (0, 0) to the \store” input, (1, 1)? Would something be stored? What if the transition is not instantaneous, and one bit in the input transitions from 0 to 1 some time before the other?

Structural Verilog

Open the le Latch structural.v. It has a module named Latch with two inputs ns (not set) and nr (not reset), as well as two outputs named q and nq. Recall that all of a module’s ports are implicitly wires, and can therefore be assigned to using continuous assignment, and can be used as values in expressions as well. Fill in the logic of the module to make it match what


is shown in Figure 3.1. Use two assign statements, one representing each NAND gate.

Save the le Latch structural.v. We have provided a simple testbench named Latch.t.v that simply provides a sequence of inputs to the Latch. Note how the testbench module instantiates the Latch and gives it a series of input values, using delays between switching input values. Save these two les in the same directory, and then compile the les together and view the simulation results.

1 iverilog -Wall -o Latch_test Latch_structural.v Latch.t.v

2 vvp Latch_test

3 gtkwave Latch_test.vcd

Look through the waveforms carefully to ensure that your latch is functioning correctly.

Write-up Question 3:

The simulation avoids the problematic transition from (0; 0) to (1; 1) discussed in the previous write-up question. The simulator is a single-threaded program running on your computer, meaning it cannot perform two computations in parallel. Instead, after each change in input value, it works its way through the circuit, evaluating changes in signal values one after another. Explain how di erent simulators might give di erent results when attempting to simulate the problematic transition in input values. You do not need to check your answer using simulation.

Behavioral Verilog

Open the le Latch behavioral.v. This will be another implementation of a Latch, but now both outputs are declared to be regs. Fill in the always block with procedural assignment and any necessary code structures to make the module function as in the structural implementation: (ns, nr) = (1, 0), (ns, nr) = (0, 1), and (ns, nr) = (0, 0) are input values that can change the values of q and nq. As you found previously, the input transitioning from (0,

  1. to directly to (1, 1) is problematic, so you can simply ignore this case, and assume that both inputs bits will not simultaneously change from 0 to 1. You can therefore also assume that whenever the input is (1, 1), the values of q and nq are stored and do not change.

Save the le Latch behavioral.v. You can compile it with the same test-bench as in the previous part and perform a simulation:


1 iverilog -Wall -o Latch_test Latch_behavioral.v Latch.t.v

2 vvp Latch_test

3 gtkwave Latch_test.vcd

The result of this simulation should be identical to the simulation of your structural Verilog implementation of a Latch.

Write-up Question 4:

In a large computer system, memory units must be occasionally replaced or upgraded, e.g. upgrading a hard drive in a data center. These memory units behave similarly, sometimes following an industry standard, but they may be implemented very di erently at the gate-level. Similarly, in a larger circuit design, a designer may want to substitute one latch for another. This would need to be done without causing functional changes in the larger design. What conditions and/or restrictions on input behaviors should be maintained across

the design in order for a designer to be able to successfully substitute an SR latch for another?

Write-up Question 5:

What are the advantages and disadvantages of implementing this latch struc-turally and behaviorally? Which implementation do you think is best? Why?


Part 2: Larger Sequential Circuits

Figure 3.2 shows a larger sequential circuit. The output behavior of this circuit for di erent inputs is not obvious from the circuit schematic.

Figure 3.2: A mysterious sequential circuit schematic

Structural Verilog

Open the Verilog le named MemBlock structural.v containing a module named MemBlock that will implement the circuit in Figure 3.2 using structural Ver-ilog. It has two inputs named x and y, as well as two outputs named q and nq. You should be able to reduce the amount of logic you must write by us-ing three instances of the Latch module from the previous part, and connect them with additional wires you may declare as necessary, as well as only a very small amount of additional logic. Hint: the three-input NAND gate in Figure 3.2 is equivalent to two two-input gates connected properly.

You may not declare any reg datatype in this le. You may declare more wires and use continuous assignment or module instantiation to assign values to any wires. You will receive partial credit on this section if you do not make e ective use of three Latch instances in your circuit implementation.


To nd out the behavior of this circuit, we can simply simulate it instead of trying to analyze it by hand. Create your own testbench for this circuit in a le named MemBlock.t.v. You may base your testbench on Latch.t.v, but you should add to the testbench in order to test more possible transitions between di erent input values, or to test di erent sequences of possible transitions, to better clarify the behavior of the circuit and answer the write-up ques-tions. Use the $dumpfile preprocessor directive to save data to a le named MemBlock test.vcd. After saving the les, compile your implementation of the circuit together with the testbench. If you used the Latch module in your MemBlock structural.v, you should include the structural Latch implementa-tion you wrote earlier in the compilation step. For example, you might use these commands:

1 iverilog -Wall -o MemBlock_test MemBlock.t.v MemBlock_structural.v


2 vvp MemBlock_test

3 gtkwave MemBlock_test.vcd

Write-up Question 6:

What 1-bit memory block that was discussed in lecture and in the textbook does this circuit behave the most like? Identify one of the inputs of this circuit as either an enable or clock signal. To support your answer, include one or more screenshots of waveforms in GTKWave recorded from the simulation of the circuit with your testbench.

Write-up Question 7:

In terms of the number of two-input gates that make up the circuit, compare this circuit with the memory block that it behaves similarly to that was dis-cussed in lecture and in the textbook. Which likely uses fewer transistors?

Behavioral Verilog

Finally, open the le MemBlock behavioral.v. Fill in the code to make this behave identically to the other MemBlock module, as far as its ability to load and store values based on the inputs. You should nd a very simple solution from carefully reading Chapter 3 of the Verilog tutorial. In particular, care-fully consider what to put in the sensitivity list to make the always procedure run at the correct times, based on your answer to write-up question 6. This


module should not contain any continuous assignment or instantiate any other modules.

You should test your module with your testbench and verify that the simu-lated behavior is the same as with your other MemBlock implementation, with the possible exception of the beginning of a simulation, before the MemBlock begins storing a value determined by the inputs supplied by the testbench. You should be able to do this using the following commands:

1 iverilog -Wall -o MemBlock_test MemBlock.t.v MemBlock_behavioral.v

2 vvp MemBlock_test

3 gtkwave MemBlock_test.vcd

Write-up Question 8:

Please leave a bit of feedback regarding this lab. How much time did it take, how di cult was it, did you get stuck anywhere? There are no wrong answers here { we’ll be using the feedback to adjust this lab for the future.

Demonstration, Write-Up, and Submission

Demonstration [60 points]

For your demonstration this week, visit one of the lab help sessions on Zoom to discuss your code for both MemBlock structural.v and MemBlock behavioral.v with a graduate TA and show the behavior of either one of them in GTKWave. You will need to explain to the TA what determines when a MemBlock is storing a value and when it is loading a new value.

Write-Up [40 points]

For your write-up, please write your solutions to the tutorial review questions assigned at the beginning of the lab (1.10, 1.12, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 7.3) and the 8 numbered Write-up questions above (15 questions in total). Please make sure your answers are concise. Feel free to create the write-up in any program of your choice, but save it as a PDF. Name your PDF ELE206 lab3 netid.pdf, with netid replaced with your Princeton NetID.


For submissions on Gradescope, please only upload your PDF write-up (ELE206 lab3 netid.pdf ) to Gradescope by the due date (no need to create


a .zip folder). Your code will be evaluated during the lab demonstration sessions on Zoom.

ELE - Lab 3: Sequential Logic Solution
$30.00 $24.00